Menu-Design Checklist: 17 UX Guidelines

Summary:  People rely on menus to find content and use features. Use this checklist to make sure your menus do their job. Too often, we observe users struggling with menus that are confusing, difficult to manipulate, or hard to find. Avoid common mistakes by following these guidelines for usable navigation menus. Make Navigation Visible 1.… Continue reading Menu-Design Checklist: 17 UX Guidelines

3 Essential Design Trends, June 2023

That’s a big part of the reason so many designers are stripping down menus to more minimal styles. (Plus, it can create a cleaner, more sleek overall design.) Here’s what’s trending in design this month – and it is all about navigation. 1. Pop-Out Navigation There’s an obvious connection to mobile-friendliness here – website designs that use… Continue reading 3 Essential Design Trends, June 2023

How to Create a WooCommerce Product Table for Free

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} People set up an eCommerce store in the hope of selling as many of their products as possible. This requires a lot of work on your part—from choosing the right platform to promoting your store. Simply creating a store will not automatically bring in sales. You will… Continue reading How to Create a WooCommerce Product Table for Free

16 Free Looped Animation and Samples to Use for Your Projects

October 4, 2021 by Sangalang Kristine Leave a Comment Animation in websites has reached new, incredible levels since the increased availability of free looped animation on the internet. The great news is that there are numerous sources available.  These could be samples, templates, or ready-to-use animations you can simply embed on your website. Why Use Looped… Continue reading 16 Free Looped Animation and Samples to Use for Your Projects

How to Curve Text in Affinity Designer

What You’ll Be Creating In the following steps, you will learn how to curve text in Affinity Designer. We’ll use this simple badge design to exemplify all the techniques that you can use to edit and stylize curved text in Affinity Designer. Once you’ve learned how to curve text in Affinity Designer, you can take… Continue reading How to Curve Text in Affinity Designer

Add a Live Ajax Search Bar to Your WordPress Website

Regardless of whether you’re typing a search query into Google, YouTube, Amazon or any other major website, live search has become an essential element of modern web design.  Live search is when you see a list of suggested search terms that updates as you’re typing, and it can be a valuable addition to any website.… Continue reading Add a Live Ajax Search Bar to Your WordPress Website

Introducing 15 Best New Portfolios, October 2019

All the signs are that web design is entering a phase of exuberance, with clashing colors, rapidly changing graphics, and dense layouts replacing the minimalism that’s dominated digital design for the last decade. Portfolios are beginning to adopt this maximalist approach, but never fear, for those who aren’t quote ready for full-on retina burn on… Continue reading Introducing 15 Best New Portfolios, October 2019

Create a Membership WordPress Site with UMP

Do you want to start earning money from your WordPress website? You could enrol in the Amazon Associates program and generate revenue via referral links; sell advertising space using a plugin such as ADning, or your might even decide to start selling your own products via your website.  All of these methods can generate a… Continue reading Create a Membership WordPress Site with UMP

14 Firefox Developer Tools You Might Not Know About

In this roundup we’re going to be checking out some of the awesome tools Firefox has in its collection of Developer Tools.  Even if Google Chrome is your primary development browser, Firefox has some tools that Chrome doesn’t. In fairness the reverse is also true–Chrome has some tools that Firefox doesn’t, but the tools in… Continue reading 14 Firefox Developer Tools You Might Not Know About

Getting Started with Chrome Developer Tools: Inspect Element

Google Chrome is one of the best consumer browsers on the market, but it also contains a number of powerful developer tools. We can reveal some of these tools with Chrome’s Inspect Element (or “Inspect”) tool. This developer tool provides insight into how websites are constructed and styled, and it can help you debug your own… Continue reading Getting Started with Chrome Developer Tools: Inspect Element

Fresh Free Font Of The Day : Hover

Here on Designbeep,we also aim to help designers to find free yet high quality resources whether for your web design projects or graphic design projects.Who doesn’t like freebies? Well,although we bring together free font collections time to time we decided to share a free font everyday and today’s free font Hover is designed by Evita… Continue reading Fresh Free Font Of The Day : Hover

How to Completely Remove Comments from WordPress

WordPress comments are an integral part of building a community with a WordPress blog. They allow your audience to connect with you by responding directly to your posts. They allow you to extend the conversation surrounding the topic you wrote your post about by letting members of your community pitch in. They even allow members… Continue reading How to Completely Remove Comments from WordPress

What's New in Android Studio 2.2?

The last few months have been an exciting time for Android Studio. First came version 2.1 with support for Android N. Then Google I/O brought us a preview of the next major release in the form of Android Studio 2.2 Preview 1, only for this to be rapidly replaced by Preview 2, which contained some important bug… Continue reading What's New in Android Studio 2.2?

30 Free and Premium Shopify Themes for Various Purposes

Posted · Category: Best Collections We always try to keep you updated on new free and premium eCommerce themes that can save loads of your time and energy on web development. When choosing the best eCommerce platform for their online stores, many retailers opt for Shopify due to its extensive functionality and a powerful community… Continue reading 30 Free and Premium Shopify Themes for Various Purposes

27 Search Boxes With HTML and CSS – CSS Paradise

CSS experiments with a search form input and button. In this collection are the pens for anything related to search box, search bar, global search area that we can put to a website page. Searching Animation Inspired by Another Set of Eyes by Frank Rodriguez.*needs work in Firefox but looks quite nice in Chrome and… Continue reading 27 Search Boxes With HTML and CSS – CSS Paradise

11 CSS3 Animation Tools For Developers

This post showcases 11 best and most amazing CSS3 animation tools that will be extremely helpful for the developers. CSS3 has got excellent reputation among designers and developers. It is here to help them create amazing results. With these animation tools, you can create breath taking animations in a hassle free manner. These resources will… Continue reading 11 CSS3 Animation Tools For Developers

Illustrating the Web: deconstructing the trend

Illustrations are taking over the Web. Designers are creating websites with everything from full-screen illustrations to hand-drawn divots that are used throughout projects. It’s a trend that’s likely to keep growing because illustrations make a design feel custom (even if it’s not). Here’s how to make the most of them in your design. Website illustration… Continue reading Illustrating the Web: deconstructing the trend

Weekly Inspiration: Good Golly, Gradients

Gradients are making a sneaky comeback. For a while they belonged to the world of Miami Vice and Tequila Sunrise, then they added depth to 1980’s magazines, then there was Geocities–ok, let’s not dwell on the past. Nowadays gradients are being used on the web in bold fashion; mixing highly saturated colors for extremely rich… Continue reading Weekly Inspiration: Good Golly, Gradients

How to Create Five Simple Hover Effects for Your Navigation Links

This is a quick tutorial about creating simple hover effects that would be best suited for links within a navigation. The reason for this is that these might be too much when done inline within a paragraph but that is only a word of caution – if you want to apply these to your normal… Continue reading How to Create Five Simple Hover Effects for Your Navigation Links

30+ Hot CSS3 Image Hover Scripts

CSS3 image hover effects is one of the common techniques used in web design to make web pages more interactive and stand out visually. CSS image hover scripts makes it simple to add cool dynamic effects on otherwise “static” images whenever the mouse hovers over them. CSS3 effects are typically created using CSS filter and… Continue reading 30+ Hot CSS3 Image Hover Scripts