Test smart: How to validate product on a business-facing level?

It took a long time since my story How to Select Testing Techniques for an Agile Team was published (if you ask me what happened in between, the short answer will be: a war in Ukraine and a career pivot). The mentioned story focused on Agile Testing Quadrants, a method presented by Lisa Crispin and… Continue reading Test smart: How to validate product on a business-facing level?

Norman Doors: how do we still get this wrong?

The confusing design of Cybertruck’s doors. Tesla Cybertruck The concept of the “Norman door” is a well-known and widely recognized principle among designers. Named after design guru Don Norman, it describes any door that proves confusing or difficult to use, highlighting a common design flaw. In this article, we will discuss the application of the… Continue reading Norman Doors: how do we still get this wrong?

Design Systems Teams: Understand Your Users So They Can Serve Theirs

Welcome to the next edition of my Design Strategy blog series. Today, I’ll be sharing a story from some recent client visits that will help y’all recognize WHY you should do things differently to mature and scale your digital accessibility program quickly. I will once again skip the “how-to” dry laundry lists of tactical “do… Continue reading Design Systems Teams: Understand Your Users So They Can Serve Theirs

Why Unique ID Attributes Matter

Ambiguous IDs can cause both your developers and your users a lot of frustration, and may ultimately damage customer relations. A Little Background It’s one of the most common WCAG 4.1.1 violations reported by automated accessibility testing tools such as aXe, and it can cause a fair share of problems for your users. It happens… Continue reading Why Unique ID Attributes Matter

Ensuring negative numbers are available for everyone

This post is co-authored by Michael Fairchild and Jeremy Katherman. That little minus sign before a number is very important. It can mean the difference between having money in your bank account or paying overdraft fees. It can be the difference between a deposit or a withdrawal. Negative numbers can be indicated in several ways,… Continue reading Ensuring negative numbers are available for everyone

Wikipedia redesign, UI spacing tips, copying TikTok’s UX, WE❤️NYC

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. In science fiction, one of the main indications that the characters are living in the high-tech future is an insanely smart, AI voice assistant. Star Trek’s Enterprise had the omnipresent Computer, and Tony Stark famously traded quips with JARVIS (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System) before the AI became… Continue reading Wikipedia redesign, UI spacing tips, copying TikTok’s UX, WE❤️NYC

Character creation UX

A guide to CCIs in game design. Walking dressed cyberpunk in a cyberpunk city by Paola Ascanio via MidJourney Character creation is an essential aspect of most video games, allowing players to customize their avatars and immerse themselves in the game world. As a user experience (UX) designer, your role in game design is to create… Continue reading Character creation UX

Testing is a scary word

There has been some discussion in the UX community the last few years on what to call the activity that’s arguably the most important one in the UX-toolkit. Ten years ago basically everyone said “user testing”. Then someone thought: Hey! We have a problem with users feeling uncomfortable being tested. Calling it user testing makes… Continue reading Testing is a scary word

Popular Design News of the Week: February 22, 2021 – February 28, 2021

Everyday design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site. The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to… Continue reading Popular Design News of the Week: February 22, 2021 – February 28, 2021

Testing and Staging Environments in eCommerce Implementation

ECommerce implementation is not easy. It requires careful planning and execution from the developer’s part. One way to look into it is to ensure proper testing. In this article, we will look at the testing and staging environments in eCommerce implementation. Is SDLC enough? Is Testing Required? Before we go and do so, let’s quickly… Continue reading Testing and Staging Environments in eCommerce Implementation

9 Tips For An Effective Mobile App Design

Mobile applications with a compelling design strike a chord with users almost instantaneously. Achieving such a design, however, is anything but easy. Knowing this fact very well, we’ve collated this blog outlining several important mobile app design tips to help you break through the noise with your next app. Design is one of the most… Continue reading 9 Tips For An Effective Mobile App Design

