Storytelling as a service in SaaS

Rather than solely focusing on product characteristics and features, an authentic and creative narrative can convey brand values and connect with the target audience in a more strategic way. We are all the heroes of our own stories, and building a narrative around our experiences courses in our veins. Binging on stories is one of… Continue reading Storytelling as a service in SaaS

How To Make Your Websites Look and Feel Original

There are hundreds of millions of websites active on the web. It can be hard to imagine how a single lonely website or brand can hope to make an impact. Decent inbound marketing can be help, and Search Engine Optimization can certainly play a role, but none of these efforts will help you get visitors… Continue reading How To Make Your Websites Look and Feel Original

25 Web Designs with a Clear and Concise Elevator Pitch

The concept of the elevator pitch has become a popular feature in web design. Bold statements that introduce and describe a company or individual now dominate the mastheads of agency and portfolio sites. In today’s web design showcase I present 25 great examples of websites that successfully explain what they’re all about in a clear… Continue reading 25 Web Designs with a Clear and Concise Elevator Pitch