Hello readers! World events have been very interesting lately, but now it’s time for what we all know is really important: other peoples’ portfolios! Okay, it’s not that important in the grand scheme of things, but design is one thing we can all agree o… ahahaha.
I can’t even properly finish that sentence. Not even as a joke.
Now, I knew that some of you designers liked your asymmetrical post-modern designs but wow, you have outdone yourselves this month. We have a lot of them for you this time, so I hope you like minimalism and odd dimensions.
As always, if you’d like to contribute your own portfolio for next month’s roundup.
Alex Suarez
Alex Suarez’s portfolio uses semi-flat design tastefully. While the site may be a bit low on contrast, the layout works, the drop shadows actually work, and the overall style gives a very clear picture of what kind of work to expect.
Robin Saulet
Robin Saulet uses brush fonts and colorful photography to give us a bit of a retro feel, while keeping the colors muted enough that they don’t blind anyone. It works well when paired with the now-classic full-screen-sections layout.
Carina Czisch
Carina Czisch’s portfolio is about as minimalist as they come without being brutalist, and looks fantastic for it. Now, the (large) header being the same on every page might confuse some people with small screens, but otherwise, this site is just plain calming to lok at.
Owen O’Donnell
And here we have our first monthly it’s-nothing-too-original-but-still-well-done site! Good craftsmanship deserves appreciation, even if it’s similar to things you’ve seen before. I’d just recommend more paragraph breaks in the blog entries.
DUX doesn’t shy away from vibrant design. With the blues, greens, high contrast, geometric designs, and minimalist illustrations, this site is a glut of color and style. It’s enough to make you forget that it is, technically, a flat design.
I love my minimalism, but it’s fun to see designers go all out, too. Know when to follow your constraints, and when to break them.
Jens Nielsen
And we go back to the mostly-monochrome minimalism with Jens Nielsen’s portfolio. It’s small, it’s sweet, it’s smooth. Go check it out.
Florian Monfrini
Florian Monfrini’s portfolio follows the trend of many art-focused sites these days, with a focus on minimalism and asymmetry. As in other cases, it works quite well, here.
Re:collection is brought to you by minimalism, asymmetry, and presumably a whole lot of float: left;. I love it.
Liam Ricketts
Liam Ricketts’ portfolio takes things old-school with what may be one of the early 3D/Flash/Video effects I can think of. I don’t know what has possessed so many to make their photographs look like flags or other bits of cloth flapping in the wind, but here we are.
Combined with a dead-simple modern layout, the effect make this site stand out in a big way, and that’s never a bad thing.
AW&CO brings more minimalism, more asymmetry. There’s a more elegant/fashionable feel to it, though, which seems appropriate, given their clientele.
E-Types bnrings us yet more minimalism, and more asymmetry, but this time, it’s spiced up with motion in tthe form of background videos implemented with HTML5.
Oblik is one of those portfolio sites that likes to put their navigation all around the page. In this case, though, it makes sense. The navigation text on the upper left brings up a modal screen about the studio itself, and the ones on the bottom navigate through the projects.
See? Make a lot more sense than putting “About us”, “Work”, and “Contact” in three different corners.
Lionel Durimel
Lionel Durimel’s portfolio also makes use of some fairly original navigation. Use your mouse wheel to horizontally scroll through three rows of project names, and hover over one for a preview. The rest of the page layouts largely stick to convention, which is good for the usability.
Mozell shows off their work in an interface that is more app/Powerpoint than site. For their content, though, it works.
Brave is a design studio that focuses on working with nonprofits and charities.They don’t do anything out of the ordinary in the layout department, but trheir chosen imagery (and background videos) are spot-on, and well-though-out.
13 Bytes
13 Bytes uses the hand-drawn look to impressive effect in showing off their own work. It’s not overdone, though. There’s just the right amount of sketchy illustrations and “hand-wrtten” text to offset the more normal sans-serif typography.
.DOT is a master class in integrating vibrant branding into every part of a website without overwhelming and outshining the content.
The Hideout
The Hideout’s site is highly minimalist, but not post-modern. It’s just… regular modern, and all the more refreshing for it. The inclusion of subtle illustrated wood patterns is a very nice touch.
Brittany Chiang
Brittany Chiang’s portfolio is an excellent example of how high-resolution full-screen layouts should be done. The timeline section is pretty great too.
Jascha Goltermann
Jascha Goltermann’s portfolio combines that monochrome-with-neon-accents look with some subtle animation to spice things up even further. Once you get away from the flashy effects, the design itself is delightfully minimalist. I appreciate a design that only pulls out all the stops when it actually needs to.
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