How to Create an Animated Polaroid Effect Photoshop Template

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial, we’ll not only create a polaroid effect Photoshop template using photo filters and shapes, but we’ll also create animated photo effects with standard Photoshop tools. I created Animated Polaroid Slideshow Instagram Stories Template using the same methods for my GraphicRiver portfolio. Tutorial Assets The following assets were used during the… Continue reading How to Create an Animated Polaroid Effect Photoshop Template

How to Embed PDF Files on Your WordPress Site With a Free Plugin

Today, we’ll explore the PDF Poster plugin for WordPress which allows you to embed PDF files on your WordPress site. I’ll demonstrate how you can use this plugin on your own site to embed PDF files. As a site owner, sometimes you’ll need to embed and display PDF documents on your website. It could be… Continue reading How to Embed PDF Files on Your WordPress Site With a Free Plugin

How to Create an Instagram Post Template in Photoshop

What You’ll Be Creating Today we will be taking a quick look at how to create an Instagram post template in Adobe Photoshop! Whether it’s for a hot sale your site is having, you’re announcing a huge giveaway or maybe you just want to wish your followers a happy holiday, having a blank Instagram post template… Continue reading How to Create an Instagram Post Template in Photoshop

Create an Online Community for Your WordPress Site With UserPro

When you think of social websites, chances are that social networks such as Facebook immediately spring to mind, but the ability to create a profile and connect with other users can be a valuable addition to many different websites. Imagine you’ve created a website for your business; you could use social features to build an… Continue reading Create an Online Community for Your WordPress Site With UserPro

How to Create a Church Newsletter Template in InDesign

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a four-page newsletter template. We’ll put this template together in no time, and you’ll be able to reuse it for your future projects.  Newsletter templates are great to communicate with your community and update them of… Continue reading How to Create a Church Newsletter Template in InDesign

How to Make a Special Effects Photoshop Action

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial, you will learn how to make Photoshop portrait actions to create your own Matrix effects. I will try to explain everything in so much detail that everyone can create it, even those who have just opened Photoshop for the first time. If you want to create this Photoshop… Continue reading How to Make a Special Effects Photoshop Action

How to Link Your WordPress Site with Your MailChimp Mailing List and Get More Signups

What You’ll Be Creating There are a variety of ways of keeping in touch with people who visit your websites. You can encourage them to become subscribers by adding a Subscribe widget. You can use the Jetpack plugin to make it easier for existing users to keep up to date. Or you can encourage… Continue reading How to Link Your WordPress Site with Your MailChimp Mailing List and Get More Signups

Top 10 Tips to Make the Perfect Logo for a Company

A logo is a strong brand identity of a company and designing a perfect logo is not an easy task. Logos are essential for company growth, whereas a unique logo design shows good impact on company brand. For a company growth it is necessary that the logo that you are creating must be of a… Continue reading Top 10 Tips to Make the Perfect Logo for a Company

How to Create a Vector Infographic Template in Illustrator

What You’ll Be Creating In the following steps, you will learn how to create an infographic template in Adobe Illustrator. For starters, you will learn how to set up a simple grid. Using basic tools and taking full advantage of the grid and snap to grid features, you will learn how to create the infographic… Continue reading How to Create a Vector Infographic Template in Illustrator

How to Create a Dusty Texture From Scratch

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial, we’ll create a dusty overlay texture from scanned paper, and I will show you how to apply this texture to your image. I created Dusty Textures Pack the same way for my GraphicRiver portfolio. Tutorial Assets A sheet of craft paper or any other paper with a similar structure. A scanner… Continue reading How to Create a Dusty Texture From Scratch

How to Make a Simple Flyer in Adobe InDesign

What You’ll Be Creating This simple flyer tutorial shows you how to create a rainbow-themed flyer template to promote IDAHOBIT at your workplace, college, or school. Perfect for beginners to Adobe InDesign, this is a quick and simple flyer design to put together.  On 17 May, people worldwide are invited to celebrate IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia,… Continue reading How to Make a Simple Flyer in Adobe InDesign

How to Create a Rolling Stone-Inspired Magazine Cover

What You’ll Be Creating The first issue of iconic music magazine Rolling Stone was put on sale on 7 November 1967. Featuring John Lennon on the cover, the San Francisco-founded publication went on to become the go-to magazine for music fans worldwide. In this tutorial, we’ll pay tribute to the iconic graphic style of Rolling Stone, which… Continue reading How to Create a Rolling Stone-Inspired Magazine Cover

