How to Integrate AI Into Your Toolset

Artificial Intelligence is the use of computers or machines that have been created to work and react like humans. Some of the computers that have AI, are designed to include speech recognition, and learn user behaviours so they can predict activities or decisions before they happen. AI creates a bridge to a new kind of… Continue reading How to Integrate AI Into Your Toolset

The Simplest Android App: Hello World

Learning to code Android apps is a great decision. It’s fun and it’s an in-demand skill for the tech industry. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to build the simplest Android App: Hello World. It’s a great place to start making Android apps. Prerequisites for Creating a Hello World App Before you get started with… Continue reading The Simplest Android App: Hello World

How to Design Long-Form Content With Readability in Mind

The line between written content and visual content has become blurred in recent years. Copywriting and design are merging and the best brands are treating their blog posts and sales pages as powerful tools for branding. But the longer you make your content, the more challenging it is to do it well. Why Long-Form Content… Continue reading How to Design Long-Form Content With Readability in Mind

Icons In Web Design

Image source:[2] Well-executed and beautiful icons look like tiny and cute images, but they are much more than that. They are extremely advantageous to every website because they attach visual cues to the essential elements of a website (headings, sections, buttons, etc) and they make the site/app look professional and sophisticated. Generally speaking, icons… Continue reading Icons In Web Design

20 Free Coming Soon Under Construction Templates

Download free under construction templates before the start of a new website and set as homepage. These free coming soon pages templates are very useful. Under construction templates plays a very important role by drawing the attentions of visitors even before the start of the website. Under construction templates are also known as coming soon… Continue reading 20 Free Coming Soon Under Construction Templates

Building a Prelaunch “Coming Soon” Site with WordPress

While you might be tempted to keep your site offline prior to its completion, or hold off from creating a web presence until your product or service is ready, it might be a better idea to create a coming soon page to use during your prelaunch phase. Even you if think your site or project… Continue reading Building a Prelaunch “Coming Soon” Site with WordPress