A guide to conducting card sorting with participants who are visually impaired. Photo by Author; generated using Stable Diffusion. Card Sorting is a UX research method used to understand how users categorize and organize information, which reflects how they expect information and content to be organized on a user interface. In this method, participants are… Continue reading Card sorting with visually impaired participants: how to overcome accessibility barriers
Tag: Problems
Challenges In React Native
React Native is popular framework with its pluses and minuses. The react native is a common term among those involved in the development of mobile applications, and throughout the high-tech world. The cons of React Native are: – React Native is a dynamic framework; – Lack of certain modules and APIs; – Reliability of third-party components;… Continue reading Challenges In React Native
Problems With Offshore Web Design Firm And Overcoming Them
Offshore outsourcing is a perfect answer to the slow economy that we have today. Offshore web design service provider not only offers you the desired expertise, but also allows you to focus on core managerial aspects of your businesses. However, there are some issues faced by service seeker when he or she is dealing with… Continue reading Problems With Offshore Web Design Firm And Overcoming Them
The Problems With Flat Design and How to Solve Them
Flat design has made a huge name in the designing world by completely taking over the graphic design in a short period of time. The biggest interface to go flat was Windows 8 but, it was also left behind when Apple released its iOS 7 in summer 2013. With the launch of Apple’s iOS 7,… Continue reading The Problems With Flat Design and How to Solve Them
10 jquery plugins for typography problems
Typography has been one of the biggest nightmares of the web designers and developers. As the websites are getting more and more interactive, static typographic features are becoming a thing of the past. Website owners now want text that not only coveys the message, but also attract the visitors. Now even though we now have… Continue reading 10 jquery plugins for typography problems
A Look at Flat Design and Why It’s Significant
There has been a growing tidal wave of flat designs on the web, and recent trend reports have confirmed that they’re only increasing in popularity. Of course it’s easy to dismiss flat design as yet another fleeting aesthetic trend. But further investigation into this new philosophy reveals that flat design is a lot more than… Continue reading A Look at Flat Design and Why It’s Significant
Tips To Avoid Great Responsive Web Design Problems
Responsive web designs have been around since the last two years. However, designers have been facing numerous challenges especially when it comes to developing framework for the code, script and developing a process of managing the responsive web designs. Avoiding the responsive web designs problems is possible and a range of solutions are available for… Continue reading Tips To Avoid Great Responsive Web Design Problems