How To Act and Understand Accessibility Right Now

In recent history, the digital channel has extended it’s already dominant reach, even further. Whether its COVID-19, omnichannel strategy, mobile, or driven by user behavior and expectations, the digital channel is key for business-to-consumer (B2C) organizations. As organizations are investing more in digital channels, it’s important that accessibility is included. Not addressing accessibility can leave… Continue reading How To Act and Understand Accessibility Right Now

Developing a WordPress Website 101: The Important Five C

Recently I’ve been given a task to build and develop a website from scratch. When I say from scratch, I meant from nothing, no hosting, no direction on what the website will be, only a concept from the client that needs to build a website with niche toward or something similar to lifestyle blog as… Continue reading Developing a WordPress Website 101: The Important Five C

5 Ways to Build Codeless Websites Using WordPress’ Gutenberg

Web designers could be forgiven if their eyes glazed over at the mere mention of building a custom website. Creating an advanced website used to require programming knowledge and hours of coding. But thanks to Gutenberg, even those who don’t know their HTML from their CSS will be able to create professional websites that stand… Continue reading 5 Ways to Build Codeless Websites Using WordPress’ Gutenberg

Is it Time to Redesign Your Portfolio?

For many professionals looking for new work opportunities, they know that prospective employers are going to ask for proof of their credentials; where they went to school; how long they worked in the field; who they worked for; a résumé communicates these details nicely. For web designers, though, a list of jobs and accolades isn’t… Continue reading Is it Time to Redesign Your Portfolio?

How to Redirect With PHP

Redirection allows you to redirect the client browser to a different URL. You can use it when you’re switching domains, changing how your site is structured, or switching to HTTPS. In this article, I’ll show you how to redirect to another page with PHP. I’ll explain exactly how PHP redirects work and show you what… Continue reading How to Redirect With PHP

How to Build a Grayscale to Color Effect on Scroll (CSS & JavaScript)

In this new tutorial, we’ll start with some grayscale images and learn how to smoothly reveal their colored variants on scroll. To achieve the desired effect, we’re going to take advantage of different modern front-end features like CSS Grid, the clip-path property, and the Intersection Observer API. Our Grayscale to Color Effect Without further intro, let’s check… Continue reading How to Build a Grayscale to Color Effect on Scroll (CSS & JavaScript)

Creating an Accessible Range Slider with CSS

April 29, 2020 I’ve always loved exploring how to make semantic, accessible elements aesthetically pleasing. And yes, it is possible. Challenging myself to do this has improved my CSS skills. Today we are going to talk about input[type=”range”]. These inputs where you select a value from a slider that has a thumb on it. You… Continue reading Creating an Accessible Range Slider with CSS

How Freelancers Can Stay Positive During the Coronavirus Crisis

There are a lot of negative emotions swirling around right now: fear; stress; frustration; anxiety; depression. And what’s worse is that it feels like there’s no escape from them. We don’t know how long the coronavirus crisis is going to last, so we can’t allow these negative emotions to overwhelm us day in and day… Continue reading How Freelancers Can Stay Positive During the Coronavirus Crisis

Custom Brushes in Photoshop and Procreate: Analysis and Interviews

Love drawing in Procreate or Photoshop? Curious about custom Photoshop brushes or custom brushes for Procreate? There can be a lot to learn and explore there, especially in regards to your options. Should you download custom brushes? Create your own?  In this article, we’ll tackle a whole lot of brush content. Whether you’re looking for… Continue reading Custom Brushes in Photoshop and Procreate: Analysis and Interviews

What Makes WordPress a Great Choice for Creating Websites?

If you’re planning on setting up a website for yourself or your business, chances are you’ve come across WordPress. You might be wondering what WordPress is and what sets it apart form other website systems. In this article, you’ll learn what WordPress is, how it compares to other web platforms and what its benefits are.… Continue reading What Makes WordPress a Great Choice for Creating Websites?

3 Lessons UX Designers Can Take From Netflix

If we look at this from a design perspective, there’s definitely something about the way the user experiences are designed that makes them more attractive than other movie or TV viewing options. Especially Netflix. Today, I want to put the spotlight on Netflix and give you 3 lessons you can take away from the platform’s… Continue reading 3 Lessons UX Designers Can Take From Netflix

How to Create a Wanted Poster

What You’ll Be Creating Would you like to see your face on one of these old wanted dead or alive posters? Of course, just for fun! In this tutorial I will show you how to do it using a very simple wanted poster generator. Use a fully customizable wanted poster template to create your own… Continue reading How to Create a Wanted Poster

How Accessibility Taught me to be Better at JavaScript – Part Two

January 14, 2020 Content Warning: There are gifs in this post. Hey friends! Today’s writing is going to be a follow up to How Accessibility Taught Me to be Better At JavaScript. If you have read my content, one of my favorite topics is about JavaScript and Accessibility. I speak about how JavaScript is actually… Continue reading How Accessibility Taught me to be Better at JavaScript – Part Two

How Many Types of X Acronym Are There? And Does It Matter?

