[unable to retrieve full-text content] Improve internal communication and make your innovations easier to use and understand. “The world we see is defined and given meaning by the words we choose.”— Wittgenstein This article describes the process of creating and developing a robust glossary for tech companies, with the ultimate goal of maintaining content consistency… Continue reading When and why to create a Product Glossary for your team
Tag: Link
5 Tips for Designing Great Website Navigation
Navigation is one of the most essential elements of a website. It provides a high-level overview of what visitors will find there (which also happens to be good for SEO). It helps visitors orient themselves so they can get around the site quickly. Plus, it enables them to take quick action like visiting their cart… Continue reading 5 Tips for Designing Great Website Navigation
7 Best Practices for a Coming Soon Page
A coming soon page is so much more than just a practical placeholder for your website. When implemented mindfully effectively, it can serve as a launch pad for the entire online presence of your business. By utilizing some of these practices, your business can take off with enough momentum to escape the internet’s gravitational pull.… Continue reading 7 Best Practices for a Coming Soon Page
How to Create File Upload Forms on Your WordPress Site
Forms are an easy way to collect information from website visitors, and file uploads allow users to add even more useful or important information. Some of the data which you can collect from file upload forms include: user-submitted images and videos content in the form of blog posts resume files In this post, I’ll show… Continue reading How to Create File Upload Forms on Your WordPress Site
The 10 Most Awe-Inspiring Web Designers on Instagram
March 29, 2019 by Christopher Jan Benitez Instagram started out as a place for people to share and publish photos. It eventually gave way to professionals where they can showcase their creative skills and talents. Because of this, a growing number of designers now use Instagram to showcase their pieces to the world. Not only… Continue reading The 10 Most Awe-Inspiring Web Designers on Instagram
Anatomy of Typography
It’s been said that great Typography goes unnoticed but in the latest web designing trends always follow wide range of Typography designs in their templates even its just a web login form template. Great Typography is the point at which is in the pages of an arresting book. Yes, extraordinary arrangement of it needs to… Continue reading Anatomy of Typography
Bookshop With React & Redux II: Async Requests With Thunks
Previously, we got ourselves started with React with Redux fundamentals and touched all the core concepts of Redux including Actions, Reducers and Stores. We also had a look at the features of React-Redux library including connect and Provider. What we can do now is move further to complexity and reality by fleshing out the application… Continue reading Bookshop With React & Redux II: Async Requests With Thunks
20 essential CSS tricks every designer should know
This one’s for the absolute beginners. Once you’ve learned how the box model works, and how to float those boxes, it’s time to get serious about your CSS. To that end, we’ve compiled a massive list of tips, tricks, techniques, and the occasional dirty hack to help you build the design you want. CSS can… Continue reading 20 essential CSS tricks every designer should know