How to Include AI in Your Graphic Design Workflow

The popularity of AI design (and other search-related terms) is at an all-time high now. For the past two years, search interest for this keyword has skyrocketed, with a growth rate of 488% from Jan 2023 to Feb 2025. This means that more and more professionals are leveraging AI design tools for their graphic design… Continue reading How to Include AI in Your Graphic Design Workflow

Popular Design News of the Week: December 7, 2020 – December 13, 2020

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers. The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however,… Continue reading Popular Design News of the Week: December 7, 2020 – December 13, 2020

Why AI & Automation Are Actually Friends to Design

Artificial intelligence. Just hearing the phrase has been a trigger for many in the technology world since that creepy Haley Joel Osment film circa 2001. But more recently, artificial intelligence and machine learning strike fear into the hearts of skilled workers for an entirely different reason: job security, or lack thereof. Smart-home devices, streaming services, self-checkouts,… Continue reading Why AI & Automation Are Actually Friends to Design

16 Tools for Keeping Your Remote Design Team Together (and on Task)

One of the biggest perks of a career in Web Design is the potential for working remotely. As long as you have access to Wi-Fi, you can basically work from anywhere, whether it be from home, a co-working space, or even the beach — the world is your proverbial remote oyster. Whether you’re new to… Continue reading 16 Tools for Keeping Your Remote Design Team Together (and on Task)

Visme – the perfect tool for visual content creation

While text was certainly the best way to transmit information a few decades ago, nowadays people are highly accustomed to the visual way of getting the info they need. Be it an infographic, image or a video, these can literally draw the attention towards your product, so it’s crucial that you create such content. Hence,… Continue reading Visme – the perfect tool for visual content creation