Summary: Use the EAS framework — Eliminate first, Automate where possible, and Simplify what remains — to minimize user effort and improve form completion rates. Filling out a form is rarely anyone’s idea of fun. Users are goal-oriented — they want to accomplish their goals quickly and efficiently. The more effort a form demands, the… Continue reading Less Effort, More Completion: The EAS Framework for Simplifying Forms
Tag: path
Best Figma User and Usability Testing Plugin
Key Takeaways 👉 UXtweak seamlessly connects with Figma, making it easy to start testing your prototypes without complicated setup. 👉 The plugin provides in-depth analytics, including statistics, heat maps, and funnels, to help you understand user behavior. 👉 UXtweak offers access to a reliable pool of testers, ensuring dependable feedback from your respondents. 👉 The… Continue reading Best Figma User and Usability Testing Plugin
What To Do If Your UX Team Is Under-Resourced Listen to this post and subscribe using Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify or RSS Hello all.Benjamin Franklin was wrong. He claimed that the only certain things in life are death and taxes, but he missed something – that UX teams are under-resourced compared to other departments. Most UX Teams Are Overstretched I have worked… Continue reading What To Do If Your UX Team Is Under-Resourced
Traditional Usability Testing Might Be Causing You Problems Listen to this post and subscribe using Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify or RSS Hi all.When you hear somebody talking about testing with users, what do you think about? You are likely picturing traditional usability testing. In it, a participant navigates a website with a facilitator while being recorded. If you’re not quite as… Continue reading Traditional Usability Testing Might Be Causing You Problems
Success Lies in Mastering the Fundamentals Like Consistency
Learn about lean user research and testing this May with my upcoming workshop. Find out more here or just email me and I’ll tell you all about it. Listen to this post and subscribe using Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify or RSS Hey all. I have been working on web apps a lot lately.… Continue reading Success Lies in Mastering the Fundamentals Like Consistency
Do You Suffer from User Research Imposter Syndrome?
Learn about lean user research and testing this May with my upcoming workshop. Find out more here or just email me and I’ll tell you all about it. Listen to this post and subscribe using Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify or RSS Hi all. I’ll go out on a limb and hope I’m not… Continue reading Do You Suffer from User Research Imposter Syndrome?
How To Use Testing To Escape Iteration Hell And Gain Respect
Learn about lean user research and testing this May with my upcoming workshop. Find out more here or just email me and I’ll tell you all about it. Listen to this post and subscribe using Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify or RSS Hey all. I’ve been working on preparing the user research and testing… Continue reading How To Use Testing To Escape Iteration Hell And Gain Respect
90% of designers are unhirable?
Or why your cookie-cutter portfolio doesn’t cut it and how to fix it Image by Matej Latin (Author) Here’s the harsh truth: I’ve reviewed more than 1,000 portfolios in my design career so far, and I turned 90% of them down because of one thing — the linear design process. By “linear design process” I mean cookie-cutter case studies that… Continue reading 90% of designers are unhirable?
Crafting an effective design system strategy
How to build a strategy, not a roadmap A design system is a product. A product that solves concrete tasks: ensuring consistency reducing development time and much more Most often, the main reason to create a new product is that you want it to be different from the existing ones on the market. After all, why waste time… Continue reading Crafting an effective design system strategy
Google Maps: a refreshing turn in the right direction
Finally! Google Maps gets a much-needed makeover… and we’re here for it. Sometimes, a reroute is all it takes to rediscover the joy of the journey — Google Maps’ latest update is a testament to that. What’s New Since My Last Rant A few months back, I ripped into some serious user experience flaws in Google Maps. Google Maps: about that… Continue reading Google Maps: a refreshing turn in the right direction
Quantitative hiring in UX, designing for left-handed people, how to pitch UX research
Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. “In November 2022, Brian Chesky, CEO of Airbnb, began a tweet thread with “I’ve heard you loud and clear” in response to a customer backlash over the way they hid additional costs till the checkout page. “You feel like prices aren’t transparent…starting next month, you’ll be able to see… Continue reading Quantitative hiring in UX, designing for left-handed people, how to pitch UX research
Vanishing designers, guide to risky projects, UI transitions, AI in UX
Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. “Look around us. Every business is an app and every app feels the same, because every designer has the same resume, follows the same process, graduates from the same program, uses the same tool, scrolls the same Dribbble feed, reads the same Medium articles, expects the same career outcome,… Continue reading Vanishing designers, guide to risky projects, UI transitions, AI in UX
Risk tolerance: why some countries prefer more complex UIs
