Creating presentations take time. High-quality presentations take even longer. That’s why it’s always a good idea to have a premium PowerPoint template available.

To get you started, we’re going to give you a freebie: the Delusi PowerPoint template. You’ll see how easy Delusi is to customize. But that’s not the only thing you’ll learn from this tutorial.
In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how to make your professional templates look even better. I’m going to show you how to add a video to PowerPoint. It’s a cool feature that’s underutilized, but one that’s sure to impress.
In this tutorial, we’re going to be working with Delusi. It’s a premium PowerPoint template from Envato Elements, and it’s available to you for free. Let’s take a look at what makes Delusi so much better than other free templates out there.

What jumps out straight away is its use of earth tones across its minimal design. The color palette is used for more than just headings. You’ll find it throughout the slides themselves and infographics. Delusi is a multipurpose template, but these earth tones work great for a cafe, food, or seasonal presentation.
Minimal design and earth tones aren’t the only reasons to pick Delusi. It’s 16:9 aspect ratio fits modern screens, so you won’t have annoying black bars on your display. There’s also plenty of device mockups and infographics to use to show off websites, apps, and data.
Delusi is a top pick if you’re a student, blogger, or entrepreneur. The design is professional and suits all types of content. And the best part is that it’s free! Get your free download of Delusi and start impressing with your presentations.
How to Embed a Video in PowerPoint
Your visual aid needs great visuals, and a video falls into that category. So, let’s see how to insert video into a PowerPoint presentation. It only takes a few steps, but there are a few different ways to do it.
Add a Local Video to PowerPoint Presentations
1. Select Your Slide
The first step is to choose which slide you want to embed a video in. In PowerPoint, scroll through the slides and choose which one would look best with a video. In the Delusi template, I’m going to select the seventh slide.

2. Insert Your Video Into PowerPoint
To embed a video in PowerPoint, go to the Insert tab. On the far-right side of the screen, click the Video drop-down. Here you’ll choose the Movie From File… option.

Selecting this option opens a window where you can choose which video you want to insert. Find where your video is on your device, select it, then click Insert.

3. Resize Your Video File
Good news and bad news.
The good news is: you’ve just learned how to embed video to a PowerPoint slideshow. The bad news is: your embedded video now looks like this:

Your video takes over the entire slide. If you want your audience to still see what else is on your slide, there’s an easy fix.
With the video selected, click and hold a sizing handle in any of the corners. Drag the sizing handle towards the center of the video, and it’ll shrink in size. I want my video to cover the photo placeholder in the corner of the slide. But you can move your video anywhere you’d like.

Covering the photo placeholder is an inelegant workaround. I’ll teach you how to use the placeholders in Delusi to embed videos in this tutorial. But first, I want to show you how to add a web video to PowerPoint.
Insert a Web Video In PowerPoint
Have a video you want to share but you don’t have it downloaded? No worries. You can still embed a video in PowerPoint that you’ve found online. Let’s look at how.
Since your video isn’t saved to your device, you’ll need to be connected to the internet on presentation day!
1. Get Your Web Video Link Ready
You’ll need to navigate to the page of the video you’d like embedded. Go to the address bar and copy the link.

2. Paste Your Web Video Link in PowerPoint
Now let’s see how to insert this video link into a PowerPoint slide. Once again, we’ll select the Video drop-down from the Insert tab. But this time we’ll click Online Movie… instead.

In the now open dialog box, paste your web video link. You’ll also see a reminder that any online video you use is subject to the provider’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. With your link pasted, click on Insert.

You’re now free to resize and place your video wherever you’d like in your slide.

Make Video Placeholders in Delusi
You’ve just learned how to embed a video in PowerPoint with two different methods. Now I’m going to show you a new way to use premium templates like Delusi for embedding. This uses Delusi’s master slides.
A master slide, or slide master, is basically the top dog of all slides. When you make changes to a master slide, all slides like it’ll change in your slideshow. It’s an easy way to customize multiple slides as a group instead of individually. I’ll show you how that works.
1. Access Delusi’s Master Slides
To make changes to Delusi’s master slides, we need to access them first. Go to the View tab and click on Slide Master.
You’ll notice the slides you’ve worked on are no longer in view. What you’re now looking at are the master slides for Delusi. Now you’ll have to find the slide layout that matches the slide you’re working with. Here’s the master slide for the seventh slide:

2. Replace the Image Placeholder
I like the location of this image placeholder, but I can’t use it to embed a video in PowerPoint. What I’m going to do is replace it with a video placeholder. Here’s how.
First, I’m going to delete the image placeholder. Now I’m going to go to the Insert Placeholder drop-down from the ribbon. You can see there are quite a few placeholder options available. We want to insert a Media placeholder.
Don’t see the Insert Placeholder option? make sure you’ve selected the Slide Master tab from the ribbon.

3. Choose the Location of Your Video Placeholder
Now that you’ve chosen the media placeholder, you’ve got to find a place to put it. With the master slide open, click and drag your cursor to create the placeholder’s size. You can now drag your placeholder wherever you’d like.
I chose the same bottom left location for my placeholder. Here’s how it looks:

4. Update Your Slide
If you’re happy with your video placeholder, it’s now time to exit the master slides. From the Slide Master tab, click Close Master.
You now need to update your slide layout to reflect the changes you made to the master slide. Select the slide you just added a video placeholder to. From the Home tab, click the Layout drop-down. The master slide layout you just edited should already be highlighted.

Click on it and see how your picture placeholder is now a video placeholder. All slides that share this layout can be changed this way. Now you can embed videos in a single click in the size of the placeholder you created!

We’re All Done!
Working with videos in PowerPoint is just as easy as working with the Delusi template. What I love most about premium templates is how they’re still customizable. All that’s needed is to find a layout that you like and edit it to fit your look.
For my coffee-themed presentation, I wanted to add a few small touches. For this topic, I thought it’d be best to have a video with rounded edges. I also wanted to have an organic background texture that matched the earthy vibe of Delusi’s color palette.
After adding my content and making these adjustments, I was left with this:

Creating a slide with this layout from scratch would’ve taken hours.
Thankfully, downloading Delusi cut a lot of that work down to a handful of clicks. Delusi is one of thousands of premium PowerPoint templates available from Envato Elements. But what is Envato Elements?
Download Unlimited Creative Assets With Envato Elements
Envato Elements is an online platform filled with creative assets. You’ll find thousands of premium-quality PowerPoint templates, stock videos, and a lot more on the site.
The best part is that everything on the site is available to download without limits. Once you sign up for a low monthly fee, you can download as much as you’d like.

With Envato Elements, there are no caps or annual limits to what you can download. Just download as little or as much as you need to complete your projects. Whether you need it for personal or professional use, you can create with Envato Elements. Sign up for Envato Elements today.

Plus, now Envato Elements has an AI-powered search feature! Use this new tool to input a description of your project. It’s even easier than ever before to locate the finest human-crafted resources.
Learn More About PowerPoint With Envato Tuts+
Enjoyed learning about how to add a video to PowerPoint? Learn even more presentation skills from Envato Tuts+. Our instructors have created many more useful tutorials and guides that you can try out. Here’s a few to get you started.
Start Inserting Videos Into Your PowerPoint Presentations
I’m glad you learned how to embed video into PowerPoint slides with this tutorial. Try out each of the methods shown here to see which one you find easier. Once you start adding videos, you’ll be able to create stunning presentations.
Don’t forget to try out the Delusi template! This freebie is highly customizable and is ideal for 2024 presentations. You can find others like it from Envato Elements.