Create a “Game of Thones” Inspired Photo Composite

Lately Game of Thrones season 6 has been aired! One of the most famous characters in it is Daenerys Stormborn. So let’s do an fanart for her! I loved her baby dragons. So I dediced to do an artwork of her with one of her baby dragons. You will learn how to use fire and… Continue reading Create a “Game of Thones” Inspired Photo Composite

Mobile UI Design Inspiration: Charts And Graphs

Design can be considered a craftsmanship because you do it until you are good at it and then you keep doing it to be better. The problem is that many developers are really eager to solve functionality problems rather than spending time to solve the interface issues. A mobile designer must embrace minimalism because he… Continue reading Mobile UI Design Inspiration: Charts And Graphs

How to Composite a Ruins Landscape

Learn how to create this beautiful ruins landscape with magical shafts of light. This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to add ruined buildings to the peaks of a snowy mountain landscape, add mystical light shafts, and a marching army. Final Results Tutorial Resources Some resources may not be available anymore – this is one… Continue reading How to Composite a Ruins Landscape

Create a Dark and Mysterious Landscape Matte Painting with Photoshop

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a dark and mysterious landscape using a range of photo manipulation techniques. You’ll learn how to combine different stock photos into a cohesive scene, create a misty atmosphere, adjust color, work with lighting and more. What you’ll be creating We’ll start this tutorial by creating a… Continue reading Create a Dark and Mysterious Landscape Matte Painting with Photoshop

Combine Photo Elements to Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation

This Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to use a variety of color, lighting, and cut and paste techniques to create a surreal photo manipulation. Combine your creativity with these Photoshop techniques to create your own photo manipulation artworks. Final Results Step 1 – Place the background The first step it’s to place the sky,… Continue reading Combine Photo Elements to Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation

How to Create a Cute Sleeping Moon Illustration

From a simple sketch to full blown colored artwork you will learn how create an Illustration of a Sleeping Moon. A drawing tablet isn’t necessary for this tutorial but it can make things go little smoother. Before I touch Photoshop I draw a series of sketches for my Moon design and select the best one… Continue reading How to Create a Cute Sleeping Moon Illustration

Taking Control of the tvOS Focus Engine

Introduction On iOS, users normally interact with your apps via the device’s touch screen. On tvOS, however, user interaction is handled by moving the current focus between views on the screen. Luckily, the tvOS implementations of the UIKit APIs handle the changing of focus between views automatically. While this built-in system works very well, for specific… Continue reading Taking Control of the tvOS Focus Engine

How to Create a Gradient Icon Inspired by Instagram in Adobe Illustrator

What You’ll Be Creating Rebrand your logo in style with this quick tutorial on creating a gradient icon in Adobe Illustrator CC. We’ll build our icon design from scratch with quick and simple shapes and pair gradients and effects from the Appearance panel to complete our on-trend design.  Alternatively, you may wish to use a… Continue reading How to Create a Gradient Icon Inspired by Instagram in Adobe Illustrator

How to Send a Pull Request using the Github Desktop Client

In one of my previous posts, I outlined the process of contributing to open source software with a detailed account of each step. One of those steps was sending a pull request to the owner of the repository you forked from. I showed you how to send a pull request using Github‘s web interface. In… Continue reading How to Send a Pull Request using the Github Desktop Client

How to Build a News Website Layout with Flexbox

What You’ll Be Creating It’s not necessary to understand every aspect of Flexbox before you can jump in and get started. In this tutorial, we’re going to introduce a few features of Flexbox whilst designing a “news layout” like the one you can find on The Guardian. The reason we’re using Flexbox is that it… Continue reading How to Build a News Website Layout with Flexbox

Free UI Kits That A Designer Should Have

Posted · Category: Best Collections UI kits are among designers’ favorite tools to work with, because they enhance their creativity, and clean the palette even for the most difficult projects. What makes UI kits even more loveable is that they help us explore other designers’ ideas, without expecting the client to come up with his,… Continue reading Free UI Kits That A Designer Should Have

Using a Drag and Drop Builder? Get Your Free License

Posted · Category: Uncategorized Drag and drop website building tools have their pros and cons, as do most website building tools. If you are using drag and drop to build your websites, we have a little reward for you – a promise of something better. It’s called XPRS, it offers a new and innovative approach… Continue reading Using a Drag and Drop Builder? Get Your Free License

