15+ Free Stationery Mockups to Elevate Your Branding Presentations

In today’s highly competitive business environment, branding is essential for making a memorable impression. When presenting a brand to clients or stakeholders, one of the most powerful tools is a well-designed stationery mockup. Stationery mockups provide a realistic, cohesive look at how a brand’s design elements will appear on everyday office items, helping to communicate… Continue reading 15+ Free Stationery Mockups to Elevate Your Branding Presentations

A Product Tsunami is Coming

How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping Digital Products Management Jose A. Gonzalez Reboredo · Follow Published in UX Collective · 6 min read · 5 days ago — Listen Share Picture generated with Canva.com AI We all probably agree that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the next major disruptive technological change. It’s a hot topic, and there… Continue reading A Product Tsunami is Coming

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Create Beautiful Scrolling Animations With the CSS Clip-Path Property

In a previous tutorial, we learned how to create a grayscale-to-color effect on scroll. To implement it, we took advantage of modern front-end features like CSS Grid, the clip-path property, and the Intersection Observer API. Today, we’ll use these tools and the knowledge gained from that tutorial to build another cool scroll effect. As we scroll, page… Continue reading Create Beautiful Scrolling Animations With the CSS Clip-Path Property

How to Build a Fake AJAX “Load More” Mechanism (JavaScript Tutorial)

The other day I was working on a WordPress project that used ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) Pro’s flexible content. If you aren’t familiar with this field, imagine it as a miniature of the Gutenberg and Elementor builders that gives you the ability to define different types of layouts. So, on this project, the design required… Continue reading How to Build a Fake AJAX “Load More” Mechanism (JavaScript Tutorial)

Quick Productivity Tip: Find Your “Go Space”

Over the past several years, I’ve published hundreds of episodes of Developer Tea. There are many reasons I have been able to do this, but the one that is most compelling is what I call my “Go Space”. A successful entrepreneur in their home office “go space”  (Image source: Envato Elements) I can walk into… Continue reading Quick Productivity Tip: Find Your “Go Space”

Tips on How to Pick the Right Icons for Your Website

When designing a website, we often spend a good bit of time considering which visual assets to use. Photos and illustrations, for example, can have a large impact on a design. However, those aren’t the only assets we should focus on. One asset that can get easily overlooked is icons. There are a lot of… Continue reading Tips on How to Pick the Right Icons for Your Website

The Zone of Infinite Creative Possibilities

Ideation is the third component in our Design Thinking process, as seen in the Hasso-Plattner Institute of Design’s proposal which we’ve discussed in our previous articles: Image source: Interaction Design Foundation How Did We Arrive at the Ideate Stage?  During the Empathize stage: you approach the user and gather data needed to define the challenge… Continue reading The Zone of Infinite Creative Possibilities

Top Tips For The Best Mobile App Design You Could Have

Great design is essential for the overall quality of an application, regardless of the misinformation provided by some people. Design is even more important in the mobile aspect, where applications ought to be applied on smaller screens and through different operating systems. Despite the numerous obstacles, design proved to be an indispensable asset for web… Continue reading Top Tips For The Best Mobile App Design You Could Have

Popular design news of the week: December 26, 2016 – January 1, 2017

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.  The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however,… Continue reading Popular design news of the week: December 26, 2016 – January 1, 2017

Popular design news of the week: October 31, 2016 – November 6, 2016

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.  The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however,… Continue reading Popular design news of the week: October 31, 2016 – November 6, 2016

50 Free & Premium HTML5 Templates for Any Taste and Budget

What should you better choose for your site – a free or a premium HTML 5 template? This is an ongoing dispute that makes millions of people hesitant on the best ready-made solution for their sites. Well, tastes differ, as much as the purpose of downloading a website template. Some need html5 templates for educational… Continue reading 50 Free & Premium HTML5 Templates for Any Taste and Budget

20 Free Coming Soon Under Construction Templates

Download free under construction templates before the start of a new website and set as homepage. These free coming soon pages templates are very useful. Under construction templates plays a very important role by drawing the attentions of visitors even before the start of the website. Under construction templates are also known as coming soon… Continue reading 20 Free Coming Soon Under Construction Templates

CSS3 Animations and The New JavaScript Method Animate()

With CSS3 animations in HTML documents have become fairly easy to achieve. Using the “@keyframes” rule various properties such as position and size of an HTML element get defined. Then the property “animation” cares for getting the keyframes up and running according to their definitions. Without the need for JavaScript and plug-ins we are able… Continue reading CSS3 Animations and The New JavaScript Method Animate()

Coming and Going Web Design Trends for 2014

Over the last couple of years we saw such a change in web design that it is unbelievable to anticipate what could possibly the next hot things. However, I have a few hunches of my own as to what trends will flourish this year and which ones will fade off. Let’s see if you would… Continue reading Coming and Going Web Design Trends for 2014

Building a Prelaunch “Coming Soon” Site with WordPress

While you might be tempted to keep your site offline prior to its completion, or hold off from creating a web presence until your product or service is ready, it might be a better idea to create a coming soon page to use during your prelaunch phase. Even you if think your site or project… Continue reading Building a Prelaunch “Coming Soon” Site with WordPress