How to Create a Chrome Extension With Vanilla JavaScript

 This tutorial will cover how to build a minimalistic homepage Chrome extension, with JavaScript, designed to help users stay productive. A Chrome extension is a program that enhances and customizes the browsing experience for Chrome users. Among the various types of extensions available, homepage extensions are the most popular. These extensions allow users to personalize… Continue reading How to Create a Chrome Extension With Vanilla JavaScript

Creative or Developer? One or More of these 15 Awesome Pre-built Websites Could be Just Right for You

Posted · Category: Design, Uncategorized As a creative, you need a digital space to showcase your work to potential employers or clients, and for that matter to the world at large. That digital space, your website, works in both directions. It allows you to promote your work, and it enables your audience to get in… Continue reading Creative or Developer? One or More of these 15 Awesome Pre-built Websites Could be Just Right for You

Creative or Developer? One or More of these 15 Awesome Pre-built Websites Could be Just Right for You

Posted · Category: Design, Uncategorized <!– –> As a creative, you need a digital space to showcase your work to potential employers or clients, and for that matter to the world at large. That digital space, your website, works in both directions. It allows you to promote your work, and it enables your audience to… Continue reading Creative or Developer? One or More of these 15 Awesome Pre-built Websites Could be Just Right for You

5 Tips for Building the Best Web Dev LinkedIn Profile

April 26, 2021 by Sangalang Kristine In the same way that websites need to be marketed, web developers and designers should also advertise themselves and their highly coveted skills. Building the best web dev LinkedIn profile is essential. Being a web developer and designer (and all other careers in between) is paramount in creating the… Continue reading 5 Tips for Building the Best Web Dev LinkedIn Profile

Popular Design News of the Week: September 7, 2020 – September 13, 2020

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers. The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however,… Continue reading Popular Design News of the Week: September 7, 2020 – September 13, 2020

The Simplest Android App: Hello World

Learning to code Android apps is a great decision. It’s fun and it’s an in-demand skill for the tech industry. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to build the simplest Android App: Hello World. It’s a great place to start making Android apps. Prerequisites for Creating a Hello World App Before you get started with… Continue reading The Simplest Android App: Hello World

Build a Chrome Extension to Streamline Your Workflow — SitePoint

When I began as a JavaScript editor at SitePoint, our submission process was something of a mess — articles coming from every direction in a variety of formats. So we decided to standardize things and settled on submission via GitHub in Markdown. This was a step forward, but we still needed to convert the Markdown… Continue reading Build a Chrome Extension to Streamline Your Workflow — SitePoint

Creative Portfolio & Resume / CV WordPress Theme

This is a one page & Multi Pages WordPress portfolio & CV / Resume theme for Designer, Developer, Freelancer Artist, Photographer & Can be use for Personal Pages. The theme is well organized with proper naming conventions so you can easily access and change things according your needs. This theme is very flexible, easy for… Continue reading Creative Portfolio & Resume / CV WordPress Theme

Bodo: A free HTML Personal / Portfolio template

Bodo is a free one page HTML template that you can use for getting started with a personal / portfolio website.  It is basically made of sections, includes a few useful components (carousel slider, skills bars, forms, etc.) and is featured by subtle but elegant animations. The package – released exclusively for Freebiesbug – has been designed and… Continue reading Bodo: A free HTML Personal / Portfolio template

Automatic responsive images with client hints

Over time, developers have wrestled with forcing images into responsive layouts. Media queries and fluid grids are constantly employed to achieve visually flexible images. Achieving such flexible images as pointed out by Ethan Marcotte in the seminal first edition of his book  is as easy as: img { max-width: 100%; } The image resources being… Continue reading Automatic responsive images with client hints

How to Run Your Application on a Physical Device

Most Android phones and tablets can be connected to a computer using a USB cable. However, by default, the USB connection established between an Android device and a computer is limited to file transfer only. Therefore, if you want to use your device for Android application development, you have to make a few configuration changes… Continue reading How to Run Your Application on a Physical Device

UX Vs UI: Discussing The Most Confusing Topic Of The 2015

Being into the development world, I have gone through the discussion over UX and UI a lot…well it is quite irksome at one point of time and quite daunting on the other, as it challenges your credibility. It is quite difficult to explain to people what is the difference between these two different terms that… Continue reading UX Vs UI: Discussing The Most Confusing Topic Of The 2015

How To Be A Badass Front-end Developer

In the world of front-end web development where things change very fast, it’s difficult to stay up-to-date with almost everything around. Just imagine the number of CSS, JS frameworks and tools that are popping around every day, and just thinking about knowing them all is freaky enough, right? So, how to stay up-to-date? How to… Continue reading How To Be A Badass Front-end Developer

10+ Developer Tools We Can’t Live Without

In this article, we have gathered 11 of the best fresh and useful tools for web developers, these web tools will make your workflow more efficient and highly productive. We invite you to give them a try and see how they will improve your website, promote your business and create better communication between you and… Continue reading 10+ Developer Tools We Can’t Live Without

How to Test Skills of Web Developer Before Hiring

Who is responsive for the success of web project? Someone says that it’s CTO, Project Manager, or Team Lead. It’s true, to be honest. But in fact the main mistake of these persons could be a mistake while hiring developers, not the mistake while managing the project. The choosing of the right candidate is not… Continue reading How to Test Skills of Web Developer Before Hiring

16 Premium Plugins Designer and Developer Should Consider Using

Crafting websites for all sorts of clients is an art. Like all art forms, it takes perseverance, open-mindedness, and an acute sense for aesthetics. Web developers and designers know this, along with the fact that all project outcomes are only as strong as the resources that stand behind them. In other words, the choice and… Continue reading 16 Premium Plugins Designer and Developer Should Consider Using

10 Sass Mixins for a Developer

Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional-level CSS extension language in the world. I have been using Sass for quite sometime and found out that mixins is something all front-end developers would enjoy and take advantage of to save time and be more efficient. A mixin can make groups of CSS declarations that… Continue reading 10 Sass Mixins for a Developer

Are You A Web Developer Without Any Graphic Skills? Then Check Out These 25 Gorgeous Website .PSD’s

Creating a website is not an easy thing because it requires a lot of steps; from the planning and all the way to functionality testing, the process of designing and developing a website needs people with various skills. You need a good graphic designer, a good web designer, a talented web developer, a great content… Continue reading Are You A Web Developer Without Any Graphic Skills? Then Check Out These 25 Gorgeous Website .PSD’s