Designer engagement report

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Top 3 problems for designers: no research, no design strategy, and no career progression Image by Matej Latin (Author) It’s been a horrible year for design. Mass layoffs from 2023 continued and got even worse. AI is threatening to take creatives’ jobs, designers need to go through up to 11 rounds… Continue reading Designer engagement report

The Art of Engineering AI Prompts

AI By Louise North 3 days ago In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence, the ability to communicate effectively with AI tools has become an indispensable skill. Whether you’re generating content, solving complex data problems, or creating stunning digital art, the quality of the outcomes you receive is directly influenced by the prompts you… Continue reading The Art of Engineering AI Prompts

30 Amazing Chrome Extensions for Designers and Developers

Compilations By Robert Reeve 2 days ago Searching for a tool to make cross-platform design a breeze? Desperate for an extension that helps you figure out the HTML code of that fantastic color palette? Looking for a trick that will supercharge your productivity this year? We’ve got you covered. Chrome extensions are the bread and… Continue reading 30 Amazing Chrome Extensions for Designers and Developers

The influence of mobile technology on user cognition and memory

Mobile technology is a part of our daily life more than ever before. Such technology can be a bless to our productivity but also make our brain a bit of a lazy thing. I wrote this article for my Interaction Design post-graduate course. I wanted to share with people some of the things I discovered and… Continue reading The influence of mobile technology on user cognition and memory

Analytics are leaving out user intent: UX benchmarking can help

Using analytics alone to measure UX misses key navigational data you need to know about your product. tl;dr —With log-based analytics alone, we can’t see users that want to start a task but cannot find it. This leads us to overcount success rates. With behavioral UX benchmarking, we understand a user’s intent so we know… Continue reading Analytics are leaving out user intent: UX benchmarking can help

AI is going to change UX research forever

The rise of AI will impact everyone. But in what way can UX designers use AI to their benefit? And how do we design AI systems? AI will revolutionize every sector, but unexpectedly UX research might suffer a huge impact. Photo by me. The rise of AI is creating a lot of buzz in almost every modern… Continue reading AI is going to change UX research forever

What does your design cause?

What does your design cause which is undesirable or unintended or at odds with the design intent? How does one ask and answer these questions? In these next few posts I’m going to propose some ways of answering these questions that build up in complexity and propose some ways of thinking about causality and modeling… Continue reading What does your design cause?

WooCommerce vs Shopify: Which One is Right for You?

In one of our previous posts, we compared WordPress and Shopify to help you figure out which might be better choice for you to set up your own online store. We separately covered different factors like cost, extensibility, support and customization etc. to see how both these platforms stacked against each other. WordPress Shopify vs.… Continue reading WooCommerce vs Shopify: Which One is Right for You?

How to Generate APK and Signed APK Files in Android Studio

Android Studio allows you to create two kinds of APK files. First are the debug APK files that are generated solely for testing purposes. They will run on your Android mobile. However, they cannot be uploaded to the Play Store or made available to the public. Secondly, you can generate signed APK files. Signed APK… Continue reading How to Generate APK and Signed APK Files in Android Studio

Invisible women: When you only design for 50% of the population

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Over a year ago, my ex-boss sent me a screenshot of a book cover on Telegram. I just knew I have to read it. I know I am not supposed to judge the book by its cover but I did. Not because the cover is particularly spectacular but because the… Continue reading Invisible women: When you only design for 50% of the population

Mastering Calligraphy: How to Write in Cursive Script

In this lesson of “Mastering Calligraphy”, we’re going to learn how to write in cursive script. Flowing, cursive calligraphy is still seen today on wedding invitations and menus at fancy restaurants. While it looks extremely difficult to ink, it’s actually made of a few basic strokes. Better yet, with the Cursive Script, you hardly ever… Continue reading Mastering Calligraphy: How to Write in Cursive Script

Ethics, UX and our role in all this

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Ethics, UX, and our role in all this We live in a world where our behaviours are accurately being predicted every step of the way. It sometimes feels like apps and products know us more than we know ourselves. This is not necessarily bad, or that we should be scared every… Continue reading Ethics, UX and our role in all this

