Think Inside the Box: How Accessibility Shapes Digital Product Design

Think inside the box: How accessibility shapes digital product design How constraints ignite creativity, spark innovation, and why accessibility is a uniquely effective constraint everyone should embrace. “Design depends largely on constraints.” — Charles Eames Access to digital technologies is a fundamental human right¹ and legal obligation². In an ideal world, there would be no need for more justification to… Continue reading Think Inside the Box: How Accessibility Shapes Digital Product Design

What Your Organization Needs to Navigate Canada Digital Accessibility Laws

A comprehensive guide to understanding digital accessibility requirements in Canada Digital accessibility is an integral aspect of equality and inclusivity, providing the same opportunity for all in the modern, digital world. In recognition of this, Canadian federal and provincial governments have implemented various legislative acts to ensure that individuals with disabilities have digital access without… Continue reading What Your Organization Needs to Navigate Canada Digital Accessibility Laws

An urban planner’s guide to designing software

Urban planners have been designing for human experiences for nearly 200 years, UI/UX designers can learn from this It’s July of 2016. The augmented reality game Pokémon GO was just released. Within days, millions of teens and Millennials are suddenly spending hour upon hour outside in search of rare Pokémon, battling one another, and living in… Continue reading An urban planner’s guide to designing software

5 Homepage Design Elements You Can Optimize for Better Conversions

Optimize These Homepage Design Elements To Boost Conversions This 2023 If people won’t just a book by its cover, they’re sure to judge a website. Products, services, or content might be great, but poorly designed homepages can be detrimental to conversions. Remember, your home page is likely the first thing new users are going to… Continue reading 5 Homepage Design Elements You Can Optimize for Better Conversions

Measuring simulator sickness in VR: a guide for UX researchers

Understand and mitigate the impact of simulator sickness on VR users. Photo by Norbert Kowalczyk on Unsplash Given that up to 1 in 3 people [1, 2] experience some type of motion sickness, it’s highly likely that either you or someone you know has felt a bit queasy after using a virtual reality (VR) simulator… Continue reading Measuring simulator sickness in VR: a guide for UX researchers

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Seven mental models for UX Writing

Mental models to help you mature your work and deliverables. This article is part of the UX Translations series. It was originally written in portuguese by Camila Gaidarji via UX Collective 🇧🇷 and was translated to english with the intention of helping more designers and reaching an even wider audience. You can check the original… Continue reading Seven mental models for UX Writing

Should you do UX Research yourself, or hire an agency?

The Pros and Cons of these two options — plus a third you might have ignored The number at the end of the agency’s proposal was over one million Euros. I was floored. A client of mine had sent me a proposal from the latest research consulting firm in the runnings to help them explore a new market. Of the… Continue reading Should you do UX Research yourself, or hire an agency?

A brief guide to writing more accessible content

Make content accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash UX designers are experts at developing empathy, supposedly. So why do designers ignore such a large segment of their users? People with disabilities are often neglected in the design process. They’re excluded from user research and testing, which is evident… Continue reading A brief guide to writing more accessible content

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Systems and Operations in the Design Profession

Systems and operations in the design profession Photo by Deva Darshan on Unsplash I always loved conceptualizing and visualizing processes. As a product designer, I ended up working with a design team, doing user flows, user testing, design sprints, etc. As I was growing as a designer, I did more facilitation, customer journeys, created big conference… Continue reading Systems and Operations in the Design Profession

What is a Design System? A simple guide to get started

A design system is a library of guidelines and reusable components that should establish the consistency of the product experience. The goal of a design system is to create a single source of truth, that is visible and maintainable by the team. Perhaps not all teams need a design system. However, from my personal experience,… Continue reading What is a Design System? A simple guide to get started

The definitive guide to acing every design interview format

I’ve been in big tech for almost my entire career and have interviewed and been interviewed hundreds of times. This has given me unique visibility and insight into exactly how to ace a product design interview. From understanding what skills are being assessed to preparing for specific questions that might come up, this article deep… Continue reading The definitive guide to acing every design interview format

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Flyer Templates

Welcome to this comprehensive guide to flyer templates. We’ll look at what flyers are, why to use them, and how to create them. And we’ll also look at plenty of flyer design inspiration. Let’s get started! What Is a Flyer? At its most basic level, a flyer is a small sheet of paper containing printed… Continue reading Flyer Templates

Why designers don’t use your design system

Improve the adoption of your design system through components flexibility Thumbnail of Cosmos Design System ❤ This is not a recipe for success or a know-it-all article. Here I’m focusing on the most constant and significant challenge when building design systems — reaching a balance and compromising between flexibility and rigidity of components standards. The components in the… Continue reading Why designers don’t use your design system

How to increase the UX maturity of Scrum teams

Investing in the UX skills of a Scrum Team delivers a huge return. Learn how. In this article you will learn: Why enabling Scrum Teams with UX Design capabilities is important. Why introducing UX capabilities to Scrum team is frequently hard. What is the job of an UX Leader in a product development organization. How to use… Continue reading How to increase the UX maturity of Scrum teams

Web Design for Beginners (Epic Free Course!)

If you’re new to web design, this free course on web design for beginners will teach you everything you need to know. “How do I pick typefaces, how do I pick colors, what the heck is whitespace, and how do I position and size elements correctly?” These are exactly the kinds of questions… Continue reading Web Design for Beginners (Epic Free Course!)

Behavioural design: a lean guide to using psychology and motivation for product teams

Design influences behaviour. Using psychological principles and theories of behaviour, we can design with intent, for how users behave, building an environment that supports whatever route they take, instead of forcing them to conform to how our products and services work. There are so many terms mentioned when researching this topic, such as behavioural science,… Continue reading Behavioural design: a lean guide to using psychology and motivation for product teams

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Top 5 Web Design Trends That Will Stick in 2022

Posted · Category: Best Collections, Design Web design trends don’t just appear out of the blue. They arise in response to people’s thinking in terms of their needs and comfort zones. We tend to welcome change, as long as its for the better and doesn’t create chaos during a transition from one condition to the… Continue reading Top 5 Web Design Trends That Will Stick in 2022

UX-Friendly FAQ Page Template Designs

November 18, 2021 by Veronika FAQ pages are what make a website truly user-friendly. They provide the support and information that visitors need to take action, be it purchasing a product, testing a product, or subscribing to a newsletter. This collection includes some of the best examples of FAQ page template designs as well as… Continue reading UX-Friendly FAQ Page Template Designs

How to Create a HubSpot Email Signature

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} HubSpot is an invaluable marketing and managing assistant that you can use to improve your online business. It helps you analyze your website’s performance, manage your contacts, send marketing emails, boost sales, and more. In this tutorial I’ll explain how you can set your HubSpot email signature,… Continue reading How to Create a HubSpot Email Signature

How to Make a Funeral Program

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial, I will teach you how to make a funeral program in Adobe InDesign. You will learn how to apply background images to shapes, format text for an organized layout, and place swirl vectors in your funeral pamphlet template. If time is an issue for you, don’t hesitate to… Continue reading How to Make a Funeral Program

How To Design A Website With Data Privacy In Mind

If you have any experience with web design, you should be aware that a site consists of numerous elements. Examples include navigation, branding, visual graphics, and content, among others. Naturally, when building a website, you have to take into consideration these elements. For example, to ensure proper branding, it’s crucial to include your company’s logo.… Continue reading How To Design A Website With Data Privacy In Mind