A weekly selection of design links, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.

10 memorable non-design films that have inspired me →
Movies I have watched or re-watched recently, and key learnings from each. Sometimes the best design inspiration comes from unexpected places.
Food for thought
- The new Mac Pro is a design remix →
A return to form, heavily inspired by many of Apple’s past products. - Creepiness vs. convenience →
How users weigh the loss of privacy against the benefits they will receive in return. - The problem with web components →
A number of technical limitations and the risk of excluding users.
The UX Collective newsletter is a self-funded newsletter read by over 106,500 people every week. The best way you can support it is by sharing it with your design friends.
Stories from the community
Nobody loves your product →
The kind of love that businesses need to grow fast.
By Abel Maningas

How to crush design usability test for enterprise product? →
User testing best practices for complicated systems.
By Oleksii Masliiev

10 usability heuristics with examples →
Nielsen’s usability heuristics with modern-day examples.
By Akshay Devazya
More top stories:
- Tesla’s UX is too far ahead to make sense (now) →
By Rubens Cantuni - Understanding mental and conceptual models in product design →
By Alana Brajdic - When a designer is taking care of customer support →
By Florent Lenormand - Critique as a powerful tool in your design toolkit →
By Ruta Gokhale - Time to make digital products analog again (illustrated by clocks) →
By Stefan Nikolovski - In Product Design all hypothesis are equal — but some hypothesis are more equal than others →
By Mark Shurtleff
News & ideas
- Highlights this week:
Firefox has a new branding →
Plugins are coming to Figma →
Dropbox is getting a massive overhaul → - Deepfake Frenzy →
AI deepfakes are now as simple as typing whatever you want your subject to say. - Web Sarcasm →
7 ways to convey sarcasm in web content through formatting and code. - 4-Day Weeks →
It’s time to switch to a four-day working week, say these two Davos experts. - Listen Together →
Listen Together is a concept for collaborative listening in Spotify by Mike Battaglia.
Tools & resources
- Versus →
Find alternatives to the services you love to hate. - Shape Space →
IDEO’s tool to build, test, and refine your ideas. - Unapp →
A directory of minimal single-purpose apps. - Beautiful Type →
An in-depth guide to open-source typefaces.
We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. So we created the design newsletter we have always wanted to receive.
Dropbox revamp, Figma plugins, scary Deepfakes — and more UX this week was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.