Getting Started With the MStore Pro React Native App Template

Building a React Native app from scratch can be difficult. Setting up the initial project can be complex and annoying, especially for those who work primarily on web applications. How do you deal with the command-line interface? What is exporting your project? These questions pop up, and for your first few apps, they’ll seem like… Continue reading Getting Started With the MStore Pro React Native App Template

How to Work Securely by Choosing the Best VPN For Your Needs

If you’re concerned with working securely or anonymously online, the chances are you’ll have used a VPN (Virtual Private Network) at some stage. But when choosing a VPN service do you know what factors you should be taking into account? This tutorial will help you understand why you should use a VPN and how to… Continue reading How to Work Securely by Choosing the Best VPN For Your Needs

Surfshark VPN – Essential App for Android Phones

Surfshark is a new VPN app for Android, but it protects your phone and gives a sense of control like no other. Bearing in mind how vulnerable Android phones are for hacking you should invest a few dollars in your mobile safety and privacy. VPN stands for a virtual private network, your data travels through… Continue reading Surfshark VPN – Essential App for Android Phones

Ready to Prototype from within Sketch? Then Say Hello to Silver!

Aby Nimbalkar and Andrey Shakhmin, the creators of Silver, were kind enough to invite me to a private beta of the application, and it did not disappoint. Oh no. After just a couple of minutes, it put a huge ‘Cheshire Cat’ style grin across my face, and that’s the correct response to the frequently asked… Continue reading Ready to Prototype from within Sketch? Then Say Hello to Silver!