Psychology is your superpower to design user-centred interfaces

Jerome Kalumbu 4 hours ago·7 min read Understanding how people think and act is fundamental to designing effective user interfaces. Sadly, most designers ignore that cognitive psychology is the essence of how people interact, feel and process the information on a website. In his article “What is Cognitive Psychology?” Bryn Farnsworth, Researcher in Neuroscience, gives… Continue reading Psychology is your superpower to design user-centred interfaces

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Psychology, Counseling & Medical Website Template — MentalPress (Health & Beauty)

MentalPress is a premium Website Template for psychiatrists built with HTML5 and CSS3. It is our most advanced and sophisticated website we built so far. It is very easy to setup and use. Well Documented. Available only on ThemeForest! Main Features Responsive & Retina-Ready MentalPress looks great on any device, from mobile to desktop and… Continue reading Psychology, Counseling & Medical Website Template — MentalPress (Health & Beauty)

Psychology Of Color To Improve Site Conversion

Studying the psychology of color is crucial for maximizing your site’s web design. Using the right colors can help put your customers in the frame of mind that compels them to take action. Color has the power to improve conversions by grabbing customers’ attention and triggering the right emotions for sales. Colors often define the… Continue reading Psychology Of Color To Improve Site Conversion

Understanding Color Psychology for Impactful Web Design

It’s no secret that color psychology is used extensively in all aspects of design. From the colors used on day-to-day grocery items, to brand logos and website design, color is an important element that can convey a specific message to users. Photo credit: Dropbox According to Kissmetrics, when we view a color, our eyes send… Continue reading Understanding Color Psychology for Impactful Web Design

Using Color Psychology to Create an Effective Price Table

Whenever we start any new design project, we’ll usually sit down with the client and discuss all the relevant project details with the client. If you’re lucky, your client will have a relatively clear idea of what they want to achieve and perhaps even the functions and features they want for the site. However clients… Continue reading Using Color Psychology to Create an Effective Price Table

The Psychology of Color in Web Design

Whenever you are trying to design a new website, at some point, it comes the moment when you have to choose the right color. The right color selection is a very important matter and the choice should be made by taking into consideration some facts. The top aspect that should be kept in mind is… Continue reading The Psychology of Color in Web Design