Using the color Brown to create sequential and diverging color schemes. Continue reading on UX Collective »
Tag: data
Design systems; the great connector
Like a backwards prism, design systems focus the energy of many teams into a single beam. They spread efficiency and consistency, but they also shape culture and hone brand expression. They’re about bringing it all together, across disciplines, to form alignment and a cohesive outcome. What’s the big deal about design systems, anyways? You might have heard… Continue reading Design systems; the great connector
Gestalt psicology for dataviz
Understanding why specific data visualization techniques work better than others may not be so simple. Visual Pattern — Credits: Omar Flores on Unsplash We easily perceive a design that catches our attention, or elements that are out of place, but then we hardly know how to identify and evaluate them accurately, almost as if their effect acts at the… Continue reading Gestalt psicology for dataviz
What does your design cause?
What does your design cause which is undesirable or unintended or at odds with the design intent? How does one ask and answer these questions? In these next few posts I’m going to propose some ways of answering these questions that build up in complexity and propose some ways of thinking about causality and modeling… Continue reading What does your design cause?
How to Implement Infinite Scrolling With JavaScript
What is Infinite Scrolling? Infinite scrolling is a feature used to dynamically load more content on a page once a user scrolls to the end of the page. The concept of infinite scrolling is used to load data from a server in a way that feels “seamless” to a user but doesn’t overload the server… Continue reading How to Implement Infinite Scrolling With JavaScript
Breaking UX preconceived notions
Breaking UX Preconceived Notions If you’re a UI/UX designer, Product Designer, or work as someone who has some influence in creating the user experience in your products, I think we all can agree on one thing. That’s what makes a good UX is quite subjective. There are a lot of different aspects that could result… Continue reading Breaking UX preconceived notions
Why designers don’t use your design system
Improve the adoption of your design system through components flexibility Thumbnail of Cosmos Design System ❤ This is not a recipe for success or a know-it-all article. Here I’m focusing on the most constant and significant challenge when building design systems — reaching a balance and compromising between flexibility and rigidity of components standards. The components in the… Continue reading Why designers don’t use your design system
Create a Simple Math CAPTCHA for Your Forms With PHP and JavaScript
In this new tutorial we’ll discuss a straightforward approach for reducing spam from form submissions. This technique will use PHP and JavaScript to block form submission until the user provides the correct answer to a simple math CAPTCHA. Here’s a quick video that demonstrates the expected functionality: It’s important to note that this is just… Continue reading Create a Simple Math CAPTCHA for Your Forms With PHP and JavaScript
Co-creating has drastically improved my designs
How co-design has drastically improved my work Users, engineers, product managers… I’m not the only one designing things around here I find defining a problem challenging. Ideally, at the start of a project all the metrics and objectives form a crystal clear statement. But working with high ambiguity in the platform space, I often start with a… Continue reading Co-creating has drastically improved my designs
2 Ways to Protect Your HTML Email Links (and Prevent SPAM)
In this tutorial we’ll describe two straightforward techniques for protecting HTML email links from being scraped by spammers. Although these techniques cannot guarantee full success, they’ll give you an extra layer of protection. Email Templates on Envato Elements Before we dive in, don’t forget that you can download unlimited email templates with your Envato Elements… Continue reading 2 Ways to Protect Your HTML Email Links (and Prevent SPAM)
The Best WordPress Multilingual Plugins Compared
Do you want to offer your website content in more than one language and reach a wider customer base, including international customers? The best way to offer a personalized and localized customer experience is through users’ native language. You can reach audiences in languages they speak, even if you do not know a single word… Continue reading The Best WordPress Multilingual Plugins Compared
How to Crop or Resize an Image With JavaScript
It’s very easy to show a resized or cropped version of an image on a website using CSS. However, this doesn’t change the original image data. What if you want to create an actual cropped or resized version of an image for your visitors or clients? We’ve already published a couple of tutorials on how… Continue reading How to Crop or Resize an Image With JavaScript
5 Best Comment Plugins for WordPress
