A lot of professionals have created in the latest years a strong bond with the web to the point of almost total dependence; designers, programmers, writers, marketers, photographers, illustrators and much more fit in this. We, together, have created a sort of ecosystem by making contributions everyday. Call it design tips, plugins, PSD freebies, tutorials, opinions, all of this represents a contribution that makes the web bigger and bigger at every moment.
Thanks to these contributions, the web keeps on changing dramatically, and it does it at a very fast pace; So it gives every time more topics to talk about. Here at WebDesignShock, we present some of the best posts released in April that present valuable contributions to the web, making it a better place to be in. This is the first of the series of lists that will come every month to keep you up to date with the latest trends, and thoughts of some remarkable web writers. Enjoy!