Our insatiable thirst for data grows more rapidly than our ability to understand it; and as we’re exposed to more rich media, build and grow businesses faster and connect more with our expanding digital world, there’s a growing desperation to keep track and make sense of it all. There’s more stored data and content created… Continue reading Dash – A Comprehensive Dashboard for Visualizing & Understanding Data
Tag: Understanding
Understanding The Phase of Website Design
Design phase consists of all the activities that ensure that page elements, colors and graphics all work together to provide an enjoyable experience for the customers while projecting a professional image for the business. Design of a Web project is the next most important and popular Web development phase. The focus of the design phase… Continue reading Understanding The Phase of Website Design
Understanding and Working With the WordPress Options Table
In the earlier parts of this series, we looked at the tables in the WordPress database and the relationships between them. In this part I’ll cover a table which is different from the others – the wp_options table. As you can see from the diagram below, this is the only table which sits on its… Continue reading Understanding and Working With the WordPress Options Table
Understanding the Composite Parts of Your Design
In this article we’re going to look at a simple analogy which will illustrate effective ways of communicating through design. Once we’ve established the idea, we’ll take a look at some familiar examples to drive the point home. The analogy we’re going to look at is The Fourier Transform, an intruiging mathematical tool named… Continue reading Understanding the Composite Parts of Your Design
Steps Towards a Successful Business Website
A business website is the first introduction of a corporation or a company to its customers. It is a medium, through which a business owner or a corporation can spell out its mission, vision, values and above all its services to its potential customers. What constituents are required to makes a good business website design?… Continue reading Steps Towards a Successful Business Website
Human Visual Processing – Why understanding it is Crucial for Web Design [Infographic]
You know that attention spans are quickly becoming even shorter. When people watch movies and television, go shopping, browse for books, and surf the web, they make up their minds in seconds—sometimes to their detriment, true, but that doesn’t matter in cyberspace. You can’t track down every person who visits your site, delivers the Blink… Continue reading Human Visual Processing – Why understanding it is Crucial for Web Design [Infographic]
Useful Tutorials for Web Designers and Developers
In this round up I present some useful tutorials which can be very much helpful to all designers and developers. Understanding the Qualities and Characteristics of Color Creating Content Tabs with Pure CSS Creating a Modern Lightbox with CSS3 and JavaScript Making Draggable Webpage Elements using jQuery 30 Must Have Wicked Text Effect Tutorials… Continue reading Useful Tutorials for Web Designers and Developers
Latest Edition of 20 CSS & CSS3 Tutorials
CSS or Cascading Style Sheet was created to separate style codes from HTML part of a web design. It helps to make any changes without getting nasty about it. Now CSS has evolved itself into CSS3 which is the backbone of current beautiful website designs. Designers are keeping their pace with the latest technologies used… Continue reading Latest Edition of 20 CSS & CSS3 Tutorials