The concept of something as intangible as a design calling consumers’ attention to a tangible product is a concept that goes back more than one hundred years with brands such as Pepsi, Valvoline and Jack Daniel’s. These logos of yesteryear might be largely unfamiliar, but the way designers chose how to construct a likable image… Continue reading Different Strokes: How Brands Build Logos Using Typeface
Tag: order
The Perfect Product Label
When trying to create the perfect product label, there are certain fundamental steps you must adhere to in order to reach the right design. Labels for products have to convey a lot of information while also appealing to customers and standing out from the competition so going through the right process to get the perfect… Continue reading The Perfect Product Label
Avoiding Common Problems with CSS Grid
October 25, 2017 by Alex Fox For many dark days, properly aligning objects on a webpage with CSS alone was close to impossible. With mostly-functional semi-hacks like float, positioning and in-like block, we could make it work, but it was far from perfect. When vexed by a particularly troublesome layout quirk, some event lamented the… Continue reading Avoiding Common Problems with CSS Grid
How to Systematically Design a Landing Page for your Online Store?
The great challenge of every owner of an online store is how to transform a visitor of our website into a new client. It’s something that may sound simple, but that it really isn’t. This essential aspect of the business must be reduced and solved in a systematic way through a process. We developed this… Continue reading How to Systematically Design a Landing Page for your Online Store?
8 PHP Email Forms to Use for More Conversions
If your clients are looking for more conversions on their websites, you need a good PHP email form builder. These registration sign-up forms provide a lasting connection between your client and their website visitors and customers. Not everyone will register their email or other contact information on an email form. The conversion rating is about… Continue reading 8 PHP Email Forms to Use for More Conversions
How Voice User Interface Design Is Changing the Online Experience
The rapid evolution of smart devices is pushing a new trend in user interface design – voice user interfaces. As people grow more comfortable talking to their phones, tablets, and wearables, brands who want to remain visible must invest in voice-friendly designs. See how voice user interface design has evolved, look at the most popular… Continue reading How Voice User Interface Design Is Changing the Online Experience
Beginner’s Guide to Angular: Components
Building single-page applications is an art, with many impressive frameworks to choose from. One of the most intuitive and widely used frameworks for building both web and mobile applications is Angular. Today, Angular 10 is out, and there are many impressive features. However, you need to master components before you dig deep. First Things First:… Continue reading Beginner’s Guide to Angular: Components
No Digital Tools needed: Creating Digital Products
Photo by Climate KIC on Unsplash I am sure, every UI and UX Designer knows that kind of problem: You have received a briefing for a new project. Everybody is on fire and is going to do some fancy stuff for it. But how to start? How to create innovative ideas? How to set your mind… Continue reading No Digital Tools needed: Creating Digital Products
The 8 Best Bug Tracking Tools & Platforms For Developers
In this article, we are presenting 8 best bug tracking tools that help you in removing any error or bug from your program. Coding is the essence of web development, therefore, every programmer is well aware of the fact that not only coding is the most important aspect of development, but it must be carried… Continue reading The 8 Best Bug Tracking Tools & Platforms For Developers
Attention! TemplateMonster officially launched Marketplace
It’s not a big secret that TemplateMonster offers its customers a plenty of excellent products that can be used for various purposes. The collection of ready-made templates on the website is not only impressive but incredibly qualitative. In addition to this, the number of templates is growing every single day and everyone can find something… Continue reading Attention! TemplateMonster officially launched Marketplace
Start From User Expectations to Deliver a Good Mobile UX
Nowadays mobile devices come in all shapes and sizes, each with its own way of interpreting the data received and the user interface solution. This greatly determines the success of any given app design, so user experience is one of the top priorities you need to consider. When working on a site design, these various… Continue reading Start From User Expectations to Deliver a Good Mobile UX
How Gaming Sites Can Improve Their Design
The better designed the website and the better the usability, the more likely people will come back to use it – and the more views, the more conversions and the better the website performs. Gaming websites need to be at the very height of attractive web design, especially in such a saturated sector. The look… Continue reading How Gaming Sites Can Improve Their Design
Vivify – A New Free CSS Animation Library
As web standards are changing constantly and being improved, we see now that web browsers can do many more things than just displaying text and images. The era of having web pages with just images and text is long gone and in order for you to be successful in this competitive area, you need to… Continue reading Vivify – A New Free CSS Animation Library
Is WordPress Ready for the New EU Privacy Rules?
