UX vs. UI: Guide to Distinguishing User Experience and User Interface Design

Well, they certainly sound like they’re all about the same thing. When you design the user interface, surely what you are dealing with is user experience. Is it that simple? Or are there significant differences between the two? What consequences would such a difference have for design? Will there be any more questions in this… Continue reading UX vs. UI: Guide to Distinguishing User Experience and User Interface Design

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How to Sell on Pinterest Without a Website

You don’t need an online shop to sell on Pinterest, but owning one can give you the upper hand. The only problem is that managing an eCommerce store is expensive. On the other hand, selling on Pinterest has a low entry barrier. So it’s an excellent place to start even if you can’t afford a… Continue reading How to Sell on Pinterest Without a Website

Are Modals In Web Design A UX Disaster?

Modals, a nifty little feature that allows you to display different messages at the top of your website, have been touted as extremely useful. Some even claim that they are helpful enough to completely replace the banner ads we all hate so much. But are modals in web design a UX disaster? If you are… Continue reading Are Modals In Web Design A UX Disaster?

10 Great Places to Find Music for Videos

Creating videos for social media or to embed on your site can be a fun and creative way to promote your brand or business. More importantly, time spent on a page is a significant SEO ranking factor, so providing a video to watch is of enormous benefit. However, coming up with the music for your… Continue reading 10 Great Places to Find Music for Videos

Quiz: The Super-Difficult Website Speed Quiz

Users expect websites to load quickly. As a result, companies like Amazon and Target spend millions of dollars optimizing their sites to make them load as fast as possible because there is a direct correlation between site speed and conversions. Websites typically don’t have load bars, so a user waiting for a site to load… Continue reading Quiz: The Super-Difficult Website Speed Quiz

Competition: Win One of Four Free Online Passes to MUXL

The fourth edition of MUXL (Mobile UX London) conference kicks off on the 21st of March, and you could win one of four free passes to the five-day digital event. Running from the 21st of March to 25th, MUXL is a digital festival of UX and design, entirely online, meaning you can attend remotely from… Continue reading Competition: Win One of Four Free Online Passes to MUXL

25 Top-Notch AdSense-Optimized Themes For Higher Ad Earnings

No matter how many new ad networks enter the market, it’s almost next to impossible for them to outrank Google AdSense as the best ad network in the world. Many bloggers and internet marketers from all over the globe use it as their primary income source. The number of website owners is growing swiftly with… Continue reading 25 Top-Notch AdSense-Optimized Themes For Higher Ad Earnings

Poll: The Ethical Dilemma at the Heart of GitHub’s Copilot

On June 29th, GitHub announced Copilot, an AI-powered auto-complete for programmers, prompting a debate about the ethics of borrowed code. GitHub is one of the biggest code repositories on the Internet. It hosts billions of lines of code, creating an unparalleled dataset with which to train a coding AI. And that is exactly what OpenAI,… Continue reading Poll: The Ethical Dilemma at the Heart of GitHub’s Copilot

How to Change the Featured Image Size in WordPress

Featured images are usually one of the first things that visitors notice when checking out a WordPress blog. So it’s important that your images send the right signals to visitors.  It starts with choosing or creating eye-catching and relevant graphics for your posts. You also need to ensure that the images aren’t blurred, that parts… Continue reading How to Change the Featured Image Size in WordPress

Poll: Is Basecamp Right To Shutdown Politics At Work?

This week, in a move like something from a particularly eventful episode of The Office, popular project management app company Basecamp banned political and societal discussion in the company’s internal communications. In a post that has been revised for “clarification,” the company’s co-founder Jason Fried listed six rules for employees: No societal or political discussions… Continue reading Poll: Is Basecamp Right To Shutdown Politics At Work?

Poll: Is Environmentally Conscious Web Design Really Worth It?

We’re no longer arguing about whether climate change exists because climate change is now extensively documented. Instead, we’re arguing over whether climate change is a natural cycle or human-accelerated. At this point, the reasonable best-case (yes, best-case) scenario is that global temperatures will rise by 2˚C — if we don’t meet our global emissions targets,… Continue reading Poll: Is Environmentally Conscious Web Design Really Worth It?

7 Skills You Need To Thrive As A Web Designer In 2021

Web design is an ever-evolving field. Those of us that have been in the industry a long time (i.e., six months plus) have seen the launch of more products, the establishment of more ideas, and the promise of more growth than most industries see over a whole career. While the tools we use, the terminology… Continue reading 7 Skills You Need To Thrive As A Web Designer In 2021

21 High Quality Photoshop Actions for Photographers & Designers

23 Shares Photoshop Action can transform your photos into Oil painting photo effect, newspaper effect, abstract art, glowing skin retouch, watercolor effect, comic and halftone dots effects with just one action effect. Mostly Photoshop actions available with video tutorials that shows how to setup action files and how to use. Every time you run the… Continue reading 21 High Quality Photoshop Actions for Photographers & Designers

Poll: Is It Time to Merge Browser Engines Into a Browser Protocol?

We tend not to think about it, but the Internet has a physical dimension. It’s a complex network of wires, cables, servers, and technical odds and ends — if you really want to, you can track it down; doing so is particularly easy on small islands because there tends to be a single cable tethering… Continue reading Poll: Is It Time to Merge Browser Engines Into a Browser Protocol?

Quiz: How Well Do You Know the Anatomy of a Typeface?

The constituent parts of a typeface design have some bizarre names. Any ideas what a beak might be? How about a crotch? Take our fun quiz and find out how well you know typeface anatomy. Featured image via Unsplash. Source p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;} .alignleft {float:left;} p.showcase {clear:both;} body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;} The… Continue reading Quiz: How Well Do You Know the Anatomy of a Typeface?

Google’s FLoC Promises a Radically Different Web

Advertising knows you better than your friends, better than your family, perhaps even better than your partner. Look up pizza recipes, and advertising will show you promotions for pizza ovens. Download a marathon training plan, and advertising will show you the latest running shoes. Buy a car, and advertising will show you adverts for other… Continue reading Google’s FLoC Promises a Radically Different Web

Poll: Is Minimalism a Dead Trend Walking?

Since the skeuomorphism of the early 00s, the design trend of choice has been minimalism. In fact, minimalism has been de rigueur for substantially longer than that. You can make a fair case that minimalism was the defining theme of the 20th century. Beginning with the widespread adoption of grotesque typefaces in mass advertising the… Continue reading Poll: Is Minimalism a Dead Trend Walking?

8 Easy Ways to Improve Your Website Typography in Under 30 Minutes

Typography is one of the most important elements of any site, having a measurably large impact on brand and experience. So fundamental is it that making wholesale changes to your typography — opting for a new font, changing the measure, increasing leading — is complex and fraught with potential time-sinks. But there are some simple… Continue reading 8 Easy Ways to Improve Your Website Typography in Under 30 Minutes

6 Tools for Rapid Cross-Device Website Testing

When creating a website, it’s vital to remember that not only does it need to work and look great on the device you are creating it on, but on all the other devices, it might be used on too. Mobile and tablet optimization is important not only for the user journey but from an SEO… Continue reading 6 Tools for Rapid Cross-Device Website Testing

9 Ways To Boost Your Domain Authority

Domain Authority (DA) is a ranking metric that predicts how well a site will rank online. It goes by a scale of 1 to 100 — the closer you are to 100, the better your odds of ranking in search engine result pages (SERPs), thus giving you more clicks. To see how your site currently… Continue reading 9 Ways To Boost Your Domain Authority