How ‘collective illusions’ influence decision making

How our perceptions of the world around us and the groups we work in may be misleading This week builds on our previous post on cognitive illusions and perception errors. optical illusions help illustrate how blind we are to the cognitive heuristics we use to make sense of the world around us. What they show is… Continue reading How ‘collective illusions’ influence decision making

Webdesigner Depot

Live chat is one of the most powerful tools for customer experience in the current marketplace.  In a world where customers are constantly connected to the online world, online chat is a reliable way of getting quick solutions to common problems.  Today’s consumers prefer talking to an agent over chat to calling a contact center,… Continue reading Webdesigner Depot

Handling cross-team feedback loops on design work

Escape the siloing trap when you are both part of a design team and a product team, involve people early and often, and foster the right conversation at the right time If you are a designer working in a product organization you are maybe also part of two teams at the same time: a design team… Continue reading Handling cross-team feedback loops on design work

Remote friendly or unfriendly?

Some easy steps to elevate remote working amongst colleagues and teams. I’ve been a product designer for a few years now, working in different countries and environments, with clients in completely different time zones, colleagues in different offices geographically, working remotely due to coronavirus, and of course, worked full time in the office with colleagues. Over… Continue reading Remote friendly or unfriendly?

The 5 types of Questions

The kick-ass framework for every Product Manager In my previous post, I had shared my story of how my manager taught me the greatest ‘a-ha’ lesson of my professional life. 👇🏻 My first ‘aha’ learning of my career TL;DR — The stakeholders are mostly clueless about their own needs, and they are totally allowed to be so. As a… Continue reading The 5 types of Questions

10 Tips to Help You Find People Online (100% Works)

Want to reconnect with an old buddy but don’t know where to start? Do you want to learn more about the people in your life, your family members, or your relatives? Do you have any information about the whereabouts of someone you used to know? Everything and everyone is at your fingertips in this world… Continue reading 10 Tips to Help You Find People Online (100% Works)

10 Free File Sharing Tools for Sending Big Data Online

There is no better way to send big files than through cloud storage services. However, free file sharing tools for sending big data online may be a good alternative as well. Cloud storage keeps data in for an indefinite period of time. This means that you can keep it there as long as you choose… Continue reading 10 Free File Sharing Tools for Sending Big Data Online

What’s New in Ecommerce, February 2021

There are some interesting shake-ups on the horizon for ecommerce: Experiential shopping, Virt-ical worlds, Au naturale models. We’re starting to see signs of them already — many of them spurred on thanks to the events of 2020. Below, we’re going to explore what’s going on with these new ecommerce trends and technologies and take a… Continue reading What’s New in Ecommerce, February 2021

11 Reasons Why Digital Design Agencies Should Hire Students For Internships

Digital design agencies require fresh talent and fresh ideas constantly. Matching the marketplace and going one better means having a team of heavy-weights, mid-weights who can drive projects forward. However, those holding positions of responsibility can’t always keep those fresh ideas coming. Mixing things up and bringing in new faces is a fantastic catalyst. With… Continue reading 11 Reasons Why Digital Design Agencies Should Hire Students For Internships

Quick Productivity Tip: Find Your “Go Space”

Over the past several years, I’ve published hundreds of episodes of Developer Tea. There are many reasons I have been able to do this, but the one that is most compelling is what I call my “Go Space”. A successful entrepreneur in their home office “go space”  (Image source: Envato Elements) I can walk into… Continue reading Quick Productivity Tip: Find Your “Go Space”

“Don’t take anything for granted.

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Lessons from 2020: Jess Eddy “Don’t take anything for granted. This year threw the world and many of us personally into a state of uncertainty. However, I believe this is an opportunity for us to make positive changes in our lives, changes that will help us and those around us.” The biggest… Continue reading “Don’t take anything for granted.

25+ Best Lawyer WordPress Themes: For (2020) Law Firm & Attorney Websites

No matter which area of the law you practice, it’s imperative that you have proper online representation. You need to provide your clients with a sense of trust and credibility, and as such, creating a law firm website that conveys that impression should be at the top of your list.  Not only can you show… Continue reading 25+ Best Lawyer WordPress Themes: For (2020) Law Firm & Attorney Websites

Deque Systems announces axe-con, a new, digital accessibility conference: March 10-11, 2021

Free, Multi-track Online Event Focuses on Helping All Professionals Build, Test and Maintain Accessible Digital Experiences Deque is excited to announce a brand-new digital accessibility conference: axe-con!! Axe-con is an open and inclusive digital accessibility conference that welcomes developers, designers, business leaders, and accessibility professionals of all experience levels to a new kind of accessibility… Continue reading Deque Systems announces axe-con, a new, digital accessibility conference: March 10-11, 2021

Choose Your Own Adventure with the Parsons Web Design and Development Certificate

Many people dream of a career in web design, but it may actually be more attainable than you think. There are countless online courses, of variable quality, with little to no academic structure; self-learning is an option, but it doesn’t come with a curriculum. Without a professional structure and a comprehensive curriculum your dream career… Continue reading Choose Your Own Adventure with the Parsons Web Design and Development Certificate

What Are the Best Online Web Design Certificate Programs?

