13 Top Great Question Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

Finding the best user testing platform is more challenging than it sounds. There are many existing giants and rising stars in the market. One of them is Great Question. But, if you’ve clicked this article, it means Great Question may not be the best tool for your needs. That’s why we’ve listed… Continue reading 13 Top Great Question Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

The extended designer, and the design machine

The Extended Designer spends less time making products, and more time making progress. The Extended Designer spends less time making products, and more time making progress. 2023 has been Generative AI’s breakout year, but that has been greeted by some fairly mixed responses, particularly from Designers. As the terrain we all live on reconfigures around… Continue reading The extended designer, and the design machine

What should be the contrast level of inactive buttons?

Using the APCA Readability Criterion to improve the accessibility of disabled controls Disabled buttons. They need to look non-interactable. But they also can’t be completely unreadable. How do I find the sweet spot? I spent a few hours in a deep dive going through a bunch of blogs and accessibility guidelines documentation in search for best approaches… Continue reading What should be the contrast level of inactive buttons?

How to AI

Three approaches to deploying generative AI for brands and corporations. 11 out 12 are generated by AI. One is real. Which one? | Source: Imagenavi & Jimmy Fermin History rhymes This isn’t a trick question: 11 out of 12 in the image above are generated by AI. Which one is the real person? I posed this quiz… Continue reading How to AI

Design for meaningful outcomes

Aim for quality outcomes, not just outputs — that’s how we can drive customer and business value! Designing for outcomes enables us to focus on customer needs and meaningful business results. “Start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology,” Steve Jobs once said. To write a compelling story, start with the ending as a meaningful destination.… Continue reading Design for meaningful outcomes

Introducing the Next Generation of Mobile Accessibility Testing

If you can run an app in iOS or Android, now you can test it for accessibility with us.  Deque’s axe DevTools Mobile redefines mobile testing for digital accessibility for cross-platform apps, such as those built with React Native. It’s the easiest mobile testing solution to install and run. It also provides clear direction to… Continue reading Introducing the Next Generation of Mobile Accessibility Testing

Digital Accessibility As A Self-Evident Right: How US Federal Government Agencies Can Improve Digital Services

The Federal government of the United States was founded on a set of key principles. While there have been amendments and additions to these principles throughout history, it can still be said that three foundational principles are unwavering: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Monumental, persistent efforts are needed to ensure that these core… Continue reading Digital Accessibility As A Self-Evident Right: How US Federal Government Agencies Can Improve Digital Services

An Introductory Guide to Understanding Cognitive Disabilities

“For most people, technology makes things easier. But for people with disabilities, technology makes things possible” – Mary Pat Radabaugh By Glenda Sims and Jennie Delisi Think about the last time you hit “Snooze” on your phone’s alarm. Do you even remember pressing the button? Chances are you successfully went back to sleep for another… Continue reading An Introductory Guide to Understanding Cognitive Disabilities

Finding value at the bookends

Improving the design of solutions by conducting foundational pre-design research and post-launch analyses. The UX research field is experiencing a significant transformation as it becomes increasingly prevalent and expands beyond dedicated user researchers. Both user researchers and “people who do research” are engaging in more user interviews, surveys, and other forms of data collection, recognizing… Continue reading Finding value at the bookends

Card sorting with visually impaired participants: how to overcome accessibility barriers

A guide to conducting card sorting with participants who are visually impaired. Photo by Author; generated using Stable Diffusion. Card Sorting is a UX research method used to understand how users categorize and organize information, which reflects how they expect information and content to be organized on a user interface. In this method, participants are… Continue reading Card sorting with visually impaired participants: how to overcome accessibility barriers

5 Homepage Design Elements You Can Optimize for Better Conversions

Optimize These Homepage Design Elements To Boost Conversions This 2023 If people won’t just a book by its cover, they’re sure to judge a website. Products, services, or content might be great, but poorly designed homepages can be detrimental to conversions. Remember, your home page is likely the first thing new users are going to… Continue reading 5 Homepage Design Elements You Can Optimize for Better Conversions

How high-fidelity prototypes can enhance user testing

During the usability testing phase, gathering as much information as possible about how users understand designs/product is essential. The objectives of usability testing often differ across studies. They typically uncover product or service design issues, discover opportunities for enhancement, and gain insight into the target user’s behaviour and preferences [1]. Tools like Figma and Sketch… Continue reading How high-fidelity prototypes can enhance user testing

