5 Website Features to Help Your Business Thrive in the Digital Age 

In the age of instant gratification, attention spans are shorter than a tweet on a Tuesday. That’s why your website, the digital doorknob to your business, needs to make a stellar first impression.  Studies show that a whopping 95% of a visitor’s initial judgment is based on design alone. Now, that’s a statistic that could… Continue reading 5 Website Features to Help Your Business Thrive in the Digital Age 

How far do people trust AI? – A Research project from UX Studio

We designed quantitative research to get an overview. In this post, we will introduce our research process, and give a sneak peek at our top 3 findings. You can also check out the detailed results with all the graphs and findings.  Why we ran this study UX studio is delving into the research on the… Continue reading How far do people trust AI? – A Research project from UX Studio

How Digital Design Agencies Craft Iconic Logos Graphic Design Junction

In the world of branding, the logo is more than just a visual mark; it serves as the cornerstone of a company’s identity. A well-crafted logo can communicate the essence of a business, attract new customers, and differentiate it from competitors. This is where the expertise of a digital design agency comes into play, integrating… Continue reading How Digital Design Agencies Craft Iconic Logos Graphic Design Junction

The Power of Checkout Campaign Management

[unable to retrieve full-text content] When it comes to checkout pages, the most frequently cited word is conversion. After all, the main criteria for a successful checkout is its efficiency in terms of successful payments. Conversion can be viewed from many angles, including technical performance and client experience. Still, there are other less obvious components… Continue reading The Power of Checkout Campaign Management

Designer engagement report

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Top 3 problems for designers: no research, no design strategy, and no career progression Image by Matej Latin (Author) It’s been a horrible year for design. Mass layoffs from 2023 continued and got even worse. AI is threatening to take creatives’ jobs, designers need to go through up to 11 rounds… Continue reading Designer engagement report

What is User-Centered Design (UCD)? w/Process

With users becoming more and more educated, user-centered design is the secret sauce to the success of your digital product or service. If you are looking to learn how to unlock your product’s potential by adopting a user-centered design approach look no further. In this article, we have collated everything you need to… Continue reading What is User-Centered Design (UCD)? w/Process

Generative AI UX Design Patterns

[unable to retrieve full-text content] PRACTICAL DESIGN INNOVATION Facilitating conversations on Generative AI in your UX ecosystem Midjourney Generative AI can add value to your site in many more ways than as a conversational ChatGPT-like experience or as a feature like the button on resume sites that generates your cover letter. Let’s explore different ways to… Continue reading Generative AI UX Design Patterns

Unlock the Magic of UX Research

As a UX researcher with a background in anthropology, I’m guilty of taking for granted the value of doing UX research to inform good design. When your worldview – your entire way of thinking and seeing the world – has been shaped by social science, it’s continually shocking to be reminded that not everyone automatically… Continue reading Unlock the Magic of UX Research

Barcelona vs Real Madrid: Battle of the Websites

We studied 11 of the most popular sections and compared their usability, user experience, appearance, and functionality. If the section was better, a goal was scored for the winning team. In case of a draw, a goal was added to both clubs. Let the battle begin! Home page Both websites start with an almost full-screen… Continue reading Barcelona vs Real Madrid: Battle of the Websites

Best AI Design Tools: Insights & Tips From 50+ Tools

Impact of AI in design When it comes to design, AI has great creative capacity, given its text generation and text-to-image capabilities. Seeing some photorealistic images generated by AI, we cannot help but wonder what this means for us as designers.  Some of the questions that were on our minds: How can we use this… Continue reading Best AI Design Tools: Insights & Tips From 50+ Tools

Diary Studies: Understanding Long-Term User Behavior and Experiences

Summary:  Participants log daily activities as they occur to give contextual insights about real-time user behaviors and needs. Defining Diary Studies A diary study is a qualitative user research method used to collect insights about user behaviors, activities, and experiences over time and in context. During a diary study, participants report their interactions and experiences… Continue reading Diary Studies: Understanding Long-Term User Behavior and Experiences

The Art of Engineering AI Prompts

AI By Louise North 3 days ago In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence, the ability to communicate effectively with AI tools has become an indispensable skill. Whether you’re generating content, solving complex data problems, or creating stunning digital art, the quality of the outcomes you receive is directly influenced by the prompts you… Continue reading The Art of Engineering AI Prompts

