Three very good standardized UX surveys for industrial use

Pros and cons of the questionnaires SUS, PSSUQ, and ISO 9241–110 plus three more openly available, science-grounded, business-driven UX surveys (all including question sources) User Research Methods User research is one of the most important, if not the most important element of user experience (UX) and design. In this area exist many methods and materials, grounded in… Continue reading Three very good standardized UX surveys for industrial use

Setting up performance reviews for Product Designers

Take a few shortcuts with my comprehensive guide on evaluating designers Why is evaluating designers so difficult? Evaluating the performance of a product designer within a startup or agency environment is challenging. It involves a mixture of objective and subjective data that is synthesized in an attempt to gauge if someone is to be rewarded,… Continue reading Setting up performance reviews for Product Designers

10 reasons why NPS is BS (and what you can do about it)

This popular business metric is hurting you. Kim Witten, PhD 22 hours ago·6 min read Organisations have blindly followed the NPS method for nearly two decades, with even the majority of FTSE 100 companies today proudly touting their scores. However, NPS is unscientific and meaningless. Here are 10 reasons to help you understand why, plus… Continue reading 10 reasons why NPS is BS (and what you can do about it)

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ECommerce Metrics That Matter

It’s nearly 2020, and every eCommerce brand should be using key metrics to pinpoint advertising, boost sales and improve fulfillment.  Emma Miller, Senior Editor at Bizzmark, calls metrics the “one thing that can make or break your online presence.” She goes on: “To succeed in the competitive online market, you need to set measurable goals,… Continue reading ECommerce Metrics That Matter

Which Metric Should You Use to Measure Customer Satisfaction?

The “Net Promoter Score” and the “Customer Effort Score” are two ways of measuring customer satisfaction. Let’s look at the similarities and differences. In UX design, metrics are used to measure how something is performing, and the “Net Promoter Score” (NPS)  is recognised as being the gold standard of measuring satisfaction. Satisfaction may be a fairly… Continue reading Which Metric Should You Use to Measure Customer Satisfaction?

What’s Your 2016 Overview as a Designer?

Image Credit I looked back at what I’ve accomplished in the past year as a designer and wanted to share some insights. Here is an overview: Golden Gate Bridge icon created by Sunny Wang What have I accomplished? 1. I’m now a writer on Medium and an Invision Blog contributor. 2. I led a few redesign… Continue reading What’s Your 2016 Overview as a Designer?