An analysis of Uncertainty Avoidance and Amazon’s website in various countries Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash What do Switzerland, the US, Sweden, the UK, and the Netherlands have in common? They are all rich, protestant, relatively cold countries where a big part of the population consists of (former) immigrants. They also form the top 5 of… Continue reading Risk tolerance: why some countries prefer more complex UIs
The Dangers of Deceptive Design Patterns (And How to Avoid Them)
UX By Louise North Today As web designers, our role in crafting user-friendly digital landscapes is critical. We are tasked with creating user experiences that make visitors feel comfortable and respected. This, in turn, creates benefits for our clients by improving repeat visits and achieves the site’s ultimate aims, whether that is sales revenue or… Continue reading The Dangers of Deceptive Design Patterns (And How to Avoid Them)
Ethical growth, AI authors, the mind of a type designer, UX research emails
Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. “Growth hacks or so-called psychology tricks have a negative reputation. and it’s not a surprise. Think about the last time you stumbled upon such a “smart” hack — maybe when you were trying to unsubscribe from newsletters you didn’t mean to sign up for, or when booking a low-cost flight became… Continue reading Ethical growth, AI authors, the mind of a type designer, UX research emails
Amazon lawsuit, tips for UX leaders, beating AI, all new things Figma
Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. The FTC has slapped Amazon with a lawsuit, accusing the company of duping millions of customers into signing up for its Prime subscription service through deceptive user interface designs. But the lawsuit goes even deeper. Amazon allegedly made canceling subscriptions an odyssey, with a purposefully complicated labyrinthine process designed… Continue reading Amazon lawsuit, tips for UX leaders, beating AI, all new things Figma
Invisible cities, infinite scroll UX, product tsunami, Framer AI
Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. “We are still at the dawn of a new digital era: artificial intelligence, virtual worlds, augmented reality, and other technical and societal changes are reframing the world we live in. However, from a spatial design perspective, they have so far been lame and ordinary. Without the constraints in the physical… Continue reading Invisible cities, infinite scroll UX, product tsunami, Framer AI
Prototyping for Apple Vision Pro, baseline alignment in Figma, spatial computing
Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. Google Glass emerged as a highly anticipated innovation with the potential to revolutionize our daily lives. Its sleek design, hands-free interface, and augmented reality (AR) capabilities promised a futuristic experience. However, despite its initial hype and grand vision, Google Glass ultimately failed to capture the consumer market and find… Continue reading Prototyping for Apple Vision Pro, baseline alignment in Figma, spatial computing
AI? Artificial Intelligence? Accessible Intelligence!
What We Can Look Forward To in the New AI World The Journey For the uninitiated, the concept of AI could seem new, but I can remember learning the term in the late 1980s when I took a course in LISP. LISP is a computer language originally developed over sixty years ago at MIT and… Continue reading AI? Artificial Intelligence? Accessible Intelligence!
Wikipedia redesign, UI spacing tips, copying TikTok’s UX, WE❤️NYC
Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. In science fiction, one of the main indications that the characters are living in the high-tech future is an insanely smart, AI voice assistant. Star Trek’s Enterprise had the omnipresent Computer, and Tony Stark famously traded quips with JARVIS (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System) before the AI became… Continue reading Wikipedia redesign, UI spacing tips, copying TikTok’s UX, WE❤️NYC
Down the wrong path: the disaster of the latest Duolingo UI update
The world’s largest language learning platform recently rolled out a major update to its 50M active users, and it has major usability… Continue reading on UX Collective »
Should you do UX Research yourself, or hire an agency?
The Pros and Cons of these two options — plus a third you might have ignored The number at the end of the agency’s proposal was over one million Euros. I was floored. A client of mine had sent me a proposal from the latest research consulting firm in the runnings to help them explore a new market. Of the… Continue reading Should you do UX Research yourself, or hire an agency?
A Beginner’s Guide to the Character Panel in Illustrator
In the following tutorial, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Adobe Illustrator’s Character panel. You can read this detailed written guide, and additionally, you can follow this new video from the Envato Tuts+ YouTube channel: What You’ll Learn in This Character Panel Illustrator Tutorial How to open the Character panel in Illustrator … Continue reading A Beginner’s Guide to the Character Panel in Illustrator
Gestalt psicology for dataviz
Understanding why specific data visualization techniques work better than others may not be so simple. Visual Pattern — Credits: Omar Flores on Unsplash We easily perceive a design that catches our attention, or elements that are out of place, but then we hardly know how to identify and evaluate them accurately, almost as if their effect acts at the… Continue reading Gestalt psicology for dataviz