12 Best Email Marketing Services for 2022 (Ranked)

A robust email marketing strategy is a great way to reach your target audience directly. But your email marketing campaign success rests on whether you used the best email marketing services. No two email marketing services are equal. So you must choose carefully. We created this guide and ranked the 12 best email marketing services… Continue reading 12 Best Email Marketing Services for 2022 (Ranked)

Are Modals In Web Design A UX Disaster?

Modals, a nifty little feature that allows you to display different messages at the top of your website, have been touted as extremely useful. Some even claim that they are helpful enough to completely replace the banner ads we all hate so much. But are modals in web design a UX disaster? If you are… Continue reading Are Modals In Web Design A UX Disaster?

Figma next steps, is Design Thinking overhyped, the UX of Stable Diffusion

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. “It’s 2022. Figma has completely taken over the Product Design world over the last four years. It’s rare to see a company gain such rapid adoption across an entire industry so quickly. With that kind of growth comes a lot of problems. The product accrues debt in different areas (both… Continue reading Figma next steps, is Design Thinking overhyped, the UX of Stable Diffusion

Handling cross-team feedback loops on design work

Escape the siloing trap when you are both part of a design team and a product team, involve people early and often, and foster the right conversation at the right time If you are a designer working in a product organization you are maybe also part of two teams at the same time: a design team… Continue reading Handling cross-team feedback loops on design work

How IBM revolutionized corporate America with design

For more than 100 years, IBM has been one of the prominent names among computing giants, dominating the early global market with technical and service superiority. They forged a path of innovation leading to Nobel Prizes, lucrative defense contracts, and they even helped to put a man on the moon. IBM CEO, Thomas J. Watson Jr.… Continue reading How IBM revolutionized corporate America with design

Gestalt psicology for dataviz

Understanding why specific data visualization techniques work better than others may not be so simple. Visual Pattern — Credits: Omar Flores on Unsplash We easily perceive a design that catches our attention, or elements that are out of place, but then we hardly know how to identify and evaluate them accurately, almost as if their effect acts at the… Continue reading Gestalt psicology for dataviz

What does your design cause?

What does your design cause which is undesirable or unintended or at odds with the design intent? How does one ask and answer these questions? In these next few posts I’m going to propose some ways of answering these questions that build up in complexity and propose some ways of thinking about causality and modeling… Continue reading What does your design cause?

Remote friendly or unfriendly?

Some easy steps to elevate remote working amongst colleagues and teams. I’ve been a product designer for a few years now, working in different countries and environments, with clients in completely different time zones, colleagues in different offices geographically, working remotely due to coronavirus, and of course, worked full time in the office with colleagues. Over… Continue reading Remote friendly or unfriendly?

How to Customize the WooCommerce Checkout Page

The checkout page is one of the most important pages on any eCommerce website. All the effort that you put into your website content, design and marketing will amount to nothing if your customers keep abandoning their carts and never complete the checkout process. Some statistics show that cart abandonment rate can vary in range… Continue reading How to Customize the WooCommerce Checkout Page

Advanced File Upload and Content Management With Filestack

We live in the information age. From communication to shopping to finances to work, we handle most of our interactions digitally through websites and apps. Yet even though the bulk of our information is digital, the sites and apps we use still need to access our data to manage it. As a developer, the thought… Continue reading Advanced File Upload and Content Management With Filestack

How to Crop or Resize an Image With JavaScript

It’s very easy to show a resized or cropped version of an image on a website using CSS. However, this doesn’t change the original image data. What if you want to create an actual cropped or resized version of an image for your visitors or clients? We’ve already published a couple of tutorials on how… Continue reading How to Crop or Resize an Image With JavaScript

WordPress Website Analysis: Before & After ImageEngine

WordPress is by far the world’s most popular CMS. Not only does it dominate the CMS market with a 64% market share, but it also powers 39.6% of all websites. It has taken the internet by storm by democratizing the web for all. Now, anyone can build, manage, and host a successful website without needing… Continue reading WordPress Website Analysis: Before & After ImageEngine