How to Create a Misty Landscape Photo Manipulation With Adobe Photoshop

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a misty landscape with rocks, an arch bridge, flying birds, castles, and a medieval woman. You’ll learn how to combine simple images into a cohesive scene, play with the depth and atmosphere, adjust the colors, and more.  Tutorial Assets The following assets… Continue reading How to Create a Misty Landscape Photo Manipulation With Adobe Photoshop

Ruby Templating With Slim: Part 2

In the second and last part of this mini series, we’ll finish this introduction with sections about outputting Ruby code, interpolation, plain text and how to customize Slim to your needs. After that article you should be ready for some Slim action.  Outputting Code You have already seen a bit about how to use Ruby in… Continue reading Ruby Templating With Slim: Part 2

It’s Tough Out There: A Look at Brutalism in Web Design

Brutalist websites were thrust into the spotlight recently when Pascal Deville’s hit Hacker News and went viral. This collection showcases the less warm and fuzzy side of the web–let’s take a look and see if we can pull some inspiration from brutalism. Brutal Buildings “Brutalism” (or “New Brutalism”) is a term which has been rattling… Continue reading It’s Tough Out There: A Look at Brutalism in Web Design

Creating Multiple Banner Ads Layout Using Artboard in Photoshop CC 2015

One of Photoshop CC 2015 new feature is more or less the same with Illustrator artboard, allowing us to create multiple pages within one document. But Photoshop’s artboard is more flexible because we can freely change the arboard size and position. Now we can be more productive, because we are able to create multiple design… Continue reading Creating Multiple Banner Ads Layout Using Artboard in Photoshop CC 2015

Create This Surreal Scene of Waterfall Mountains with Adobe Photoshop

Learn how to create a surreal scene of waterfall mountains in Photoshop. In this tutorial I’ll show how you can merge different stock images to accomplish a surreal and fantastic scene of waterfall mountains. You’ll learn how you can create amazing lights effects, blending mountains stocks into a cohesive scene, enhancing light effects and creating… Continue reading Create This Surreal Scene of Waterfall Mountains with Adobe Photoshop

Create This Surreal Scene of Waterfall Mountains with Adobe Photoshop

Learn how to create a surreal scene of waterfall mountains in Photoshop. In this tutorial I’ll show how you can merge different stock images to accomplish a surreal and fantastic scene of waterfall mountains. You’ll learn how you can create amazing lights effects, blending mountains stocks into a cohesive scene, enhancing light effects and creating… Continue reading Create This Surreal Scene of Waterfall Mountains with Adobe Photoshop

How to Achieve 5 Common Looks in Photoshop

How do I achieve this look? That’s the question that gets asked all the time. In this post, you’ll learn 5 common effects and how to create them in easy steps. Believe me – they’re incredibly easy and do not require a bunch of layers. PrevNext 1. Matte/Faded/Raised Blacks This simple effect with many names is used… Continue reading How to Achieve 5 Common Looks in Photoshop

SpriteKit From Scratch: Constraints and Actions

Introduction In this tutorial, the second installment of the SpriteKit From Scratch series, you learn about constraints and actions. These features are used to easily add movement and animations to your SpriteKit game while limiting the position and orientation of nodes in the game. To follow along with me, you can either use the project… Continue reading SpriteKit From Scratch: Constraints and Actions

Better CSS Drop Caps With “initial-letter”

Drop caps are a form of decoration sometimes used at the beginning of a block of text; the initial letter running several lines deep and indenting the body text within these lines.  Drop cap example, as found on The Walrus Drop cap example, as found on Nautilus It’s a typographic tradition as old as the… Continue reading Better CSS Drop Caps With “initial-letter”

Create an Underwater Dreamscape in Photoshop

Learn how to emotional photo manipulation of an underwater dreamscape with Photoshop. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a fantasy underwater scene, place a girl in the dreamscape, then complete it with some bubbles. Throughout the tutorial, you’ll learn techniques that will help you create better matte paintings and photo manipulations. What you’ll… Continue reading Create an Underwater Dreamscape in Photoshop

Material Kit – Free Bootstrap UI Kit for Google Material Design

Advertise here via BSA Material Kit is a Free Bootstrap UI Kit with a fresh, new design inspired by Google’s material design. You asked for it, so we built it. It’s a great pleasure to introduce to you the material concepts in an easy to use and beautiful set of components. Along with the restyling… Continue reading Material Kit – Free Bootstrap UI Kit for Google Material Design