6 Best Ecommerce Solutions for 2021

It’s never been easier to set up an ecommerce store and start selling. There are a dizzying array of ecommerce solutions available in 2021, and most are feature-rich and competitively priced. Ecommerce sites are notoriously difficult to migrate from platform to platform, so more often than not, you’ll be committed to your chosen solution for… Continue reading 6 Best Ecommerce Solutions for 2021

2021: The year to recalibrate personas

[unable to retrieve full-text content] 2021: The year to recalibrate Personas Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash 2020 has been, without question, a year of disruption, uncertainty, and unknown territories; with a pandemic that shifted routines and daily lives came a flux in consumption habits, expenditure, and how we spend time. Countries began drafting laws to… Continue reading 2021: The year to recalibrate personas

5+ Eye-Catching Vector Resources for Graphic Designers

1 Share In this article, we dive deep into the exciting world of vector resources for graphic designers. All of the recommendations are high-quality and affordable. They also come with a fancy dual license, so every download is available simultaneously for personal and commercial use. Meaning you can create a greetings card to gift to… Continue reading 5+ Eye-Catching Vector Resources for Graphic Designers

8 Easy Ways To Ruin Your User Onboarding

To understand why user onboarding is such an indispensable tool, we need to empathize with the people using our products; we all come from different backgrounds and cultures, we make different assumptions, and we see the world differently. User onboarding helps mitigate these differences by making your product’s learning curve less steep. However, companies often… Continue reading 8 Easy Ways To Ruin Your User Onboarding

Finding Your Way With Domain Mapping

It’s no secret that having a custom domain name is an essential piece of any company’s branding strategy. While there are a myriad of hosting plans available that offer domains like your, making the shift from one of those to simply is an important step. However, your domain branding strategy need not end… Continue reading Finding Your Way With Domain Mapping

Choosing the Right Hosting for Your Online Store

As a web designer, you know how to make a website look great. You can take in all of the client’s requests and develop a website that is both eye-catching and easy to use. However, you may not have a lot of experience building entire websites on your own.  There may come a time when,… Continue reading Choosing the Right Hosting for Your Online Store

8 Best CMS for 2020

Content Management Systems are arguably the internet’s most powerful web development tool. In a rapidly growing market where every business under the sun requires a website that is not only fully functioning, but optimised, easy to update regularly, and implement the latest features, the right CMS is important. As a web developer it can be… Continue reading 8 Best CMS for 2020

8 Things to Do Increase Conversions When Designing a Product Page

Is your client having issues with people abandoning carts on their product page? Or maybe they look and look but never make the purchase.  Some consumers are going to browse but making the conversion from window-shopper to a customer is the final obstacle to gaining new sales. If your client have noticed a slump, or… Continue reading 8 Things to Do Increase Conversions When Designing a Product Page

Design for Browser Inconsistency With Lambdatest

When the web was young, a 56k connection was fast, CSS was new, and Flash was but a glint in Macromedia’s eye, there was a phrase that graced half of all splash screens: Best viewed in IE6. You see, back in the early 00s, the web was a lot less competitive. It was perfectly possible… Continue reading Design for Browser Inconsistency With Lambdatest

3 Strategies to Follow When Your Site is Failing

Here are 3 strategies you should consider if your website is struggling. We’ll cover: Web analytics and split testing In-person testing Simplifying your sales process If possible, implement these strategies ahead of time before you run into any issues. I’m going to cover why these strategies are effective and what they are good at resolving.… Continue reading 3 Strategies to Follow When Your Site is Failing

How Many Types of X Acronym Are There? And Does It Matter?

One of the problems with coining a term like “user experience” or its acronym counterpart “UX” is that it opens up the floodgates for other trendy experience-related acronyms to enter the web design lexicon. CX, DX, EX, HX, JX, PX, UX, (U)XD… Is all of this really necessary though? While I don’t think you need… Continue reading How Many Types of X Acronym Are There? And Does It Matter?

3 Essential Design Trends, November 2019

There’s always a balance between visual design and functional design. Many of the “rules” of design as we know them exist to make visuals more functional. That’s not exactly true of all of the techniques that are trending right now. But sometimes rules are made to be broken, right? You can take these trends in… Continue reading 3 Essential Design Trends, November 2019