Understanding the Image Component in React Native

Images are an essential aspect of any mobile app. This tutorial will introduce you to the image component and show you how to use images in your React Native app. You will also learn how to create your own photo gallery! Prerequisites to Create a React Native App We will use the Expo CLI for… Continue reading Understanding the Image Component in React Native

7 Ways Designers Can Streamline Client Communication

90% of web designers need to engage their clients with ongoing communication and collaboration. Effective communication is key to delivering for your design clients and maintaining your relationship with them. Without the right communication process and tools, it can eat into the time you need to get their project done as well as lead to… Continue reading 7 Ways Designers Can Streamline Client Communication

WCAG 2.2 Overview and Feedback

A working draft of version 2.2 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) has been published for feedback. WebAIM is thrilled to see the work on these formative guidelines continuing and we appreciate the efforts of the W3C’s Accessibility Guidelines working group. Below are WebAIM’s plain language summaries of each of the new proposed success… Continue reading WCAG 2.2 Overview and Feedback

Testing and Staging Environments in eCommerce Implementation

ECommerce implementation is not easy. It requires careful planning and execution from the developer’s part. One way to look into it is to ensure proper testing. In this article, we will look at the testing and staging environments in eCommerce implementation. Is SDLC enough? Is Testing Required? Before we go and do so, let’s quickly… Continue reading Testing and Staging Environments in eCommerce Implementation

Benefits Of Using Digital Systems To Manage Your Business

For years, businesses have benefited from the use of different digital systems, enabling them to deliver cheaper, faster, and better services and products. This digital transformation has played crucial roles in transforming many businesses over time. It has changed the way they operate and provide value not just to their customers, but also to their… Continue reading Benefits Of Using Digital Systems To Manage Your Business

4 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Marketing Strategy

It’s incredible how, even after all these years with digital marketing arousing all kinds of desires inside us, companies of all sizes are still making mistakes. It’s as if they are blindly putting out campaigns in a hit-or-miss strategy. In a certain sense, it feels like making mistakes in marketing is part of the trade.… Continue reading 4 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Marketing Strategy

What Kind of MVP Do I Need?

Are you looking to make your product successful right from its early days? Consider developing an MVP then. The design and launch of an MVP often do not require serious investments. However, even at this stage, you may face a few challenges. What type of an MVP do you need? How much time and money… Continue reading What Kind of MVP Do I Need?

In Defence of Hacking

Someone defaced your website, posted a rude or lewd image, and called you the adult equivalent of a doodyhead? Ah well, time to grab the backups, and maybe switch hosts. You can’t really be faulted for thinking that. In popular culture, hackers are either nefarious, villainous, and often very good-looking nerds, or else they’re helpful… Continue reading In Defence of Hacking

Dropbox revamp, Figma plugins, scary Deepfakes — and more UX this week

[unable to retrieve full-text content] A weekly selection of design links, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective. 10 memorable non-design films that have inspired me → Movies I have watched or re-watched recently, and key learnings from each. Sometimes the best design inspiration comes from unexpected places. Food for thought The new… Continue reading Dropbox revamp, Figma plugins, scary Deepfakes — and more UX this week

How to Move into UX

The web designs are constantly evolving to ensure the user is attracted to the website and gets the best user experience. This evolution gives has improved versions of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. As the designs are becoming simpler and user friendly, the User Experience is also given as much importance. Payscale indicates an average of… Continue reading How to Move into UX

How Graphic Design Helps in Business Promotion?

Branding relies heavily on visuals. Graphic design services can be the make or break element in effective business promotion. Be it the design of your products or the look of your advertisements, logos or website; brand recognition begins with great design. Once you have the design looking fresh, brand promotion strategies are your next step… Continue reading How Graphic Design Helps in Business Promotion?

Step Up Your Photography Game With 5 Simple Rules

It is easier than ever for anyone to pick up their smartphone, take a few pictures, post them on social media and buoyed by positive feedback call themselves a photographer. However, there are several fundamental rules that you should follow which we will outline below. If you are keen on becoming serious with a good… Continue reading Step Up Your Photography Game With 5 Simple Rules

Understanding the Messy “Define” Stage

In our previous articles, we’ve discussed the basics of design thinking and immersive empathy. In this post, we’ll dive a little deeper into what we refer to as the “define” stage in that process. Warning: it’s messy! So let’s first remind ourselves where it sits in the Hasso-Plattner Institute of Design’s proposal: Image source: Interaction Design… Continue reading Understanding the Messy “Define” Stage

How Graphic Designers Prepare Themselves for 2020

Technology develops in a matter of weeks, days and even seconds! In the last five years, the development of digital technology has grown so rapidly and in the next five years, some companies may have to adapt to radical changes in the future. If we talk about digital technology, we can’t let go of the… Continue reading How Graphic Designers Prepare Themselves for 2020

Tips To Help You Improve As a Graphic Designer

When you think of your future as a designer, you imagine creating awesome watercolor illustrations, websites which are simple, sleek and sophisticated. You want to be successful, and you’re looking to find a way to get there. There are many different ways to become a graphic designer. Although some people might learn a single computer… Continue reading Tips To Help You Improve As a Graphic Designer

4 Metrics You Should Look At To Measure Website Success

Now that you have a well-designed website that is easy on your reader’s eye and simple to navigate, you still need to determine whether it is truly successful. To do this, you have to dive into data and analytics. Of course, measuring your site’s success is not all about pretty colors, textures and fonts. Google… Continue reading 4 Metrics You Should Look At To Measure Website Success

Key Web Development and Design Skills You Should Learn In 2017

In addition to building your client contact list this year, you should be thinking of upgrading your knowledge base in critical areas, especially as competition in the digital economy gets stiffer and opens up wider opportunities for highly skilled web developers and designers. What exactly should you focus on when expanding your web development skills-set… Continue reading Key Web Development and Design Skills You Should Learn In 2017

How to get your design concept approved by your client

Advertisement It is said that the main goal of the web design studio is to perceive their client. When you learn all about your client’s personality, values, and most importantly, business goals, you come up with a concept – a visual outline of the future website. Sometimes, however, it turns out that your vision does… Continue reading How to get your design concept approved by your client

10 Top Tips for Fashion Illustration

Fashion Patterns From clothes to accessories, fashion illustrations have a long history as a visual reference for a designer’s concepts or current fashion trends.  What makes a good fashion illustration, though? With help from content from Envato Market, let’s count down 10 top tips for creating great fashion illustrations to better your own sense of… Continue reading 10 Top Tips for Fashion Illustration

CSS Fundamentals

This course contains a high-level overview of Cascading Style Sheets, while exploring the basic concepts, terminology, and tools of the language. Beginning with an exploration of CSS syntax, author James Williamson explains how CSS modifies text, borders, backgrounds, and color; demonstrates CSS and HTML integration; and contextualizes the current state of CSS. The course also… Continue reading CSS Fundamentals

Understanding JavaScript Comparison Operators: Equality

The primary difference between arithmetic and comparison operators is that comparison operators don’t change values; instead, they compare them, producing a true or false evaluation. As such, they are frequently used in branching decisions, such as if conditions. In comparisons, equality operators compare two operands, checking if they are equal or not. The greatest source… Continue reading Understanding JavaScript Comparison Operators: Equality

Understanding Color Psychology for Impactful Web Design

It’s no secret that color psychology is used extensively in all aspects of design. From the colors used on day-to-day grocery items, to brand logos and website design, color is an important element that can convey a specific message to users. Photo credit: Dropbox According to Kissmetrics, when we view a color, our eyes send… Continue reading Understanding Color Psychology for Impactful Web Design