How to Move into UX

The web designs are constantly evolving to ensure the user is attracted to the website and gets the best user experience. This evolution gives has improved versions of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. As the designs are becoming simpler and user friendly, the User Experience is also given as much importance. Payscale indicates an average of… Continue reading How to Move into UX

How to Test a Website Before Launching to the Public

Have you been toiling away on your website for the past several months? Before you launch that bad boy, click here to learn how to test a website first. Launching a new website can be exciting. It’s important that you don’t let your excitement overpower your rational thinking. No matter how excited you are in… Continue reading How to Test a Website Before Launching to the Public

Testing Components in React Using Jest: The Basics

What You’ll Be Creating Testing code is a confusing practice for many developers. That’s understandable because writing tests requires more effort, time, and the ability to foresee possible use cases. Startups and developers working on smaller projects usually favor ignoring tests altogether because of the lack of resources and manpower.  However, there are a couple… Continue reading Testing Components in React Using Jest: The Basics

Designing A Crypto Website

Cryptocurrencies have amassed a lot of attention around them, and the more banks and tycoons fight them, the more people are intrigued to find out what exactly makes them so threatening to the rich. The truth is, technology is moving faster and soon, very few people will be walking around with hard cash. Bitcoin broke… Continue reading Designing A Crypto Website

How to Properly Load Test a WordPress Website

WordPress is without a doubt the most popular content management system in the history of the web. The power and versatility of the combination of technologies like SQL, PHP and web browsers have made it possible to produce a system that can be adapted for nearly any purpose including photo galleries, online comic books, and… Continue reading How to Properly Load Test a WordPress Website

JSON-Server as a Fake REST API in Frontend Development

Introduction Frontend development is changing day by day and we have to learn a lot more stuff. When we start learning a new framework or library, the first thing that is recommended to build a todo list which helps in doing all CRUD functions. But there is no solid backend/library available to make use of… Continue reading JSON-Server as a Fake REST API in Frontend Development

What You Need To Do To Be A Great UX Designer

The concept of user experience design is a relatively new idea, and now it is an appropriate time to find a way of defining it, by identifying UX design skills and by looking at how these need to be put into practice. In design terms, everything that goes into user experience can make UX a… Continue reading What You Need To Do To Be A Great UX Designer

12 Best Meteor Tools For Developers

Are you a developer who is looking for some free to use meteor tools? Well, if your answer is yes, then you are lucky enough to land on the right page. In this round up, we are presenting 12 best and extremely useful meteor tools for developers. Meteor tools or MeteorJS tools are very helpful… Continue reading 12 Best Meteor Tools For Developers

UX Vs UI: Discussing The Most Confusing Topic Of The 2015

Being into the development world, I have gone through the discussion over UX and UI a lot…well it is quite irksome at one point of time and quite daunting on the other, as it challenges your credibility. It is quite difficult to explain to people what is the difference between these two different terms that… Continue reading UX Vs UI: Discussing The Most Confusing Topic Of The 2015

Debugging and Testing your JavaScript with Vorlon.js

Vorlon.js is an open source, extensible, platform-agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing your JavaScript. Powered by node.js and socket.io. You can install Vorlon.JS and add a single line of JavaScript to your web app. Run your server and start the Vorlon.JS dashboard. You can remotely connect up to 50 devices simultaneously. Run your code… Continue reading Debugging and Testing your JavaScript with Vorlon.js

How to Improve UX Design with A/B Testing

If you’ve kept up with design news the past 5-6 years then you should know about A/B testing. This is where two or more page designs are created and offered to a split percentage of visitors. Various metrics are tracked and designers can select a design style based on which features perform the best. It’s… Continue reading How to Improve UX Design with A/B Testing

Important tools you need for cross brower testing

There are a multitude of browsers that you can find right now on the market and, as a developer, you have to make sure that you test the site you created on as many as possible. However, you simply cannot test all existing browsers on all possible platforms, this is close to impossible. Because of… Continue reading Important tools you need for cross brower testing