Software accessibility for users with Dyslexia

It is estimated that 15% of the population has Dyslexia. In absolute numbers this means that 30 million adults in the USA alone are dyslexic and a lot of them don’t even know — because it is often not diagnosed. Dyslexia is a cognitive disability where the brain has difficulties to manipulate the sounds and letters of… Continue reading Software accessibility for users with Dyslexia

The way you make me feel — how to set up in-app feedback

The way you make me feel — how to set up in-app feedback The success and longevity of an application depend on positive user acceptance. In order to integrate the users’ problems, needs, and expectations, it is necessary to continuously collect and analyze their feedback. From the various possible feedback channels, I have mapped the best practices for… Continue reading The way you make me feel — how to set up in-app feedback

Exciting New Tools for Designers, March 2023

We have invoicing apps and scheduling tools. Some resources will save you the trouble of hiring a designer or developer. And there are some really helpful testing and prototyping tools. Glaze Glaze is a collection of modern illustrations that are free to download and use. There’s everything from isolated characters to immersive scenes. Rise Rise is an… Continue reading Exciting New Tools for Designers, March 2023

What if AI tools paid artists?

Exploring solutions and challenges for the controversial debate about AI art Salvador DALL•E (Source: Year 2049) It’s been less than a year since DALLE•2 was released and blew our minds away with the variety of art it could generate from a simple yet descriptive prompt. Other tools like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion quickly followed. The initial stages… Continue reading What if AI tools paid artists?

The role of grid systems in graphic design

Grid System: Vertical and horizontal lines grid. What is a grid system? The vertical and horizontal axes are divided in proportion to the coordinate system. In graphic design, the grid is used to control the font and image position layout design matrix, which has an important role in Mesh design, in different periods and geographical, people have… Continue reading The role of grid systems in graphic design

5 Web Design Trends You Need to Be Aware of in 2023

Posted · Category: Best Collections, Design The beginning of a new year is typically a time when we plan to find ways to make life a little better. The same applies to web designers who look for new and better ways to make their designs more engaging and productive. In this post we will look… Continue reading 5 Web Design Trends You Need to Be Aware of in 2023

Will nationalism end the golden age of global AI collaboration?

As nationalism divides nations and limits international collaboration, is the future of AI in danger? Artificial intelligence has made tremendous progress in recent years, and much of this progress can be attributed to the open-source software movement. By fostering collaboration and sharing knowledge and resources among developers worldwide, the open-source movement has helped bring together AI… Continue reading Will nationalism end the golden age of global AI collaboration?

12 Best Email Marketing Services for 2022 (Ranked)

A robust email marketing strategy is a great way to reach your target audience directly. But your email marketing campaign success rests on whether you used the best email marketing services. No two email marketing services are equal. So you must choose carefully. We created this guide and ranked the 12 best email marketing services… Continue reading 12 Best Email Marketing Services for 2022 (Ranked)

Are Modals In Web Design A UX Disaster?

Modals, a nifty little feature that allows you to display different messages at the top of your website, have been touted as extremely useful. Some even claim that they are helpful enough to completely replace the banner ads we all hate so much. But are modals in web design a UX disaster? If you are… Continue reading Are Modals In Web Design A UX Disaster?

Figma next steps, is Design Thinking overhyped, the UX of Stable Diffusion

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. “It’s 2022. Figma has completely taken over the Product Design world over the last four years. It’s rare to see a company gain such rapid adoption across an entire industry so quickly. With that kind of growth comes a lot of problems. The product accrues debt in different areas (both… Continue reading Figma next steps, is Design Thinking overhyped, the UX of Stable Diffusion

Handling cross-team feedback loops on design work

Escape the siloing trap when you are both part of a design team and a product team, involve people early and often, and foster the right conversation at the right time If you are a designer working in a product organization you are maybe also part of two teams at the same time: a design team… Continue reading Handling cross-team feedback loops on design work

How IBM revolutionized corporate America with design

For more than 100 years, IBM has been one of the prominent names among computing giants, dominating the early global market with technical and service superiority. They forged a path of innovation leading to Nobel Prizes, lucrative defense contracts, and they even helped to put a man on the moon. IBM CEO, Thomas J. Watson Jr.… Continue reading How IBM revolutionized corporate America with design