Encouraging healthy lifestyle choices with an engaging user experience

Please note: This was a concept project undertaken as part of the User Experience Design Immersive course at General Assembly and is in no way affiliated with Nuffield Health. Nuffield Health is one of the UK’s leading not-for-profit healthcare organisations. They operate a wide variety of facilities and healthcare services, from gym and fitness centres… Continue reading Encouraging healthy lifestyle choices with an engaging user experience

How and Why to Optimize Images On the Site?

Everyone who runs a website knows that the loading speed is the most important factor for high convension, especially, if this is an online market. Studies made by Walmart clearly show that the longer it takes to load the page, the less operations made on the site by potential customers, because no one simply wants… Continue reading How and Why to Optimize Images On the Site?

How does design strategy work within a large enterprise?

Courtesy Dilbert Last October, I visited my alma mater, the School of Visual Arts Masters in Branding program, which teaches graduate students about the intersections of business & design. Whenever I visit, there’s always students that have questions about what I do, both as an IBM’er and a Design Strategist. Most recently, I was asked… Continue reading How does design strategy work within a large enterprise?

How SAP Fiori Can Help Transform User Experience?

In a context of digital transformation, many companies using SAP for their internal and external needs underestimate the importance of user experience. A lot has been said about SAP UX in terms of technology and design but still, the skills necessary for good user adoption are in short supply. That’s why SAP providers are in… Continue reading How SAP Fiori Can Help Transform User Experience?

AI-Driven UX Design

What impact might AI have on UX? My take on how we can design for AI. How will Artificial Intelligence impact UX design? How can we design meaningful experiences in an era with AI-driven products & services? How will this creative process look like? These questions keep clouding my mind, and I like to give… Continue reading AI-Driven UX Design

A series of interviews with senior UX leaders to celebrate International Women’s Day

Meet Elizabeth Elizabeth Churchill is currently a Director of User Experience at Google. She is an applied social scientist working in the area of human computer interaction, computer mediated communication, mobile/ubiquitous computing and social media. Elizabeth is the current Secretary/Treasurer of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world’s premier professional society for computer science… Continue reading A series of interviews with senior UX leaders to celebrate International Women’s Day

34 Creative Business Logo Designs for Inspiration – 49

A superb and professional ideas and concepts of corporate logos, minimal logos, geometric logos created by expert Designers. These logo designs can help you to design a brand new logo for your business branding or personal identity. The most elementary step in order to have your own brand identity or logo amongst the market or customers is to have… Continue reading 34 Creative Business Logo Designs for Inspiration – 49

The Powerful JavaScript Debugger You Never Knew You Had

February 26, 2018 by Alex Fox When you were first starting to write JavaScript, you learned about console.log. You learned about outputting messages to the console and using it to troubleshoot your JavaScript. And unless you’re a fairly serious JavaScript developer, you might not have bothered with much more. When JavaScript apps don’t work correctly,… Continue reading The Powerful JavaScript Debugger You Never Knew You Had

Illustrator Tutorials: 35 Fresh and Useful Adobe Illustrator Tutorials

Fresh free illustrator tutorials will help you to learn how to create illustration vector resources like vector logo, cartoon characters, typography poster and more useful illustration graphics. You’ll be able to use these illustration and drawing techniques for your future drawing and vector art and creating new interesting graphics and compositions! Tutorials are the best way to learn trendy styles and… Continue reading Illustrator Tutorials: 35 Fresh and Useful Adobe Illustrator Tutorials

Analysing Usability Testing Data

Gathering feedback from your users is a crucial part of any design process. The way in which you can gather this feedback varies depending on what kind of questions you are trying to answer, the resources you have available for user research and what stage of the product life cycle you are currently in. Qualitative… Continue reading Analysing Usability Testing Data

Building brand trust through UX Design

Be Secure Are you building an eCommerce website? Are you going to make the credit/debit card transactions happen on your website? This section is critical. What are the chances you would give your credit/debit card information to any random eCommerce website? None, right? I know your website is not the dodgy site still trying to… Continue reading Building brand trust through UX Design