11 super-simple tips to help improve your Figma workflow (2022)

Hopefully you’ve been able to find a few handy little tips here that you can put into practice right away, and help improve the speed of your workflow today in Figma. Figma is an awesome tool with so many handy, and time-saving shortcuts that I keep discovering each day, and I’m sure you will to.… Continue reading 11 super-simple tips to help improve your Figma workflow (2022)

Categorized as UX Tagged

7 Websites with Incredible Animation For Inspiration

Websites with animation are pretty common nowadays and we don’t even know it. The animation could be injected into a website to make it the main focus of interest – landing pages, backgrounds, headers, and more. However, some websites introduce the animation so subtly, readers don’t often notice it. This could be via scrolling, navigation,… Continue reading 7 Websites with Incredible Animation For Inspiration

How to Integrate HubSpot with WooCommerce

As a business manager, you’re responsible for optimizing sales strategies, marketing activities, and communication methods to level up your business. Today, many online tools are available to make it easy for you to manage, market, and optimize your online store and boost your sales. HubSpot is one of these helpful online assistants that you can… Continue reading How to Integrate HubSpot with WooCommerce

5 Worth Checking Best Tools to Create Infographic

What is Infographic? Infographic or visual graphics are representations of your product, information, or data that  intentionally present the way where the audience easily and quickly digest and understand your message. In this article, we have shortlisted 5 Best Tools to Create Infographic, with the help of these tools you can create and present your… Continue reading 5 Worth Checking Best Tools to Create Infographic

5 Worth Checking Best Tools to Create Infographic

What is Infographic? Infographic or visual graphics are representations of your product, information, or data that  intentionally present the way where the audience easily and quickly digest and understand your message. In this article, we have shortlisted 5 Best Tools to Create Infographic, with the help of these tools you can create and present your… Continue reading 5 Worth Checking Best Tools to Create Infographic

How to Conduct Good User Research

Having reliable information about your users is essential for improving your business. Without this information, you’re making decisions based on assumptions rather than facts. It’s for this reason that the businesses that have the best user research tend to have the best results. In fact, a great number of companies report that using customer mapping results in a… Continue reading How to Conduct Good User Research

Programming for Android: What Language to Use?

Before you start your career as an app developer, you first need to acknowledge the immense value apps provide to their users and the responsibility that comes with building that sort of impact.   According to the latest research it was found that millennial smartphone users check their phones more than 86 times daily. From… Continue reading Programming for Android: What Language to Use?

10 Website Design Must-Haves For Any Small Business

0 Shares Having a website is essential for small businesses. It helps build an online presence and expand your reach. However, to maximize the website’s potential, website owners need to understand must-have web elements. If your website misses important features, you may lose out on potential customers and revenue. It’s also worth mentioning that not… Continue reading 10 Website Design Must-Haves For Any Small Business

How to Write a Press Release: The Complete Guide for 2021

A press release is one of the most valuable tools in a marketing team’s arsenal. Though press releases have been around for decades, they remain one of the best ways to reach new customers, improve your brand reputation, and generate awareness.  Press releases are also wonderfully cost-effective. Unless you’re using paid distribution channels, all you… Continue reading How to Write a Press Release: The Complete Guide for 2021

How to Curve Text in Affinity Designer

What You’ll Be Creating In the following steps, you will learn how to curve text in Affinity Designer. We’ll use this simple badge design to exemplify all the techniques that you can use to edit and stylize curved text in Affinity Designer. Once you’ve learned how to curve text in Affinity Designer, you can take… Continue reading How to Curve Text in Affinity Designer

7 Best Podcast Hosting Platforms Reviewed for 2021

Are you looking to start a podcast? If so, choosing the right podcast host is one of the first steps you’ll need to take. There are a lot of options out there, but we’ve narrowed it down to just the best of the best. It’s impossible to recommend one as the best for every podcaster,… Continue reading 7 Best Podcast Hosting Platforms Reviewed for 2021