How to Make Modern Websites With Clean WordPress Themes

Creating a website has never been easier thanks to platforms like WordPress. Not only is WordPress very easy to learn, it’s the perfect platform to create any type of website.  Thanks to the huge number of themes, you can get your site up and running in a matter of hours, whether you want to launch… Continue reading How to Make Modern Websites With Clean WordPress Themes

How to Make a Newsletter Email Subscription Popup with the ConvertPlus WordPress Plugin

A newsletter is a report sent by an organization or business containing any recent news. In an e=commerce business, it might contain news or sales on products which might interest the subscriber. Newsletters allow you to encourage website visitors to return to your site and can be a powerful tool for boosting sales and viewership.… Continue reading How to Make a Newsletter Email Subscription Popup with the ConvertPlus WordPress Plugin

How to Make an InDesign Presentation Template

What You’ll Be Creating Ready to present your amazing business ideas? This InDesign presentation template will help you get what you need to launch your next project.  In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create an InDesign presentation template. You will learn how to create a multi-page document and organize it with multiple layers. Paragraph… Continue reading How to Make an InDesign Presentation Template

How to Make Stylish Layouts for a Portfolio Template in InDesign

What You’ll Be Creating Show off your creative work and nail that next job interview with this stylish portfolio design template. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to make a brochure in InDesign. This multipage document is perfect as a portfolio template. It is versatile and easily adaptable to any work you want to… Continue reading How to Make Stylish Layouts for a Portfolio Template in InDesign

10 Things To Remember When Designing An Infographic

Do you want to deliver important, yet overly complex information to your audience in an easy-to-understand way? Or are you finding hacks to engage your readers in the boring statistics? Whichever is your case, infographics might be exactly what you need! Infographics are popular choices when it comes to presenting information in a visually engaging… Continue reading 10 Things To Remember When Designing An Infographic

Create an Animated SVG Logo for International Women’s Day 2019

To mark International Women’s Day 2019 we’ll be creating an animated SVG version of the event’s logo you can use along with this year’s hashtag #BalanceforBetter. In the process we’ll be learning about using Figma and its boolean operations, as well as inline SVG animation via the animateTransform element. This is what we’ll be creating:… Continue reading Create an Animated SVG Logo for International Women’s Day 2019

How to Make a Time Magazine Cover Template

What You’ll Be Creating Iconic, timeless, and visually appealing. In this tutorial, we show you how to make your own Time magazine cover template.  Time magazine is well known and easily recognisable for its signature cover and its red border. First published in March 1923, this weekly magazine has the world’s largest circulation for a… Continue reading How to Make a Time Magazine Cover Template

How to Use Adobe Illustrator Files in Figma

In this quick tip I’m going to show you how to get an Adobe Illustrator file into Figma, without needing Adobe Illustrator. How to Open an Adobe Illustrator File in Figma Let’s say you have some icons, such as the example we’re using here, Flat Books Icons on Envato Elements: Flat Books Icons You’ll notice… Continue reading How to Use Adobe Illustrator Files in Figma

How to Make a Bi-Fold Brochure in InDesign

What You’ll Be Creating In this quick and simple tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a bi-fold brochure template using Adobe InDesign. You’ll create the basic structure and style for your brochure template, using an on-trend color palette and stylish fonts.  An adaptable pamphlet template for any creative business, this bi-fold brochure can be customized… Continue reading How to Make a Bi-Fold Brochure in InDesign

How to Create a Menorah Illustration in Adobe Illustrator

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial we’ll be creating a Hanukkah holiday card and illustrating one of the most popular Jewish symbols, the Hanukkah Menorah. The Menorah is one of the oldest symbols in Judaism. Sometimes called the ‘Chanukiah’, the Menorah is a nine-branched candelabrum that is used on Hanukkah. It stands for light, wisdom,… Continue reading How to Create a Menorah Illustration in Adobe Illustrator

How to Create a Vintage Photo Effect in a Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky Style

What You’ll Be Creating This week is dedicated to Russian culture, so I would like to introduce you to the artworks of the famous Russian photographer Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky. He made a large number of color photographs of the early 20th century using his three-image method of photography.  He was able to capture in his photos not… Continue reading How to Create a Vintage Photo Effect in a Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky Style

How to Make Cool Photoshop Text Effects Fast With Actions

What You’ll Be Creating Learn how to create Photoshop text effects in this beginner’s tutorial. You’ll be shown how to create a Photoshop action for your text effect and more. This text effect that we are going to create is part of Super Bundle Styles. This is a collection of 146 unique styles and is… Continue reading How to Make Cool Photoshop Text Effects Fast With Actions