Menu-Design Checklist: 17 UX Guidelines

Summary:  People rely on menus to find content and use features. Use this checklist to make sure your menus do their job. Too often, we observe users struggling with menus that are confusing, difficult to manipulate, or hard to find. Avoid common mistakes by following these guidelines for usable navigation menus. Make Navigation Visible 1.… Continue reading Menu-Design Checklist: 17 UX Guidelines

Market Yourself as a Creative Professional: Do’s & Don’ts of How to Market Yourself (2024)

People market ideas, food, movies, clothing, and even websites. Why not market yourself? As a creative professional, you’ve got skills, abilities, strengths, personality, and plenty of upsides. Make sure they’re known. In this post, I’ll dive into how to market yourself as a creative professional. How to market yourself in 2024 (Image: Envato Elements) But… Continue reading Market Yourself as a Creative Professional: Do’s & Don’ts of How to Market Yourself (2024)

Three very good standardized UX surveys for industrial use

Pros and cons of the questionnaires SUS, PSSUQ, and ISO 9241–110 plus three more openly available, science-grounded, business-driven UX surveys (all including question sources) User Research Methods User research is one of the most important, if not the most important element of user experience (UX) and design. In this area exist many methods and materials, grounded in… Continue reading Three very good standardized UX surveys for industrial use

4g CO2 per email—really?

Disentangling a well-known “fact” about emails. There’s a lot of “received wisdom” kicking about on the internet — ideas and “facts” which are essentially presented without question on the basis of “ he said it, so it must be true”. This afflicts many fields, and sustainability is no exception. One common example is that “sending an email generates… Continue reading 4g CO2 per email—really?

Does UX have an imposter problem?

8 reasons it might be them, not you. Illustrations throughout by Emma Clayton Eyes cast down, she whispered, “I feel like UX is a dance club that I can’t get a ticket into.” A heavy silence hung in the air. This, after two years working at one of the largest technology firms, in what most of us would consider… Continue reading Does UX have an imposter problem?

How to Convert Blog Visitors Into Customers: 3 Effective Strategies

According to these blogging statistics, over 70 billion blog posts are published on WordPress alone, without even taking into account the other popular platforms. That’s a lot of words and opinions being shared by individuals, as well as businesses that are trying to grow their audiences and make more sales. But while growing the audience… Continue reading How to Convert Blog Visitors Into Customers: 3 Effective Strategies

8 Steps To Get You On The Right Path To Branding Your Business

The power of effective branding cannot be understated. It is an essential key to building success for every business—startup or corporate. We are living in a consumer society where people, basically buyers, have access to millions of products across hundreds of categories. And that’s where branding comes in. Branding is a marketing practice in which… Continue reading 8 Steps To Get You On The Right Path To Branding Your Business

How to Clean Malware from a Hacked Website

Just the hint of a hacked site is enough to send jitters down the spine of every webmaster. In an event where something suspicious occurs on a website or where unexpected elements start to show up on the website, the doubt starts to pop up with a possibility inclined towards the absolutely negative event, i.e.… Continue reading How to Clean Malware from a Hacked Website

Avoiding Common Problems with CSS Grid

October 25, 2017 by Alex Fox For many dark days, properly aligning objects on a webpage with CSS alone was close to impossible. With mostly-functional semi-hacks like float, positioning and in-like block,  we could make it work, but it was far from perfect. When vexed by a particularly troublesome layout quirk, some event lamented the… Continue reading Avoiding Common Problems with CSS Grid

8 Free Cloud-Based Tools For Physicians

This post will surely help the physicians because in this post we are presenting 8 free and superb cloud-based tools for physicians. All these wonderful and outstanding cloud-based tools are reliable and you can easily afford them, save your time and make your work easier for you. All these amazing tools are free, popular and… Continue reading 8 Free Cloud-Based Tools For Physicians

10 Top Tips for Creating Unique Character Designs

Everyone has a favorite cartoon character, but how did they first come to life? A lot of research and love goes into creating universally recognized characters.  So today we’re bringing you ten great tips for everything you need to know about character design, using amazing examples from Envato Market. 1. Pick a Theme Starting a new… Continue reading 10 Top Tips for Creating Unique Character Designs

How to Grow Your App Team

You can find a lot of online resources that help you on your way to make a successful app. Once you reach that point, you’re looking to retain or even expand on that success. This is the moment that you, a single person who has built an app, grows into something bigger, a team that continues… Continue reading How to Grow Your App Team