How to create a Superman inspired animated movie poster

In this two-part tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a movie poster in Adobe Photoshop and create an animated movie poster from the design using Adobe After Effects.  This is a simple and striking Photoshop poster layout that you can recreate using the steps below or easily adapt with your own choice of image. So… Continue reading How to create a Superman inspired animated movie poster

Be Inspired by These Cute IG GIFs Before You Create Your Own

December 1, 2021 by Sangalang Kristine Leave a Comment Cute IG GIFs and GIF stickers are and have always been everyone’s favorite features on Instagram. But, imagine if users use GIFs and GIF stickers that you created, right? It is always so fun to get so much traction on social media, especially for graphic design… Continue reading Be Inspired by These Cute IG GIFs Before You Create Your Own

Top Visualization Elements on eCommerce Sites to Skyrocket Sales

Сustomers consume an insane amount of information every single hour, and it’s getting harder to retain their interest long enough to gain profit. Thus, the content of your online store needs to be qualitative, gripping, and, of course, visual. The thing is that it’s much simpler for a human to process visual data than text.… Continue reading Top Visualization Elements on eCommerce Sites to Skyrocket Sales

Top New CMS Plugins, October 2020

Plugins offer a ton of benefits to developers and website administrators; from flexibility, to saving time in development, the right plugin is priceless to a project. In this article, we’ll cover a list of the best new plugins for October 2020. You’ll find useful plugins for WordPress, Craft, Shopify, and Joomla. Let’s get started. WordPress… Continue reading Top New CMS Plugins, October 2020

Get Inspired by These Clever Social Media Ads

Let’s all admit it, the ads is one of the most important parts of a website. The addition of an advertisement in any website creates a chain of benefits. First, advertisements are helpful for consumers. It helps them make decisions regarding their purchases. Second, advertisements are helpful for the brand or product. An ad creates… Continue reading Get Inspired by These Clever Social Media Ads

How to Make PNG Images Transparent for Free

August 3, 2020 by Sangalang Kristine Different image formats could be used, downloaded, and uploaded on the internet. There are three commonly used kinds of images on the internet – the PNG, the JPEG, and the GIF. The JPEG format for images is commonly used for articles, photography, and general kinds of presentations. These images… Continue reading How to Make PNG Images Transparent for Free

How to Build a Grayscale to Color Effect on Scroll (CSS & JavaScript)

In this new tutorial, we’ll start with some grayscale images and learn how to smoothly reveal their colored variants on scroll. To achieve the desired effect, we’re going to take advantage of different modern front-end features like CSS Grid, the clip-path property, and the Intersection Observer API. Our Grayscale to Color Effect Without further intro, let’s check… Continue reading How to Build a Grayscale to Color Effect on Scroll (CSS & JavaScript)

Exciting New Tools for Designers, November 2019

You’re sure to find some tools and resources that will help you save time as we enter what is often one of the most hectic seasons of the year. Here’s what’s new for designers this month. Screen Size Map Screen Size Map is a tool to showcase popular screen sizes and will even auto-detect yours.… Continue reading Exciting New Tools for Designers, November 2019

10 Stunning Trends for Website Designers to Follow in 2020

Like every field of design, the web design industry also continues to evolve with new and exciting trends and design practices each year. People and businesses who want to stay on top of their web design game keep up with the latest design trends to make their website look trendy and modern, because who likes… Continue reading 10 Stunning Trends for Website Designers to Follow in 2020

Exciting New Tools for Designers, October 2019

It’s already time to start thinking about all the seasonal design elements that you will use for the rest of the year. That might be icons or illustrations or fonts. We have a few new elements this month that might fit the bill, as well as learning tools and inspiration. Here’s what new for designers… Continue reading Exciting New Tools for Designers, October 2019

20 Best New Portfolios, July 2019

And now it’s July. I’d just like to tell my American and Canadian friends to hydrate properly, and the hangover should be gone by October, just in time for the sugar crash. While you recover, we’ve got more portfolios. Lots of good, grid-based stuff this month. And lots of dark layouts. It’s like all the… Continue reading 20 Best New Portfolios, July 2019

Tour de Workforce — here comes the collective economy

Image Credit: Simon Darby What does a group of lycra-clad cyclists have to do with the future of work? More than you might think. If you’re familiar with road cycling, you’ll have heard the term ‘peloton’ before. If you’re not partial to a hoard of people in spandex on two wheels, then maybe you haven’t. The… Continue reading Tour de Workforce — here comes the collective economy

Top 12 Web Design Trends 2018: Space Odyssey Infographics

There’s always been a lot of fuss around web design trends. Some of them live for 2 – 3 years and fade into oblivion. Others don’t die out completely: they evolve and make a comeback in a couple of years. What’s the role of them? Why are they so important? The answer to these questions… Continue reading Top 12 Web Design Trends 2018: Space Odyssey Infographics

5 Best Designed Websites in 2017

The web industry appears to be an extremely evolving space. It introduces some latest techniques and technologies letting developers implement the best website designs as well as meet their users’ expectations. New design trends appear very quickly. They create an award-winning symbiosis with some classics like retro style, patterns, and techniques that launch a web… Continue reading 5 Best Designed Websites in 2017

8 Best Tools For Making Animated Videos

March 2, 2017 by Veronika This collection of free and premium video creation tools can help you create your very own 2D and 3D character animations and bring your ideas to life. Targeted at both professional animators and amateurs in the marketing and freelance industry, this list of tools is suitable for anyone who’s interested in… Continue reading 8 Best Tools For Making Animated Videos