How Digital Design Agencies Craft Iconic Logos Graphic Design Junction

In the world of branding, the logo is more than just a visual mark; it serves as the cornerstone of a company’s identity. A well-crafted logo can communicate the essence of a business, attract new customers, and differentiate it from competitors. This is where the expertise of a digital design agency comes into play, integrating… Continue reading How Digital Design Agencies Craft Iconic Logos Graphic Design Junction

What To Do If Your UX Team Is Under-Resourced Listen to this post and subscribe using Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify or RSS Hello all.Benjamin Franklin was wrong. He claimed that the only certain things in life are death and taxes, but he missed something – that UX teams are under-resourced compared to other departments. Most UX Teams Are Overstretched I have worked… Continue reading What To Do If Your UX Team Is Under-Resourced

Traditional Usability Testing Might Be Causing You Problems Listen to this post and subscribe using Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify or RSS Hi all.When you hear somebody talking about testing with users, what do you think about? You are likely picturing traditional usability testing. In it, a participant navigates a website with a facilitator while being recorded. If you’re not quite as… Continue reading Traditional Usability Testing Might Be Causing You Problems

Success Lies in Mastering the Fundamentals Like Consistency

Learn about lean user research and testing this May with my upcoming workshop. Find out more here or just email me and I’ll tell you all about it. Listen to this post and subscribe using Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify or RSS Hey all. I have been working on web apps a lot lately.… Continue reading Success Lies in Mastering the Fundamentals Like Consistency

Do You Suffer from User Research Imposter Syndrome?

Learn about lean user research and testing this May with my upcoming workshop. Find out more here or just email me and I’ll tell you all about it. Listen to this post and subscribe using Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify or RSS Hi all. I’ll go out on a limb and hope I’m not… Continue reading Do You Suffer from User Research Imposter Syndrome?

How To Use Testing To Escape Iteration Hell And Gain Respect

Learn about lean user research and testing this May with my upcoming workshop. Find out more here or just email me and I’ll tell you all about it. Listen to this post and subscribe using Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify or RSS Hey all. I’ve been working on preparing the user research and testing… Continue reading How To Use Testing To Escape Iteration Hell And Gain Respect

Where to Get a Web Developer Degree Online

August 11, 2020 by Clarence One of the best things about the internet is that a lot of things are now easily accessible online. This includes earning a degree in the comfort of our own homes. While being in a classroom setting is still great, there will be circumstances that would always make learning online… Continue reading Where to Get a Web Developer Degree Online

How To Build Your First Business Website: 5 Tips Nobody Told You About

As harsh as it may sound, it is pretty much safe to say that nowadays, if your business is not online, it basically does not exist. That is because most people go online, before choosing a product or a service. Essentially, no matter how small your business is, we strongly recommend you to build a… Continue reading How To Build Your First Business Website: 5 Tips Nobody Told You About

The 5 questions you should be asking yourself all day, everyday #UX

The other day I found myself writing down a list of 5 questions I was asking myself more frequently than ever in the projects I am working on — and decided to pass it on to my team as well. The agency life is extremely fast-paced. Each Experience Designer on my team is simultaneously involved in two… Continue reading The 5 questions you should be asking yourself all day, everyday #UX

UX Vs UI: Discussing The Most Confusing Topic Of The 2015

Being into the development world, I have gone through the discussion over UX and UI a lot…well it is quite irksome at one point of time and quite daunting on the other, as it challenges your credibility. It is quite difficult to explain to people what is the difference between these two different terms that… Continue reading UX Vs UI: Discussing The Most Confusing Topic Of The 2015

Is Minimal Design the Best Strategy for Your Site?

One of the buzzwords of modern marketing or design work is “understanding your customers.” Before you jump on board with a trend or design style, it’s good to research how consumers or clients in your industry respond to it. One particular trend that has dominated the web for several years is minimalism. So, if you’re… Continue reading Is Minimal Design the Best Strategy for Your Site?

Get Your Content Strategy Out of the Drawer with Governance

All too often, strategies of every kind get stuck in a drawer—sometimes without being implemented or even reviewed after their initial creation and approval. One reason is that people forget the full definition “strategy,” which is a plan for achieving a prescribed outcome. The focus is often put on the desired outcome and not the… Continue reading Get Your Content Strategy Out of the Drawer with Governance