UX and UI Logo Trends

26 Shares With the advent of online and mobile working culture, UX/UI trends have experienced a significant transformation over the years. Yet 2021 is just no exception. As a UX/UI professional, it is vital to keep updated about these continuously shifting trends and follow and recreate good UX design examples. The COVID-19 issue has transformed… Continue reading UX and UI Logo Trends

Real-Time News Data With the mediastack API

The demand for content on the web is stratospheric. You don’t have to produce your own content, but you do need to supply content that’s reliable.  To offer relevant, up-to-date content, you need a reliable, up-to-the-minute source of news data gathered from a wide range of popular sources from around the world, including CNN, MSNBC,… Continue reading Real-Time News Data With the mediastack API

4 Tips to Create Effective Enterprise Software

As the business technology market approached $4 trillion in 2019, technology and service providers will have greater opportunities to grow their businesses. Meanwhile, technology buyers will be allowed to innovate and upgrade their infrastructure, software, and services. Corporate software spending worldwide is expected to reach $483 billion in 2021, a 7.4% increase over the previous year. Like… Continue reading 4 Tips to Create Effective Enterprise Software

10 Best WordPress Plugins for Digital Marketing

Currently somewhere in the region of 34% of websites are built with WordPress, it’s the most utilized CMS (Content Management System) in the world. Part of that popularity stems from its underlying technologies—PHP and MySQL—which allows for dynamic content in posts, but also enables a rich ecosystem of plugins. One of the trickiest aspects of… Continue reading 10 Best WordPress Plugins for Digital Marketing

How to Design a Website That Gets Conversions

If you want your startup business website to produce sales, use the many web tools available that make online selling easy. Don’t be fooled into thinking that an attractive website is all you need. Talk to a shrewd website designer and you will discover there is often a difference between a nice-looking website and one… Continue reading How to Design a Website That Gets Conversions

Essential elements for creating a successful UX design

In a modern world, most of the companies and business organizations realize the importance of the UX design support on a website. These companies are investing huge amount in developing attractive UX designs that enable their website to deliver a good user experience in a custom website development. In a digital world, user experience has… Continue reading Essential elements for creating a successful UX design

20 Time Saving Shortcuts and Life Hacks from Successful People

Life hacks can be shortcuts to make our lives easier. They can also be effective advices to push ourselves to live and work better. Here are 20 time-saving life hacks from industry experts to push us to find one’ own greatness and unleash their potential. 1. Warren Ellis About: Warren Ellis is a graphic novels… Continue reading 20 Time Saving Shortcuts and Life Hacks from Successful People

6 Key Tips for Building a Successful Mobile App

Mobile applications have become a vital component in our lives. You can find an app serving varied purposes, from letting you play games to track healthy eating habits, organize to-do lists and much more. With mobile devices outselling traditional computer systems, creating a mobile app can help expand your reach to the target audience located… Continue reading 6 Key Tips for Building a Successful Mobile App

How To Create a Successful 404 Error Page

True, it’s highly unlikely you’ll ever want users to navigate to a page within your website that simply isn’t there, but hey, schist happens so you should really be prepared for anything. Most web developers tend to completely overlook this scenario while they are busy creating the project and it’s understandable, a 404 error is… Continue reading How To Create a Successful 404 Error Page

8 habits of successful designers that I know

This is by no means a scientific list from formal studies. What I have written here is my impression from the list of designers whom I personally known. I observed their habits and what make them more successful in their career or business relative to others.  Again, this is not meant to be a comprehensive… Continue reading 8 habits of successful designers that I know

Steps Towards a Successful Business Website

A business website is the first introduction of a corporation or a company to its customers. It is a medium, through which a business owner or a corporation can spell out its mission, vision, values and above all its services to its potential customers. What constituents are required to makes a good business website design?… Continue reading Steps Towards a Successful Business Website