How to Create a Chrome Extension With Vanilla JavaScript

 This tutorial will cover how to build a minimalistic homepage Chrome extension, with JavaScript, designed to help users stay productive. A Chrome extension is a program that enhances and customizes the browsing experience for Chrome users. Among the various types of extensions available, homepage extensions are the most popular. These extensions allow users to personalize… Continue reading How to Create a Chrome Extension With Vanilla JavaScript

10 Epic Photo Manipulation Tips and Tricks in Photoshop

Today, we’re going to dive into ten creative photo manipulation tips and tricks for Photoshop.  We’ll cover everything from extracting hair to painting blood, and we’ll explore a wide range of captivating photo effects, valuable tips, and versatile techniques. Whether you’re a digital artist, photo editor, or creative compositor, these are tools you’ll definitely want… Continue reading 10 Epic Photo Manipulation Tips and Tricks in Photoshop

How to Load in and Animate Content With Vanilla JavaScript

One of our popular tutorials on Tuts+ teaches readers how to load in and animate content with jQuery. While using jQuery allows us to write relatively less amount of code to achieve the desired functionality, it also increases page load time and introduces unnecessary dependency. Unless the website you are working on is already loading… Continue reading How to Load in and Animate Content With Vanilla JavaScript

The Complete Guide to Web Fonts in Email

When is a web font not a web font? When it’s an email font! In this tutorial I’ll walk you through implementing web fonts into your email campaigns. Web Fonts and Web Safe Fonts Web-safe fonts, like Arial and Trebuchet, Times and Georgia, are installed on most operating systems. As such, these “system fonts” will… Continue reading The Complete Guide to Web Fonts in Email

Getting Started With the MStore Pro React Native App Template

Building a React Native app from scratch can be difficult. Setting up the initial project can be complex and annoying, especially for those who work primarily on web applications. How do you deal with the command-line interface? What is exporting your project? These questions pop up, and for your first few apps, they’ll seem like… Continue reading Getting Started With the MStore Pro React Native App Template

How Freelancers Can Stay Positive During the Coronavirus Crisis

There are a lot of negative emotions swirling around right now: fear; stress; frustration; anxiety; depression. And what’s worse is that it feels like there’s no escape from them. We don’t know how long the coronavirus crisis is going to last, so we can’t allow these negative emotions to overwhelm us day in and day… Continue reading How Freelancers Can Stay Positive During the Coronavirus Crisis

Build a Chrome Extension to Streamline Your Workflow — SitePoint

When I began as a JavaScript editor at SitePoint, our submission process was something of a mess — articles coming from every direction in a variety of formats. So we decided to standardize things and settled on submission via GitHub in Markdown. This was a step forward, but we still needed to convert the Markdown… Continue reading Build a Chrome Extension to Streamline Your Workflow — SitePoint

Exciting New Tools for Designers, November 2019

You’re sure to find some tools and resources that will help you save time as we enter what is often one of the most hectic seasons of the year. Here’s what’s new for designers this month. Screen Size Map Screen Size Map is a tool to showcase popular screen sizes and will even auto-detect yours.… Continue reading Exciting New Tools for Designers, November 2019

How to Choose the Best Design for Your Blog

Selecting a design is the intermediate step to writing a blog. It serves to capture the reader so that one can be interested in reading through the entire blog. Therefore, the person who reads will be most likely captivated by the layout and information on the site. Take, for example, if you want more students… Continue reading How to Choose the Best Design for Your Blog

Beginner’s Guide to Angular: Services

Hello there! I hope you’ve followed along with our tutorials on Angular components and routing. In this post, we’ll go on to another interesting concept in Angular: services. Angular Beginner’s Guide to Angular: Components Divya Dev Angular Beginner’s Guide to Angular: Routing Divya Dev If Angular components are the presentation layer of our application, what… Continue reading Beginner’s Guide to Angular: Services

The Pros and Cons of Parallax Website Design

Parallax websites are quickly growing in popularity as web designers continue push the envelope and the capabilities of web browsers in order to wow visitors. You have to admit, a smooth scrolling parallax website captivates users and provokes intense curiosity. Visitors tend to stay on your website longer, if only to play with the slick… Continue reading The Pros and Cons of Parallax Website Design

3 Top Responsive Web Design Traps You Should Avoid

No designer can ignore the call of the mobile. Mobile is the wave of the future and there is a tremendous surge in website designs that cater exclusively to the mobile. But separate mobile websites cannot stand firm against the onslaught of dozens of new mobile devices. Designers need to create designs that display attractively… Continue reading 3 Top Responsive Web Design Traps You Should Avoid