How to Design a Money Management App UI in Sketch

What You’ll Be Creating In this Sketch app tutorial you will learn how to create a money management mobile UI design. Take a look at the final design to see what we’ll be working towards. Feel free to download the source files too. What We’ll Learn For starters, you will learn how to set up… Continue reading How to Design a Money Management App UI in Sketch

20 Freshest Web Designs, November 2019

In this month’s collection we’re seeing some minor trends, like the return of sliders, over-sized text, and liquid effects. But the biggest thing of note is a brand new trend: brutalist typography and layouts, made more appealing by soft, feminine color palettes. Enjoy! Wolff Olins Globally renowned agency Wolff Olins’ new site is engagingly simple,… Continue reading 20 Freshest Web Designs, November 2019

How to Create an Animated Polaroid Effect Photoshop Template

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial, we’ll not only create a polaroid effect Photoshop template using photo filters and shapes, but we’ll also create animated photo effects with standard Photoshop tools. I created Animated Polaroid Slideshow Instagram Stories Template using the same methods for my GraphicRiver portfolio. Tutorial Assets The following assets were used during the… Continue reading How to Create an Animated Polaroid Effect Photoshop Template

How to Create an Instagram Post Template in Photoshop

What You’ll Be Creating Today we will be taking a quick look at how to create an Instagram post template in Adobe Photoshop! Whether it’s for a hot sale your site is having, you’re announcing a huge giveaway or maybe you just want to wish your followers a happy holiday, having a blank Instagram post template… Continue reading How to Create an Instagram Post Template in Photoshop

How to Create a Realistic Embroidery Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a realistic embroidery text effect in Photoshop using stitch brushes and layer styles. The end result will be a font that look like it’s embroidery!  This is part of my embroidery effect Photoshop action, which is part of Embroidery and Stitching Photoshop… Continue reading How to Create a Realistic Embroidery Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop

How to Move into UX

The web designs are constantly evolving to ensure the user is attracted to the website and gets the best user experience. This evolution gives has improved versions of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. As the designs are becoming simpler and user friendly, the User Experience is also given as much importance. Payscale indicates an average of… Continue reading How to Move into UX

How to Make a Valentine’s Dinner Restaurant Menu Flyer Template

What You’ll Be Creating Do you have a fascinating dinner event in mind and wish to kick off the celebration with a catchy restaurant menu design? Great! There are many software packages available to enable you to design flyer templates, but today we will be using Adobe Illustrator in a step-by-step guide to custom designing a… Continue reading How to Make a Valentine’s Dinner Restaurant Menu Flyer Template

How to Create a Vintage Photo Effect in a Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky Style

What You’ll Be Creating This week is dedicated to Russian culture, so I would like to introduce you to the artworks of the famous Russian photographer Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky. He made a large number of color photographs of the early 20th century using his three-image method of photography.  He was able to capture in his photos not… Continue reading How to Create a Vintage Photo Effect in a Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky Style

How to use the wind blast effect in Adobe Photoshop

Feel like firing up Adobe Photoshop and creating something cool? Let’s leave boring posters behind and work with the wind blast effect to come up with a neoclassical-style poster template. Ready? Let’s go! What you’ll learn How to set up guides in Photoshop How to crop an image using Layer Masks in Photoshop… Continue reading How to use the wind blast effect in Adobe Photoshop

Migrating a WordPress Website In Under 10 Minutes: The Ultimate Guide To The Duplicator Plugin

Thinking about migrating your WordPress site? Most people aren’t aware of how they can migrate their site and then upon searching, they come across so many complex ways that they decide to not to do it altogether. But, then there are a few ways that can help you in moving the site to the server… Continue reading Migrating a WordPress Website In Under 10 Minutes: The Ultimate Guide To The Duplicator Plugin

Design a Cool Text Portrait Effect for Your Business Card in Illustrator

Business cards are one of the top ways to market your company because they’re so versatile and portable. That’s why so many business owners use them—but that makes them kind of hard to stand out. A business card needs to be totally unique so it won’t end up in the trash. And that’s where you… Continue reading Design a Cool Text Portrait Effect for Your Business Card in Illustrator

Design a Cool Text Portrait Effect for Your Business Card

Business cards are one of the top ways to market your company because they’re so versatile and portable. That’s why so many business owners use them—but that makes them kind of hard to stand out. A business card needs to be totally unique so it won’t end up in the trash. And that’s where you… Continue reading Design a Cool Text Portrait Effect for Your Business Card

How to Retouch and Airbrush Skin in Photoshop

Learn how to retouch skin professionally in Photoshop without making it look fake or blurry. In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to reduce wrinkles and blemishes, airbrush skin naturally, dodge and burn, and more using all non-destructive editing techniques. Once you learn this, you can make everything from natural skin improvements to glamorous… Continue reading How to Retouch and Airbrush Skin in Photoshop

