Generative AI UX Design Patterns

[unable to retrieve full-text content] PRACTICAL DESIGN INNOVATION Facilitating conversations on Generative AI in your UX ecosystem Midjourney Generative AI can add value to your site in many more ways than as a conversational ChatGPT-like experience or as a feature like the button on resume sites that generates your cover letter. Let’s explore different ways to… Continue reading Generative AI UX Design Patterns

How to Use Firebase Firestore in an iOS App

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to manage data in a Firebase Firestore database. For some background on Firebase and instructions on how to get your Firestore database set up, please read my earlier Introduction to Firebase post. Data, Documents, and Collections Working with Firestore, data, documents and collections are the key concepts which we need… Continue reading How to Use Firebase Firestore in an iOS App

Introduction to Firebase

We are in an era of rapid prototyping. We may get bright ideas, but sometimes they don’t get implemented if they take too much work. Often, the back-end is the limiting factor—many ideas never get implemented due to lack of knowledge or time for server-side coding. As a mobile developer, using a back-end as a service (BaaS) platform can… Continue reading Introduction to Firebase

9 Tools To Simplify A Graphic Designer’s Life

Here, we have come up with some extraordinarily useful and great tools to simply the daunting task of graphic designing. Even the most experienced designers rely on these tools to figure out things and find out new elements that they can use in their work. Having a good collection of useful tools always come handy… Continue reading 9 Tools To Simplify A Graphic Designer’s Life

Tent CSS: An essential framework

Time to present you a fresh new CSS framework: that’s Tent CSS, a survival kit for front-end developers including only the essentials to get started with website design! I am not a big fan of full featured frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation because they include much more components than one may need. Most of the times a good… Continue reading Tent CSS: An essential framework

Top 10 resources for designing email newsletters

The world of email marketing is constantly changing. There are dozens of tools out there tailor made to help marketers write emails, designers craft emails, and developers code emails. But with so many tools available, it can be frustrating to find the best ones. That’s why, in this post, I’ve curated the top ten best… Continue reading Top 10 resources for designing email newsletters

5 years of Foundation: a look back

This month, ZURB celebrates the 5th birthday of its Foundation front-end framework. This popular framework is known for its responsive grid, CSS and HTML user-interface components, code snippets, and templates. What makes it stand out as well is that it’s an open-source project. In a blog post earlier this month, Danny Codella, ZURB’s marketer, wrote… Continue reading 5 years of Foundation: a look back

UI Movement – The Most Popular Design Animations

Posted · Category: Inspiration, License Free UI Movement started out as a newsletter that featured the best UI designs every day. The main real difference between UI Movement and other design inspiration sites, is that they focus exclusively on UI designs. Since the original, simple newsletter format, UI Movement has been updated to make for… Continue reading UI Movement – The Most Popular Design Animations

10 Remedial Design Pointers for Developers

Here’s a situation which may be familiar to you: you’re a developer and you build a prototype to demonstrate something. It works just as you mean it to, but the looks of horror on your users’ faces tell you something is wrong–your demo looks like crap. Let’s look some simple guidelines and tips to help… Continue reading 10 Remedial Design Pointers for Developers

4 Tools to Build an Amazing Website

You pride yourself on your ability to code websites by hand, shaking your cane at these upstart web designers who rely on HTML editors and even the dreaded WYSIWYG tools. However, even the best from-scratch developers benefit from some designing tools. You want to work smarter, not harder, and tools can help you get your… Continue reading 4 Tools to Build an Amazing Website

Setting up Foundation With Sass and Compass

Sass is a great way to speed up front-end development in general, I use it in every one of my projects. Sass (as with all other preprocessors) allows for nested styles, functions and prewritten code in what are called mixins. Foundation has a few different versions, currently we’ve covered the most common HTML/CSS variants, but… Continue reading Setting up Foundation With Sass and Compass

How to Customize the Foundation 4 Top Bar

Zurb’s Foundation 4 features a brilliant top bar which has become almost symbolic of a Foundation site build. Today we’re going to look at how you can implement it in a different way, placing it elsewhere on the page, giving you a custom and responsive horizontal navigation menu.   Getting Started First up, we’ll need… Continue reading How to Customize the Foundation 4 Top Bar

21 Responsive HTML5 CSS3 Frameworks You’ll Love

Creating a Responsive Website can be daunting for most web designers, Responsive HTML5 CSS3 Frameworks is a quick and easy solution for designers. You should consider having Frameworks in your workflow to simplify your development process. These Frameworks or Boilerplates include the complicated grids, media queries and layouts ready for you to use your own design and… Continue reading 21 Responsive HTML5 CSS3 Frameworks You’ll Love

Foundation for Beginners: Custom Forms and Switches

Following on from our look at buttons in Zurb’s Foundation, let’s now take a look at custom forms and switches. During this tutorial we’re going to work on an exercise; a contact form which you can add to your projects or just play around with. Once we’ve built that, we’ll move onto other form elements.