Summary: Use this glossary to quickly clarify key terms and concepts related to visual design. Visual design requires knowledge and understanding of many jargon terms. Use this glossary as a reference as you delve into visual and user interface design. Jump to a definition in the table or review the complete glossary. Aesthetic-Usability Effect Users’… Continue reading Visual Design: Glossary
Tag: Objects
The power of beauty in communicating complex ideas
Can we defend pursuing beauty when communicating science or innovation? When creating visuals to explain complex ideas, cutting edge innovations or new scientific research we often focus on the images’ ability to carry information. But data visualization, infographics or even schematics have a hidden power we rarely discuss: beauty. Obviously not all images are beautiful. As… Continue reading The power of beauty in communicating complex ideas
PHP Type Casting: A Complete Guide
* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} When you are writing a program, you will need to create and manipulate multiple variables. These variables might store the same or different types of data. For example, some of them could have an integer value while others could be a string or float. Different programming languages… Continue reading PHP Type Casting: A Complete Guide
Basics of the Java Language
Java is among the most widely used programming languages and platforms today. It is prevalent due to its efficiency and simple syntax. It is known for its speed and reliability and is used for web applications, desktop computers, gaming consoles, and even the most complex scientific supercomputers. And of course, Java is the language of… Continue reading Basics of the Java Language
Object-Oriented PHP With Classes and Objects
In this article, we’re going to explore the basics of object-oriented programming in PHP. We’ll start with an introduction to classes and objects, and we’ll discuss a couple of advanced concepts like inheritance and polymorphism in the latter half of this article. What Is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)? Object-oriented programming, commonly referred to as OOP, is… Continue reading Object-Oriented PHP With Classes and Objects
Save time on image design with graphic editor Crello
Are you looking for a professional tool for your digital designing needs that helps making your marketing strategies better? Then, Crello is perfect for you. There are many visual graphic design tools out there in the market. Some of them are quite expensive. Other free tools need a forced sign up to use few of… Continue reading Save time on image design with graphic editor Crello
No Digital Tools needed: Creating Digital Products
Photo by Climate KIC on Unsplash I am sure, every UI and UX Designer knows that kind of problem: You have received a briefing for a new project. Everybody is on fire and is going to do some fancy stuff for it. But how to start? How to create innovative ideas? How to set your mind… Continue reading No Digital Tools needed: Creating Digital Products
Tridiv: Useful CSS3 Editor for 3D Objects
The design possibilities of CSS3 are diverse. Thanks to the “transform”-feature, not only animations, but also elements can be displayed three-dimensionally. With a few tweaks, three-dimensional objects can be drawn and arranged in space. With a little JavaScript, 3D animations are possible as well. The web application Tridiv provides a graphical user interface that enables… Continue reading Tridiv: Useful CSS3 Editor for 3D Objects
Create 3D Objects by Inflating 2D Photographs in Photoshop CS6 Extended
In this tutorial, Steve Caplin will explain how to use Photoshop CS6 Extended’s 3D capabilities to create 3D objects by inflating 2-dimensional photographs. Let’s get started! Tutorial Assets The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial. Lizard Beetle