One of the problems with coining a term like “user experience” or its acronym counterpart “UX” is that it opens up the floodgates for other trendy experience-related acronyms to enter the web design lexicon. CX, DX, EX, HX, JX, PX, UX, (U)XD… Is all of this really necessary though? While I don’t think you need… Continue reading How Many Types of X Acronym Are There? And Does It Matter?

“Needle in a haystack” search problem? This presentation of 15 of the very best WordPress themes for 2020 should fix that.

Posted · Category: Design, Tools Having too many WordPress themes to choose among is of course better than having too few. But there are times when searching for what you really need is like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack. If you’ve been looking for a top-of-the-line multipurpose theme you will probably find… Continue reading “Needle in a haystack” search problem? This presentation of 15 of the very best WordPress themes for 2020 should fix that.

20 Best Page Builder (Visual Composer) WordPress Themes to Make Sites Quickly

Finding a theme for your WordPress-powered website is no longer a challenge. The real challenge is in finding the best theme for you, and one which comes with as many genuinely usable features as possible.  One key feature for themes nowadays is the use of a page builder. WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) is… Continue reading 20 Best Page Builder (Visual Composer) WordPress Themes to Make Sites Quickly

6 Tips for Writing Content Regularly

Okay, you need three to five new ideas for articles, all on the same general topic. Go… Now here’s where we separate the people who have to come up with regular content all the time from the people who don’t. The people who have things they want to write about but can never get around… Continue reading 6 Tips for Writing Content Regularly

Add a Live Ajax Search Bar to Your WordPress Website

Regardless of whether you’re typing a search query into Google, YouTube, Amazon or any other major website, live search has become an essential element of modern web design.  Live search is when you see a list of suggested search terms that updates as you’re typing, and it can be a valuable addition to any website.… Continue reading Add a Live Ajax Search Bar to Your WordPress Website

How to Use the Slider Revolution Plugin for WordPress

In this post, we’re going to review the Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress plugin, which allows you to create rich and dynamic content on your WordPress websites. And not just sliders: it allows you to build carousels, content modules, and full-fledged websites by using the rich built-in editor! Nowadays, sliders and carousels are important building blocks… Continue reading How to Use the Slider Revolution Plugin for WordPress

20 Best New Portfolios, September 2019

Every month we roundup the best portfolios launched by agencies, freelance designers, and other creative professionals, into one easy-to-digest collection. And now we come to September. The kids are off to school (the poor dears), the teachers are off to school (the poor dears), and you’re free to spend some time thinking about the most… Continue reading 20 Best New Portfolios, September 2019

Solving Problems With CSS Grid: The Gantt Chart

We recently published a tutorial explaining how to build a JavaScript-driven Gantt Chart. I think it’s the perfect case study for CSS Grid, so in this tutorial we’ll see how well suited CSS Grid Layout is for building a flexible Gantt Chart. Our CSS Grid Gantt Chart Here’s what we’re building. It uses CSS Grid… Continue reading Solving Problems With CSS Grid: The Gantt Chart

How Prevalent is Dark UX?

Iconic comedy duo Mitchell and Webb once asked a very important question: “Are we the baddies?” Given that, at the time, they were dressed in Nazi uniforms with skulls on their hats, and looked like rejected villains from a Wolfenstein game, the answer was something of a foregone conclusion. But what about us? No, no… Continue reading How Prevalent is Dark UX?

Creative Essentials: Professional Tools That Make My Work Better

My name is Suzanne Scacca and I am a tool snob.  Before I became a writer, and before I entered the world of marketing and web design, I was a long-time project manager. And although I could’ve stepped into any of my project management jobs and simply executed the tasks employers asked of me, I… Continue reading Creative Essentials: Professional Tools That Make My Work Better

Answers From a Panel Discussion

A few months ago I ran a panel discussion for the Swedish organisation DataTjej that included four panelists, plus an audience of forty women and non-binary people to dig deeper into the potential of role models. The discussion gave us a huge amount of insights and showed that everyone can work together to overcome the… Continue reading Answers From a Panel Discussion