Photoshop Basics: How to Rotate an Image in Photoshop

July 13, 2020 by Sangalang Kristine Changing the orientation of an image may be necessary when editing in Photoshop. There are different ways on how to rotate an image in Photoshop. There are straightforward ways to rotate an image, while there are other clever tricks to do the same. Here are a few tips and… Continue reading Photoshop Basics: How to Rotate an Image in Photoshop

Getting Started with Chrome Developer Tools: Inspect Element

Google Chrome is one of the best consumer browsers on the market, but it also contains a number of powerful developer tools. We can reveal some of these tools with Chrome’s Inspect Element (or “Inspect”) tool. This developer tool provides insight into how websites are constructed and styled, and it can help you debug your own… Continue reading Getting Started with Chrome Developer Tools: Inspect Element