Typography Tips You Should Know When Designing a Website

Graphic designers use typography as a form of communication. Both the appearance of text and the readability of this text in a visual product have an impact on user experience. Typography speaks to users, and may, therefore, be considered the voice of design. This is because typography sets a mood for a website and shares… Continue reading Typography Tips You Should Know When Designing a Website

​How To Design a Law Firm Website

As you are likely aware, more people are on the internet than ever before and they use it to do research, buy products and more. And you can bet that if an individual needs a lawyer for something, they are going to go online searching for one. As a result, it is incredibly important for… Continue reading ​How To Design a Law Firm Website

How to Design a Web App: A Showcase of 20 Designs

An intuitive, efficient web app will always be a pleasure to use.  However, in order to create a well-designed app, you need to look beyond color choice and excellent content.  You also need to be aware of user experience.  Otherwise, users will move on to your competition. Understanding the rules of application design will enable… Continue reading How to Design a Web App: A Showcase of 20 Designs

Why You Should Be Using One of These WP Themes in 2018

Posted · Category: Best Collections There’s no limit to the number of themes on the market you can use to build attractive websites. Searching for the best one for a given business or client can be a time waster, however. You need to use a responsive theme. Otherwise, you’ll soon discover that having a website… Continue reading Why You Should Be Using One of These WP Themes in 2018

How To Add A Navigation Menu To WordPress: Beginner’s Guide

Are you struggling with how to add a navigation menu to WordPress? WordPress actually includes a fairly user friendly interface to help you add menus to WordPress without needing to know any code. But unless you’re already familiar with WordPress, it can still be difficult to dive in and create your first menu. In this… Continue reading How To Add A Navigation Menu To WordPress: Beginner’s Guide

Pros and Cons of Infographics

Infographics are a great way of representing complex data in a manner which is easily understandable. Therefore, the advantage of infographics is that it translates complex data into a form which can be read and interpreted easily hence making the process of research an easy one. This is made possible by the fact that infographics… Continue reading Pros and Cons of Infographics

Weather Commuter: A UX Case Study

The UX behind the need to checking the weather Persona The persona I interviewed were young adults ranging from the age of 20–30 yrs old. I mainly focused on busy college students. All my users have checked the weather either daily for the purpose of commute, or weekly for the purpose of vacationing or weekend planning.… Continue reading Weather Commuter: A UX Case Study

Building a Website with Wix

The competition is tough when it comes to building websites. Your website needs to be catchy, fully-functional, user-friendly, and creative, in order to keep people visiting your website. If you are not tech savvy, this is quite a challenge as building a website from scratch is quite complicated. You need to know the codes in… Continue reading Building a Website with Wix

Let Your Audience Design Your Website: Why Online Casinos are Built on Logic Not Luck

Taking an activity that primarily existed in the physical world for decades and making it something internet users will enjoy is never easy. Indeed, when you look at the mixed response to online books, you’ll see just how tough it can be to convert people. According to Forbes’ review of Amazon’s Kindle sales in 2013,… Continue reading Let Your Audience Design Your Website: Why Online Casinos are Built on Logic Not Luck

A Showcase of Great Typography Usage in Web Design

Good typography is vital to having an effective website. Visitors need to be able to read the info on a site, whether it is an eCommerce website or a purely informational website. If they aren’t able to read it, they will quickly leave. The site will not be linked to, so it won’t show up… Continue reading A Showcase of Great Typography Usage in Web Design

Creative SVG Strokes Animation | Codrops

A creative strokes animation of a bike illustration powered by SVG and GSAP. SVG stroke animations are nothing new, but when using a more complex drawing that is basically made of strokes, then we can create a very original looking effect. Using many different colors and adding some other element animations, we can bring a… Continue reading Creative SVG Strokes Animation | Codrops

Human Centered Automation

Embraer 190 Flight Deck Redundancy is one of the ways for develop error resistant design, every important system have a backup (sometime backups) operation alternatives. It’s is also true for human actions, that’s why we have this pilot plus co-pilot operation. In the past we had 5 humans operating a cockpit, as automation increases, less people… Continue reading Human Centered Automation