Rock Solid WordPress Security: Keeping Your Business Safe

Development By Simon Sterne Today WordPress is the web’s favourite CMS (content management system), renowned for its low-entry level and vast array of themes and plugins. WordPress’s open-source nature allows for endless flexibility, catering to diverse needs and technical skills. Unfortunately, 10,950,000 websites are hacked yearly, and 4,708,500 of those belong to small businesses. WordPress’s… Continue reading Rock Solid WordPress Security: Keeping Your Business Safe

How to Update PHP in WordPress

Do you want a faster, more secure WordPress website?  It’s important to keep your themes, plugins and even your WordPress software up to date, but what about PHP? WordPress runs on PHP, so upgrading to the latest version is just as important as keeping your plugins, themes and WordPress itself up to date.  By switching… Continue reading How to Update PHP in WordPress

In Defence of Hacking

Someone defaced your website, posted a rude or lewd image, and called you the adult equivalent of a doodyhead? Ah well, time to grab the backups, and maybe switch hosts. You can’t really be faulted for thinking that. In popular culture, hackers are either nefarious, villainous, and often very good-looking nerds, or else they’re helpful… Continue reading In Defence of Hacking

Running an Online Business? Cybersecurity Should Be on Top of Your List

Maintaining a solid online presence is an essential aspect of running a business nowadays. Most consumers are already online, so the internet is the perfect place to reach out and expand your target demographic. Besides advertising on social media and through email newsletters, most companies also have their own dedicated business website. But in an… Continue reading Running an Online Business? Cybersecurity Should Be on Top of Your List

Review the Hoverwatch Phone Tracker

You can track a smartphone using phone tracker free because technology has made great strides to make it easy to get everything done. It is possible to track a smartphone whether it is Android and iPhone. There are quite a few phone trackers. We will review Hoverwatch phone tracking app here. What are spyware programs? Spyware programs… Continue reading Review the Hoverwatch Phone Tracker

Top Tips to Prevent Hacking Attempts On Your Website

There are many different reasons why website owners must do all they can to protect their portals from hackers. In fact, if you own an e-commerce portal, you must have already faced some sort of hacking attempt. On the other hand, hackers not just focus on e-commerce websites, they go after simple websites too. And… Continue reading Top Tips to Prevent Hacking Attempts On Your Website