How to Create a Watercolor Wedding Invitation in Adobe InDesign

What You’ll Be Creating Painterly designs are a big trend for wedding invitations right now. Romantic without being overly feminine or floral, they have an effortlessly cool, beachy style which is perfect for outdoor or more laid-back ceremonies. In this tutorial that’s suitable for beginners to the software, we’ll walk through the steps of creating an… Continue reading How to Create a Watercolor Wedding Invitation in Adobe InDesign

Creating Multiple Banner Ads Layout Using Artboard in Photoshop CC 2015

One of Photoshop CC 2015 new feature is more or less the same with Illustrator artboard, allowing us to create multiple pages within one document. But Photoshop’s artboard is more flexible because we can freely change the arboard size and position. Now we can be more productive, because we are able to create multiple design… Continue reading Creating Multiple Banner Ads Layout Using Artboard in Photoshop CC 2015

Create This Surreal Scene of Waterfall Mountains with Adobe Photoshop

Learn how to create a surreal scene of waterfall mountains in Photoshop. In this tutorial I’ll show how you can merge different stock images to accomplish a surreal and fantastic scene of waterfall mountains. You’ll learn how you can create amazing lights effects, blending mountains stocks into a cohesive scene, enhancing light effects and creating… Continue reading Create This Surreal Scene of Waterfall Mountains with Adobe Photoshop

Create This Surreal Scene of Waterfall Mountains with Adobe Photoshop

Learn how to create a surreal scene of waterfall mountains in Photoshop. In this tutorial I’ll show how you can merge different stock images to accomplish a surreal and fantastic scene of waterfall mountains. You’ll learn how you can create amazing lights effects, blending mountains stocks into a cohesive scene, enhancing light effects and creating… Continue reading Create This Surreal Scene of Waterfall Mountains with Adobe Photoshop

How to Create a Seder Plate for Passover in Adobe Illustrator

What You’ll Be Creating Whether or not you observe Passover, this is a great time to create and learn about the Seder plate and what it means during this Jewish holiday season. Celebrated this year from sunset on 22 April to 30 April (or nightfall of the 29th if you’re in Israel), Passover celebrates the… Continue reading How to Create a Seder Plate for Passover in Adobe Illustrator

Create an Underwater Dreamscape in Photoshop

Learn how to emotional photo manipulation of an underwater dreamscape with Photoshop. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a fantasy underwater scene, place a girl in the dreamscape, then complete it with some bubbles. Throughout the tutorial, you’ll learn techniques that will help you create better matte paintings and photo manipulations. What you’ll… Continue reading Create an Underwater Dreamscape in Photoshop

Designing for Apple Watch: Designing a Glance in Sketch

What You’ll Be Creating If this is the first time you are designing for a wearable device, you will notice that there are some key differences compared to designing a product for a smartphone or a desktop computer. In this quick tip, I cover some of these differences while also teaching you how to design… Continue reading Designing for Apple Watch: Designing a Glance in Sketch

Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation of a Man Watching a Magical Sky

In this tutorial we’re going to create a surreal photo manipulation of a man watching what looks to be a magical portal to another world. This will take you through all the process with explanation at every step. Now… Shall we begin? What you’ll be creating Although this artwork has been created with Adobe Photoshop… Continue reading Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation of a Man Watching a Magical Sky

Project: Build a Complete Website With Middleman

In part three of this series we’re going to get our hands dirty and start building a site for a fictitious podcast site: “Matcha Nerdz”. We’ll be using Middleman, Bourbon, Neat and Bitters. Let’s go! In This Post Roadmap Basic Blog Setup LiveReload Organizing Posts GitHub Pages Deployment Smarter Assets Bourbon Setup Normalize and jQuery… Continue reading Project: Build a Complete Website With Middleman

How to Create a Surreal Space Scene in Photoshop

How to Create a Surreal Space Scene in Photoshop 3.33/5 (66.67%) 3 votes This is a simple tutorial about how to make an awesome space image with a couple of simple pictures. Made in Photoshop Cs5 on a Macbook pro. What you’ll be creating Jupiter Fall is a piece I did out of a dream I… Continue reading How to Create a Surreal Space Scene in Photoshop

CSS And Javascript Animation Libraries To Create Awesome Effects

Velocity.js Velocity is an animation engine with the same API as jQuery’s animate(). It works with and without jQuery. It’s incredibly fast, and it features color animation, transforms, loops, easings, SVG support, and scrolling. It is the best of jQuery and CSS transitions combined. Vivus Vivus is a lightweight JavaScript class (with no dependencies) that… Continue reading CSS And Javascript Animation Libraries To Create Awesome Effects