Website Security Tips: Why It’s Important and How to Protect Your Site

In today’s increasingly digital world, websites have become the backbone of businesses, organizations, and personal brands alike. They serve as a point of contact, a source of information, and often, a means to conduct transactions. However, with the rise in website usage comes the rise in cyber threats. Whether it’s a personal blog, an e-commerce… Continue reading Website Security Tips: Why It’s Important and How to Protect Your Site

What Your Organization Needs to Navigate Canada Digital Accessibility Laws

A comprehensive guide to understanding digital accessibility requirements in Canada Digital accessibility is an integral aspect of equality and inclusivity, providing the same opportunity for all in the modern, digital world. In recognition of this, Canadian federal and provincial governments have implemented various legislative acts to ensure that individuals with disabilities have digital access without… Continue reading What Your Organization Needs to Navigate Canada Digital Accessibility Laws

How people read online

Tips for accessible text. What makes a text nice to read? To know more about this, it is important to take a closer look at how people are reading. Additionally, it may be the case that someone is impaired, physically or mentally, to read a text. How does it work? Saccades, fixations, and breaks The reading process… Continue reading How people read online

Coronavirus Alert! Precautionary Measures & Real-time Apps To Keep An Eye On Covid-19 Outbreak Situation

by AN Jay · March 23, 2020    Why asking Help from Allah is the ‘First Thing First’? As everything is in this universe has made by Allah, Almighty. He is the only One who has power over all. So, we should always ask help from the Almighty first to keep us away from these… Continue reading Coronavirus Alert! Precautionary Measures & Real-time Apps To Keep An Eye On Covid-19 Outbreak Situation

Mobile App Website Inspiration: 20 Application Websites and Tips to Help You Design One

Posted · Category: Uncategorized It may seem a bit curious that more than a few app websites are only given a cursory inspection by app owners. It is given before being largely ignored because visitors have gone elsewhere.The reason for a given website may be completely valid in that it addresses a well-established need. It… Continue reading Mobile App Website Inspiration: 20 Application Websites and Tips to Help You Design One

Android Fans Rejoice, Vivaldi Has Arrived

It’s time for me to go all fanboy on you guys, because Vivaldi is on Android, ya’ll! Vivaldi the browser, that is. You know, the one made by former Opera devs, and which is aimed at power users who want loads of customization and choice, plus a little privacy. It’s the browser I’ve been using… Continue reading Android Fans Rejoice, Vivaldi Has Arrived

4 Key Design Principles That Videos Should Leverage

September 30, 2018 by Spyrestudios Design principles can be applied to any visual medium – and videos are no exception. In fact it is essential that you consider the design of the elements in your videos if you want them to look impressive. While there are many design principles that you should take into account,… Continue reading 4 Key Design Principles That Videos Should Leverage

4 Easy Hacks To Improve Your Site’s Speed And Get Better Conversions

I have a confession to make; I’m the type of person who has no patience for a slow loading site. And apparently, I’m not the only one. Based on a research by the Aberdeen Group, a 1-second delay in a page load time can have the following negative effect: – Reduced page views by 11% –… Continue reading 4 Easy Hacks To Improve Your Site’s Speed And Get Better Conversions

How to Code Multiple Loops While Only Querying the Database Once

I’m a big fan of the WP_Query class: I use it in many of my client sites to query and output content in custom ways. If you want to run multiple loops on a page, the easiest way to do it is to run WP_Query each time you need to run a loop. But there… Continue reading How to Code Multiple Loops While Only Querying the Database Once

User Experience Is Important For Web Designers

The first thing that grabs your attention when you open an app or a website is the way in which it is designed. User experience depends mostly on design and its contribution to the brand’s recognition. You might design a good looking website, but you should still go far beyond a simple user experience. UX… Continue reading User Experience Is Important For Web Designers

Important tools you need for cross brower testing

There are a multitude of browsers that you can find right now on the market and, as a developer, you have to make sure that you test the site you created on as many as possible. However, you simply cannot test all existing browsers on all possible platforms, this is close to impossible. Because of… Continue reading Important tools you need for cross brower testing

Create “Dark Scientist” Conceptual Photo Manipulation in Photoshop

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create an conceptual surreal photo-manipulation. We are going to learn the process of creating depth of field using a few advance tools. We are going to learn how to blend images so seamlessly that it would look like a single image using the Brush tool, the Eraser… Continue reading Create “Dark Scientist” Conceptual Photo Manipulation in Photoshop

4 important rules for web design in the cloud

The cloud can make a number of things simpler in your business as web design is typically included. However to get the most out of the cloud, you need to make sure that you follow certain rules. Otherwise, you could find yourself in a great deal of trouble and having to redo some of your… Continue reading 4 important rules for web design in the cloud

Beginning With WordPress: Editing the Look of Your Site With CSS

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Beginning With WordPress So, now that we have a child theme set up we’re ready to get make some changes to the look and feel of our site. What You’ll Need Web browser – I’m using Chrome Text editor – I’m using Text Wrangler FTP… Continue reading Beginning With WordPress: Editing the Look of Your Site With CSS

The best Design related articles of the month

A lot of professionals have created in the latest years a strong bond with the web to the point of almost total dependence; designers, programmers, writers, marketers, photographers, illustrators and much more fit in this. We, together, have created a sort of ecosystem by making contributions everyday. Call it design tips, plugins, PSD freebies, tutorials,… Continue reading The best Design related articles of the month

Important Considerations When Building Single Page Web Apps

Single page web applications – or SPAs, as they are commonly referred to – are quickly becoming the de facto standard for web app development. The fact that a major part of the app runs inside a single web page makes it very interesting and appealing, and the accelerated growth of browser capabilities pushes us… Continue reading Important Considerations When Building Single Page Web Apps