August 5, 2020 by Clarence Web design is a continuous learning process. As our technology develops day by day, the number of new things we need to learn to be well-versed in web design increases as well. Good thing there are already online classes that teach web design. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional,… Continue reading What Are the Best Online Web Design Certificate Programs?

eCommerce SEO: 5 Proven Ways to Grow Sales 

We get it, budgets are really tight at the moment. Not only are small businesses and start-ups battling to keep their heads above water during this time, but corporate giants are also feeling the pinch. With this in mind, we thought we would step in and give you a helping hand with one of the… Continue reading eCommerce SEO: 5 Proven Ways to Grow Sales 

What Women LOVE to Hear, Remote Work, UI Checklist — and more UX this week

[unable to retrieve full-text content] A weekly selection of design links, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective. 5 principles for better designer-developer collaboration →Prescriptive guides on how to hand off designs to developers are easy to follow and cross out from one’s list. But are they future-proof enough? Photo Privacy →What… Continue reading What Women LOVE to Hear, Remote Work, UI Checklist — and more UX this week

Why Design Systems Fail, Apple Archive, Death of Design Files — and more UX links this week

Fabricio Teixeira Follow Jan 18 · 3 min read What to expect for UX in 2020? 1. Designing for the post-truth era → 2. The rise of micro-communities → 3. Design as a team sport → 4. Rendering intentionality → 5. The death of design files → The UX Collective newsletter is a self-funded newsletter… Continue reading Why Design Systems Fail, Apple Archive, Death of Design Files — and more UX links this week

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What’s happening in UX in 2020 — and more design links this week

The State of UX 2020 → We have seen a lot this year. After curating and sharing 2,411 links, we have identified a few of the trends our industry has been writing, talking, and thinking about. Our annual trends report is a holistic analysis of UX Design as a discipline: the tools we use, the… Continue reading What’s happening in UX in 2020 — and more design links this week

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Accessibility & Aesthetics, Cybertruck Design, Autocomplete UI — and more UX this week

Fabricio Teixeira Follow Nov 30 · 3 min read Interfaces 3 →The third generation of interfaces is personal. Building Trust →The constant balancing act of being a designer. Kill The Label →Why labels in the UI are a last resort. The UX Collective newsletter is a self-funded newsletter read by over 119,400 designers every week,… Continue reading Accessibility & Aesthetics, Cybertruck Design, Autocomplete UI — and more UX this week

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10 ways to help Accessibility at Conferences as a speaker

November 26, 2019 Hey friends! Wedding planning is starting to heat up with five months left to go. I was pretty ambitious about my writing schedule when I started my second year of blogging. I figured I had so much more free time on my hands versus what I had six months ago. But I… Continue reading 10 ways to help Accessibility at Conferences as a speaker

How to Design Long-Form Content With Readability in Mind

The line between written content and visual content has become blurred in recent years. Copywriting and design are merging and the best brands are treating their blog posts and sales pages as powerful tools for branding. But the longer you make your content, the more challenging it is to do it well. Why Long-Form Content… Continue reading How to Design Long-Form Content With Readability in Mind

New Atlantic, Figma Plugins, Dribbblish Designers — and more UX links this week

Fabricio Teixeira Follow Nov 16 · 3 min read Shared Systems →Design systems as a shared product language.By Mariusz Ciesla Password Problem →Why passwords are ultimately a design problem.By Khoi Vinh Dribbblish Designer →Why you shouldn’t hire based on Dribbble shots. The UX Collective newsletter is a self-funded newsletter read by over 117,600 designers every… Continue reading New Atlantic, Figma Plugins, Dribbblish Designers — and more UX links this week

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A/B fails, Figma community, awesome plugins — and more design links this week

[unable to retrieve full-text content] A weekly selection of design links, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective. All them A/B tests that never happened →When A/B tests become less about user validation and more about having a escape hatch for lack of product vision. UI Learnability →How to measure learnability of a… Continue reading A/B fails, Figma community, awesome plugins — and more design links this week