The best new portfolio sites, October 2016

Hello readers! World events have been very interesting lately, but now it’s time for what we all know is really important: other peoples’ portfolios! Okay, it’s not that important in the grand scheme of things, but design is one thing we can all agree o… ahahaha. I can’t even properly finish that sentence. Not even… Continue reading The best new portfolio sites, October 2016

Comics of the week #365

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers. These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world… Continue reading Comics of the week #365

Affinity Photo comes to Windows

Friends, Windows enthusiasts, and people generally just stuck with Windows… rejoice! Rejoice, for some real competition to Adobe has finally hit our platform. Affinity Photo is here in Beta form, and it is looking mighty fine. I’ve had a chance to play around with it, and I have to say that I am duly impressed.… Continue reading Affinity Photo comes to Windows

The Verge gets a redesign

Okay, let’s just get this out of the way: on this, the verge of a new year, the Verge got a redesign. Now the punnery is over and we can get on with our lives. It had to be done, or I could not call myself a writer. So let’s get to the good bit:… Continue reading The Verge gets a redesign

Choice paralysis: 3 ways the number of choices impacts conversions

Maybe you’ve heard of a phenomenon called choice or analysis paralysis. In short, it’s a situation where a customer can’t make a decision on a purchase because he’s faced with so many choices that they end up paralyzing him. Hence, choice paralysis. In the annals of marketing, there’s this notorious jam experiment that painfully details… Continue reading Choice paralysis: 3 ways the number of choices impacts conversions

The evolution of political campaign logos

The most successful brands understand that knowing their audience and how to communicate with them is vital to their success. For better or worse, it often comes down to a simple logo. We’ve all seen our fair share of re-brandings and logo transformations. The history behind an established brand is essential and changing something familiar… Continue reading The evolution of political campaign logos

How to start a blog with Hostgator

Blogging is an incredibly rewarding experience; it’s one of the few times in life that you truly reap what you sow. Write a great post, and readers will find it, churn out the same old opinions as everyone else, and you’ll get lost in the crowd. There are some excellent platforms to blog on:,… Continue reading How to start a blog with Hostgator

Applying artistic facial effects to images on the fly

Ever wished you could add snapchat like effects on your images? Good news is, you actually don’t need extensive training or specific face detection skills to get started. All you need is Cloudinary. Cloudinary is a cloud-based image management solution that gives you the power to upload, store, manipulate, optimize and deliver images. It also… Continue reading Applying artistic facial effects to images on the fly

Popular design news of the week: October 24, 2016 – October 30, 2016

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.  The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however,… Continue reading Popular design news of the week: October 24, 2016 – October 30, 2016

5 years of Foundation: a look back

This month, ZURB celebrates the 5th birthday of its Foundation front-end framework. This popular framework is known for its responsive grid, CSS and HTML user-interface components, code snippets, and templates. What makes it stand out as well is that it’s an open-source project. In a blog post earlier this month, Danny Codella, ZURB’s marketer, wrote… Continue reading 5 years of Foundation: a look back

20 essential CSS tricks every designer should know

This one’s for the absolute beginners. Once you’ve learned how the box model works, and how to float those boxes, it’s time to get serious about your CSS. To that end, we’ve compiled a massive list of tips, tricks, techniques, and the occasional dirty hack to help you build the design you want. CSS can… Continue reading 20 essential CSS tricks every designer should know

4 modern background tricks to try out

It seems that, as a constituent of a design, backgrounds live in the shadows; however, that’s not entirely true. In times when CSS only began to make its first steps towards the world conquest, the background had already taken on the role of the main decorative element of the website. Nowadays the situation has not… Continue reading 4 modern background tricks to try out

Cinemagraphs in web design

If you read any of the countless web design trend reports that came out earlier this year, you likely read about the promise of large, hero-sized cinemagraphs placed prominently on homepages everywhere. So where are they? While a few fashion-forward companies are using them on their websites, the cinemagraph has been largely relegated to showcase… Continue reading Cinemagraphs in web design

Popular design news of the week: October 17, 2016 – October 23, 2016

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.  The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however,… Continue reading Popular design news of the week: October 17, 2016 – October 23, 2016

Poll: should coders learn to design?

Okay developers, it’s your turn. People have ranted on and on for years about whether or not designers should learn to code. Heck, I’ve ranted about it. I still contend that… no. No no… This is about you devs, now. Should people who primarily code the back end of web products learn to design the… Continue reading Poll: should coders learn to design?

eBay experiments with a visual search engine

eBay, the giant auction site, has just launched a new site specifically for people looking for furniture and other complementary products and items for the home. eBay Collective, to be sure, is a site that’s aimed more at the high-end crowd, as it features items like antiques, fine art, contemporary design, and other unique items.… Continue reading eBay experiments with a visual search engine

Web 2.0 meets MTV in Pandora’s new branding

For once, I’m not starting off my article with a joke. When I say “Web 2.0”, I genuinely mean that style of design that we all (temporarily) embraced. Many a corner in Pandora’s new logo is curved, and they have brought back the bright and shiny gradient. Okay, so it’s a bit muted compared to… Continue reading Web 2.0 meets MTV in Pandora’s new branding

Popular design news of the week: October 10, 2016 – October 16, 2016

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.  The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however,… Continue reading Popular design news of the week: October 10, 2016 – October 16, 2016

Comics of the week #361

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers. These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world… Continue reading Comics of the week #361

Create a Sci-Fi Chamber Photo Manipulation in Photoshop

Learn how to create a sci-fi photo manipulation of a mysterious chamber with amazing light flares and great entrance with Photoshop. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to contruct your own chamber with textures , place a model in front of the entrance and then complete it by adding realistic shadows and lighting effect Throughout… Continue reading Create a Sci-Fi Chamber Photo Manipulation in Photoshop

The Principles Of Information Architecture

Advertisement At the heart of online design sits information architecture. In fact, a large proportion of our function as online designers is devoted to supporting users when it comes to locating the content that they need, and driving them towards the content that website owners would like them to interact with. As such, we incorporate… Continue reading The Principles Of Information Architecture

Website navigation and user experience

Advertisement Website navigation usability is the most crucial element in design. It makes the difference between a website where users find what they are looking for and one which causes so much frustration that users want to abandon it. The whole point of designing a website is to allow access the content, so the success… Continue reading Website navigation and user experience

How to get your design concept approved by your client

Advertisement It is said that the main goal of the web design studio is to perceive their client. When you learn all about your client’s personality, values, and most importantly, business goals, you come up with a concept – a visual outline of the future website. Sometimes, however, it turns out that your vision does… Continue reading How to get your design concept approved by your client

Eye Candy User Interface Design Inspiration

Advertisement When designing a web-based app or mobile app, you must not only think about the content of the app but also about the functionality. In many cases, you must focus even more on the functionality of an app and use a great UI design in order to create an app that is not only… Continue reading Eye Candy User Interface Design Inspiration