Product Idea for Reselling Used Clothes & Accessories

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Hiyya! 👋 How are you doing? While clearing up my stack on Google docs, I found two product ideas that I had written down last year but had never got the chance to polish them up for publishing. As time ticked by, dust started gathering on them (well, if digital dust… Continue reading Product Idea for Reselling Used Clothes & Accessories

What does your design cause?

What does your design cause which is undesirable or unintended or at odds with the design intent? How does one ask and answer these questions? In these next few posts I’m going to propose some ways of answering these questions that build up in complexity and propose some ways of thinking about causality and modeling… Continue reading What does your design cause?

How To Benefit From Mental Models in UX Design

Users come to your website with certain expectations already in their mind; they’ve seen thousands of other websites before and it’s only natural that they’ve adopted certain habits. Instead of trying to change these patterns, it’s much better to incorporate them into your design. To learn more, let’s have a closer look at a psychological… Continue reading How To Benefit From Mental Models in UX Design

5 Web Design Trends For 2020 That Are Here To Stay With Us

We are always looking for ways to improve our skills and services and what we create. Sometimes that desire to improve is a conscious one. Most of the time it’s in the back of our minds, yet active. Short term results can be OK, but good long term results are what you want if you… Continue reading 5 Web Design Trends For 2020 That Are Here To Stay With Us

20 Best Social Plugins for WordPress

With around 3 billion people in the world using social media, you can’t afford not to use social plugins on your WordPress site.  Adding social widgets, such as the Facebook like button, Twitter buttons and social share buttons, can help to drive some of those billions to your site and social accounts, and can even… Continue reading 20 Best Social Plugins for WordPress

Why You Need to Tempt Blog Readers to Subscribe to Your Email List

Building a large email list is the smartest thing you can do as an online marketer. If done correctly, it’ll boost engagement, improve your brand’s reputation, and drive sales better than any other online communication platform. Here’s why you should be making efforts to add people to your email list in every piece of content… Continue reading Why You Need to Tempt Blog Readers to Subscribe to Your Email List

A Comprehensive Introduction to Color in Design

This article aims to give you a comprehensive introduction to the deepest of design rabbit holes: color. It will introduce you to the most important lingo and concepts to get you started, helping you make better decisions applying color in your designs. Topics As usual for these guides, we’re going to cover a great deal,… Continue reading A Comprehensive Introduction to Color in Design

The Top 10 Super-Ultra-Very Bestest Photoshop Tips the Experts Don't Want You to Know!

New World Order Reader caution: this article was posted on April 1st 2016 and should not be taken seriously. Hi there dear readers, you may recognize me. I’m a frequent contributor to this site, and it’s time for me to come clean. I’m blowing the whistle. Today, I’m pulling back the curtain and letting you… Continue reading The Top 10 Super-Ultra-Very Bestest Photoshop Tips the Experts Don't Want You to Know!

The Importance Of Usability When Designing A Site

Web usability is an approach to make web sites easy to use for an end-user, without the requirement that any specialized training be undertaken. The user should be able to intuitively relate the actions she needs to perform on the web page with other interactions she sees similar contexts, e.g., press a button to perform… Continue reading The Importance Of Usability When Designing A Site