An active comments area underneath each of your posts is a great way to increase the interaction on your website. Comments offer value to your content, show that your readers care about your site, and give visitors a reason to return. However, you must first make a space where your readers want to hang around… Continue reading 5 Best Comment Plugins for WordPress
Visual forensics, impostor syndrome, UI color system, accessibility checklist
Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. “User feedback is always a valuable source of information. But if product designers aren’t careful, user feedback can quickly become a to-do list of features organized by whoever yells the loudest and most often. This not only runs the risk of pulling a product team in dozens of different… Continue reading Visual forensics, impostor syndrome, UI color system, accessibility checklist
8 Best Free and Open-Source JavaScript Image Editors
The internet is filled with countless images uploaded by users. This is especially true for social media websites—and it is very rare for people to post original unedited images anywhere. It is also common to need to post images with a specific size or format. While there are a lot of full-fledged image editing apps… Continue reading 8 Best Free and Open-Source JavaScript Image Editors
Design and development during turbulent times
Usually we are talking about design in a perfect environment: stable internet connection, various tools to use, enough time and safe placement, but what if we erase all of those conditions and put war in your country instead of them? In this article, I will tell you how to design during a crisis. Hello, my name… Continue reading Design and development during turbulent times
Metaverse UX, designing with data, immature orgs, how to ask for gender
Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. “I’m sure that you or someone else you know have worked somewhere in the past where you felt that UX people were out of place. After all, UX is an emerging discipline and a lot of organizations want to hire people from our field because no organization wants to… Continue reading Metaverse UX, designing with data, immature orgs, how to ask for gender
Best WordPress Importer Plugins
Your WordPress website contains a lot of data like user and customer information, sales, posts, products, images, media, reviews, comments, and so much more. Consider the following common situations you may have to deal with at some point: migrating your WordPress website from one hosting platform to another transfering customer information including sales, orders,… Continue reading Best WordPress Importer Plugins
4 Best Real User Monitoring Tools for 2022
The success of your website or web app hinges on the user experience. A positive experience translates into loyalty through high user retention and conversion rates, which in turn increase your profits. The good news is that you can discover exactly what kind of experience users are having on your website or web app. You… Continue reading 4 Best Real User Monitoring Tools for 2022
Three-legged stool for Success in Data
[unable to retrieve full-text content] Source: Unsplash Data is only useful if it can be understood. If we don’t understand it, we won’t be able to act on it. If we won’t be able to act on it, it is worthless. Though data cannot solve problems, it can help us to identify and understand them.… Continue reading Three-legged stool for Success in Data
How to Use assert() in PHP
* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} In this article, I’ll teach you about the assert() function in PHP. I will teach you what exactly it is, how it works, and the right context to use it in your code. Along the way, I’ll use simple example code snippets that will help you to… Continue reading How to Use assert() in PHP
Fixing Problems With Borders in Dark Mode (Email Design)
* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} Borders aren’t always treated the same as other elements when it comes to emails in Dark Mode. In this article I’ll take you through what is happening to your borders, as well as how fix any problems you’re having with them. Top Email Templates on Envato Elements… Continue reading Fixing Problems With Borders in Dark Mode (Email Design)
Exciting New Tools For Designers, Holidays 2021
The year’s winding down as everyone segues into a much-needed holiday R&R. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some awesome new tools and resources for website design projects. Check them out, and hit the ground running in January. Here’s what’s new for designers this holiday period. Enjoy! Fancy Border Radius Generator Fancy Border Radius… Continue reading Exciting New Tools For Designers, Holidays 2021
How To Design A Website With Security In Mind
There are billions of websites today as companies, small and large, seek online presence. However, this surge in website design and development is confronted by a rise in cyber attacks, prompting a need for cybersecurity. The sophistication of the internet can be rewarding; however, it can also be weaponized by hackers for illegal benefits. Your… Continue reading How To Design A Website With Security In Mind