How to Embed Video in PowerPoint (With Free Template)

Creating presentations take time. High-quality presentations take even longer. That’s why it’s always a good idea to have a premium PowerPoint template available. This slide was only made possible by using the Delusi template with an embedded video. To get you started, we’re going to give you a freebie: the Delusi PowerPoint template. You’ll see how… Continue reading How to Embed Video in PowerPoint (With Free Template)

Media overload is causing design “generification”

Michael F. Buckley · Follow Published in UX Collective · 4 min read · 20 hours ago — 2 Share A bland couch in a stark living room | MidJourney The notion that contemporary design is becoming generic, homogeneous, and just plain boring is not a revelation. Numerous designers, including myself, have extensively discussed this… Continue reading Media overload is causing design “generification”

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Webflow to WordPress Migration: A Step-by-Step Guide

Transitioning from Webflow to WordPress can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of migrating your website with ease. Jump to sections in this tutorial: Why Migrate from Webflow to WordPress? Webflow and WordPress have their own differences, but migrating from Webflow to WordPress… Continue reading Webflow to WordPress Migration: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Learn WordPress

Free WordPress Courses for Beginners Follow along with these two epic free courses for beginners and learn the basics of WordPress. With these guides you can go from knowing nothing whatsoever, to being able to create a WordPress website and even begin editing and coding your own themes. Subscribe to the Tuts+ Youtube channel for… Continue reading How to Learn WordPress

How to Use WordPress: A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started

Step 1: Purchase a Domain Name and Hosting Plan If you want to build a website with WordPress, you have two options: 1. A site hosted on With this model, you add your site to the existing network at and choose the plan that’s right for you. You can get a free site,… Continue reading How to Use WordPress: A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started

How to Use WordPress: A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started

Step 1: Purchase a Domain Name and Hosting Plan If you want to build a website with WordPress, you have two options: 1. A site hosted on With this model, you add your site to the existing network at and choose the plan that’s right for you. You can get a free site,… Continue reading How to Use WordPress: A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started

10+ Beautiful WordPress Themes for Media Websites

Today we’ve got twenty amazing WordPress themes united by a similar topic: media. So, if you are browsing the Internet for those, this list will surely help you in your quest. Also, these themes might be of some help for those who don’t have the inspiration, time or skills to create a custom design. We’ve chosen only… Continue reading 10+ Beautiful WordPress Themes for Media Websites

6 Social Media Plugins You Must Try to Boost Your Web Traffic

One of the ways to increase your website traffic is through social media. It’s actually quite an important method nowadays as Google is using the social media influence to rank your website as well. As a result, the more users share your content, most likely you will rank well and get good flow of incoming… Continue reading 6 Social Media Plugins You Must Try to Boost Your Web Traffic

25 Web Designs with a Clear and Concise Elevator Pitch

The concept of the elevator pitch has become a popular feature in web design. Bold statements that introduce and describe a company or individual now dominate the mastheads of agency and portfolio sites. In today’s web design showcase I present 25 great examples of websites that successfully explain what they’re all about in a clear… Continue reading 25 Web Designs with a Clear and Concise Elevator Pitch

WP_Query Arguments: Status, Order, and Pagination

In this part of the series on Mastering WP_Query, you’ll learn about some of the arguments you can use with the WP_Query class, namely those for status, order, and pagination. You can use these arguments to fetch scheduled posts from the database, to query attachments, to amend the way posts are ordered and what they’re… Continue reading WP_Query Arguments: Status, Order, and Pagination

30 Unofficial Redesigns of Popular Social Media Sites

As web designers we often get frustrated with the UI and UX design of sites we commonly use, with social media sites being right up there as the most annoying! This can lead designers to have a go at redesigning them, albeit unofficially as a personal project just for fun. Sometimes these design concepts are… Continue reading 30 Unofficial Redesigns of Popular Social Media Sites

24 Best WordPress Social Media Plugins You Most Likely Haven’t Seen

So whether you like what about for blog owners?Well,of course we are in social media and it has become a part of our daily life too.We share and build relationships with our members and we must learn how to use social media effectively.So the first step is to integrate social media into our blogs. Today… Continue reading 24 Best WordPress Social Media Plugins You Most Likely Haven’t Seen

CSS Media Query Snippets

With responsive design being big in web design it’s important that you design your website so that it can be used on different devices. There are a number of different media queries that you can use on your design, if you don’t know where to start with media queries here is a good boilerplate to… Continue reading CSS Media Query Snippets

How to Make the Best Social Media Team for Your Business

The principles of social media are fairly simple, the execution takes manpower to monitor multiple sites, engage with users in creative ways, and respond to their posts. You can’t do it all by yourself. You need a team to make your social media soar to new heights. In this article, I go over what your… Continue reading How to Make the Best Social Media Team for Your Business

Bandwidth Media Queries? We Don’t Need ’Em!

From time to time, when a discussion is taking place about ways to implement responsive images, someone comes along and says, “Hey, guys! What we really need is a media query that enables us to send high-resolution images to people on a fast connection and low-resolution images to people on a slow connection.” At least… Continue reading Bandwidth Media Queries? We Don’t Need ’Em!

The Coca-Cola Secrets to Become Top 20 Brands in Social Media

When you see the Coca-cola on television what do you think? Surely you are used to seeing Coca-cola? How the Coca-cola in social media? Coca-cola is doing branding anywhere done in totality, it is evident from the web bussiness insider which puts Coca-Cola in ranks 13th on Twitter brand pages and fan web page featuring… Continue reading The Coca-Cola Secrets to Become Top 20 Brands in Social Media

Free Clear Social Media Icons with PNG & PSD

Here is the latest edition of todays freebie. This freebie includes popular social media icons that are completely vectorized. As usual, the icon set is free to use for personal and commercial projects. Inside the zip folder you will find PNGs and PSD file. Icons that are included : facebook, twitter, pintrest, linkedin, google plus, flickr, stumbleupon, rss, email… Continue reading Free Clear Social Media Icons with PNG & PSD