Data is invaluable in the digital age, and if you have online presence, particularly if you run a website, then you are automatically part of the data game. With the new EU rules on data protection set to come into force in less than a year from now, how will WordPress – everyone’s favorite platform… Continue reading Is WordPress Ready for the New EU Privacy Rules?
5 Unusual Trends to Create Fresh Look of Your Website
To begin with, we all know that owning a popular online project is not the easiest thing for today. Needless to say, there are a lot of different colorful and attractive websites that already exist. Thus, you have to create something that is truly unique in order to stand out from the crowd. Without a… Continue reading 5 Unusual Trends to Create Fresh Look of Your Website
Your Guide to Developing Microcopy Like a Pro
People often underestimate the power of their website, but great user design drives conversions. When we think of a user experience, a few things jump to mind: headlines, layout, font, color. Symmetry and visual cueing play a large role in how a user takes in content and even how they make decisions. This is the… Continue reading Your Guide to Developing Microcopy Like a Pro
Microcopy Tips to Improve Your Site’s UX
Microcopy is a fundamental part of your site’s UX. Let’s check out some microcopy tips for a better user experience. What is microcopy? Microcopy is made up of the tiny snippets of text scattered around your website. It can include things like button texts, form labels, interaction prompts, tool tips and even error messages. As… Continue reading Microcopy Tips to Improve Your Site’s UX
5 Steps to Create Your Own e-Commerce Site from Scratch
Being a designer nowadays goes hand in hand with staying up-to-date with technology; owning a high-spec PC or Mac is quintessential and knowing every Photoshop and Illustrator shortcut like the back of your hand is a given. Yet building your own website from scratch in order to showcase or even sell your work is a… Continue reading 5 Steps to Create Your Own e-Commerce Site from Scratch
How to Optimize a Web Design for Video Content
July 31, 2017 by Spyrestudios Blogger As videos become more widely used across the internet, more and more websites are starting to incorporate video content as well. Often however this is done fairly haphazardly, without taking into account that video by its very nature is different from other forms of content. Frankly speaking, slapping a… Continue reading How to Optimize a Web Design for Video Content
Key Logo Design Elements That Resonate Your Brand
On having a glance at what went before, one will notice that even retrospectively, an artisan who was bothered about his ability and trade would have always left some kind of a mark on its artifact, to distinguish it from others. In order to make people aware that these are the items that has been… Continue reading Key Logo Design Elements That Resonate Your Brand
Make War, Not Interfaces
A Product Designer riding into battle — Andrew Yardley Product Design is a lot like warfare. Think about it. Users are the enemy. Like Clone Troopers straight out of Episode II, they are legion. Their numbers are seemingly without end. Without fail and without relent they will come at you, poking holes in your design, finding its fatal… Continue reading Make War, Not Interfaces
The Company Name on a Logo: How to Make It Work
The name of your company incorporated into its logo isn’t always a right solution but sometimes it is really perfect for your company’s introduction. So, in which cases will it be highly beneficial for companies to implement their names into their logos? A logo can be described as your company’s face, while your corporate style… Continue reading The Company Name on a Logo: How to Make It Work
26 New Amazing Adobe Photoshop Tutorials to Improve Your Manipulation
Amazing new Photoshop tutorials to learn how to create photo manipulation, retouching and lighting effects in Adobe Photoshop. The latest tutorials are helpful to learn beginning and advance techniques to enhance and improve your digital photo editing skills. Today we are gathered twenty six new tutorials to learn how to edit photos, creating photo effects, manipulation, fantasy and retouching. You may be interested in the following articles… Continue reading 26 New Amazing Adobe Photoshop Tutorials to Improve Your Manipulation
Atomic design: how to design systems of components
Today, the idea of Atomic Design is to begin with common raw material (atoms) with which we can build the rest of the project: Today: we start from atoms and we build the rest from there We have thus not only an “air de famille” between all the screens, but also a system which offers infinite… Continue reading Atomic design: how to design systems of components