Crafting an effective design system strategy

How to build a strategy, not a roadmap A design system is a product. A product that solves concrete tasks: ensuring consistency reducing development time and much more Most often, the main reason to create a new product is that you want it to be different from the existing ones on the market. After all, why waste time… Continue reading Crafting an effective design system strategy

Johan Cruyff’s influence on adaptive role switching in Product Design

Johan Cruyff's influence on adaptive role switching in Product Design A product design philosophy inspired by the brilliance of Total Football, as orchestrated by Johan Cruyff and the 1970s Dutch masters. Switching Product Roles: Created via Midjourney 2023. NB. The product design theme of this article should still strike a chord, even if you aren't a football fanatic.… Continue reading Johan Cruyff’s influence on adaptive role switching in Product Design

Designing for accessibility beyond compliance

Companies approach accessibility as a checklist of standards — but a client with disabilities showed me how to think beyond compliance. Source: Photo by Marcus Aurelius During my time volunteering at Neil Squire Society, and helping Hunter, a client with disabilities, be more comfortable using a computer, I learned a lot about how to better design from three… Continue reading Designing for accessibility beyond compliance

Enhancing Accessibility with AI and ML

There has been a lot of buzz recently about Artificial Intelligence, with some people speculating that we are approaching the long-awaited AI revolution. This hype has been chiefly generated by recent advanced algorithms powering ChatGPT and other language-related models. While I believe that these models are still a far cry from general AI (AI which… Continue reading Enhancing Accessibility with AI and ML

Risk tolerance: why some countries prefer more complex UIs

An analysis of Uncertainty Avoidance and Amazon’s website in various countries Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash What do Switzerland, the US, Sweden, the UK, and the Netherlands have in common? They are all rich, protestant, relatively cold countries where a big part of the population consists of (former) immigrants. They also form the top 5 of… Continue reading Risk tolerance: why some countries prefer more complex UIs

We’re turning designers into factory workers

Considering the availability of modern tools and recent advancements in governance (design systems), one might think designers could relax and enjoy some leisure time. Surprisingly, that’s not the case. In fact, it feels like designers have even less time than before. As we’re frantically pushing towards an auto-governed future, we ought to stop and think… Continue reading We’re turning designers into factory workers

How to navigate the insanity of behavioral science

I recently published a scientific paper on the Interactive Behavior Change Model (IBCM). The IBCM is a behavioral science system I developed during my doctorate studies. It is comprehensive, with an intuitive, theory-based structure that is easy to learn and grounded in the science of building digital products. But best of all, it’s an excellent choice… Continue reading How to navigate the insanity of behavioral science

Ray Bizarre: an alternate approach to typography

Neel Dozome · Follow Published in UX Collective · 25 min read · 2 days ago — 1 Share From Satyajit Ray’s Charulata. Described as his most “ornate” film. Pinaki De, a graphic designer and expert on Satyajit Ray, writes of the artist’s career as a commercial illustrator (which includes thousands of sketches, logos, posters,… Continue reading Ray Bizarre: an alternate approach to typography

Categorized as UX Tagged

How Serious Is Your Design Practice About Learning?

Today I’m sharing a strategic approach that enables your design practice to learn more from the accessibility-related data you already have. I will again skip the “how to” article formula and dry laundry lists of tactical “do this/don’t do that” mechanics. Instead, I’ll focus on helping you think about WHY you should do things differently… Continue reading How Serious Is Your Design Practice About Learning?

Introducing the Next Generation of Mobile Accessibility Testing

If you can run an app in iOS or Android, now you can test it for accessibility with us.  Deque’s axe DevTools Mobile redefines mobile testing for digital accessibility for cross-platform apps, such as those built with React Native. It’s the easiest mobile testing solution to install and run. It also provides clear direction to… Continue reading Introducing the Next Generation of Mobile Accessibility Testing

3 Essential Design Trends, September 2023

Here’s what’s trending in design this month: 1. Monochrome Color Schemes One-color design patterns can be beautiful and somewhat enchanting. With tints and tones of the same base color, there is a certain elegance that comes with a monochrome color scheme. Designers who have worked with color in this way know that while the end result may look… Continue reading 3 Essential Design Trends, September 2023

Accessibility of the Button: Should We Fix It or the Root Cause Problem?

Let me tell you a story along the lines of…Button, Button, Who’s Got The Button? Typical “how to” articles are dry laundry lists of tactical “do this/don’t do that” mechanics that do nothing to help you think about WHY you should do things differently. Today, I’m going to share a more strategic accessible design approach… Continue reading Accessibility of the Button: Should We Fix It or the Root Cause Problem?