Generating endless design writing ideas using content matrix

Writing may be hard for some people (especially designers, who spent their time creating visuals, not textual), and sometimes what’s even harder is knowing what to write. Finding the topic and inspiration can be such a pain and thus, prolonging our…

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How to Generate APK and Signed APK Files in Android Studio

Android Studio allows you to create two kinds of APK files. First are the debug APK files that are generated solely for testing purposes. They will run on your Android mobile. However, they cannot be uploaded to the Play Store or made available to the public. Secondly, you can generate signed APK files. Signed APK… Continue reading How to Generate APK and Signed APK Files in Android Studio

10 Ways to Perfect Your Graphic Design Skills With Domestika’s Online Courses

19 Shares Graphic design is a complex industry, you can either specialize in a specific area and be an expert in the field, or delve into various areas to widen your scope of opportunities. However, one thing is certain: to stand out from the crowd and become the best at what you do, keeping up… Continue reading 10 Ways to Perfect Your Graphic Design Skills With Domestika’s Online Courses

How to Add Social Media Icons to WordPress

Today, social media is one of the most effective ways to market your WordPress website, earning you invaluable word-of-mouth promotion, boosting your SEO, and helping you build a closer relationship with your audience. So why make it difficult for visitors to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all of the major social media… Continue reading How to Add Social Media Icons to WordPress

How to Create a React Native Calendar Component

React Native is a cross-platform mobile app development framework with a gentle learning curve and lots of built-in components. Because it has a very active developer community, there are also hundreds of open source third-party component libraries available for it, allowing you to create both Android and iOS apps focusing only on the apps’ core… Continue reading How to Create a React Native Calendar Component

How the Quality of Your Website Affects Marketing Opportunities

The fortunes of any website depend on a wide range of factors. Some of these are obvious, but among the less considered factors is the overall quality of a website. Not many web owners seem to realize it, but a well-designed website will present many more marketing opportunities than an amateurish one. Increase the Chances… Continue reading How the Quality of Your Website Affects Marketing Opportunities

How to Optimize Node Requests with Simple Caching Strategies ― Scotch

One of the things that affect how users interact with our applications is its speed. Even though some users generally have a poor connection, they are expecting some minimum level of speed when using the application. To give our users a seamless experience, we are going to consider the possibility of optimizing our requests in… Continue reading How to Optimize Node Requests with Simple Caching Strategies ― Scotch

Generating SVG With React

React1 is one of today’s most popular ways to create a component-based UI. It helps to organize an application into small, human-digestible chunks. With its “re-render the whole world” approach, you can avoid any complex internal interactions between small components, while your application continues to be blazingly fast due to the DOM-diffing that React does… Continue reading Generating SVG With React