How to Customize Contact Form 7 for WordPress: Checkboxes and Radio Buttons

In the past, we’ve discussed different customizations of the WordPress Contact Form 7 (CF7) plugin. Today, we’ll learn how to build custom checkboxes and radio buttons with this plugin. Sound like a good exercise? Here are two animated images that show how these form elements will look after our custom styling: And here is a… Continue reading How to Customize Contact Form 7 for WordPress: Checkboxes and Radio Buttons

A Comprehensive Guide to Flexbox Ordering & Reordering

The flexbox layout module allows us to lay out flex items in any order and direction. Flexbox ordering is, in fact, easier than ordering with floats or CSS grid, even if you might not think so at first. As flexbox is a one-dimensional layout model, as opposed to CSS grid which is two-dimensional, you only have… Continue reading A Comprehensive Guide to Flexbox Ordering & Reordering

How to Preserve the Menu State on Page Load (Using Local Storage)

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial, we’ll create a simple static site with Tailwind CSS and then learn how to preserve its menu state on page load. The first time we visit the site, the menu will be hidden. However, as soon as we open it and close the browser, we’ll use local storage… Continue reading How to Preserve the Menu State on Page Load (Using Local Storage)

Form Input Validation Using Only HTML5 and Regex

Validation of form input is something that should be taken seriously. With luck, nothing worse than garbage data will be submitted to a site which uses data from forms without proper validation. However, there also a chance that hackers will be able to compromise the private data of users who trusted you with their information.… Continue reading Form Input Validation Using Only HTML5 and Regex

Creating Pretty Popup Messages Using SweetAlert2

Every now and then, you will have to show an alert box to your users to let them know about an error or notification. The problem with the default alert boxes provided by browsers is that they are not very attractive. When you are creating a website with great color combinations and fancy animation to… Continue reading Creating Pretty Popup Messages Using SweetAlert2

Create a Contact Form in PHP

No matter what type of website you own or manage, you probably need a contact form. The contact form can help your visitors request a quote, ask for information, or share any tips or problems they’re facing while using your website. In this tutorial, our focus will be on creating a fully functional contact form… Continue reading Create a Contact Form in PHP

Creating an Accessible Range Slider with CSS

April 29, 2020 I’ve always loved exploring how to make semantic, accessible elements aesthetically pleasing. And yes, it is possible. Challenging myself to do this has improved my CSS skills. Today we are going to talk about input[type=”range”]. These inputs where you select a value from a slider that has a thumb on it. You… Continue reading Creating an Accessible Range Slider with CSS

How Accessibility Taught me to be Better at JavaScript – Part Two

January 14, 2020 Content Warning: There are gifs in this post. Hey friends! Today’s writing is going to be a follow up to How Accessibility Taught Me to be Better At JavaScript. If you have read my content, one of my favorite topics is about JavaScript and Accessibility. I speak about how JavaScript is actually… Continue reading How Accessibility Taught me to be Better at JavaScript – Part Two

How to Build an Accordion Component With the CSS Checkbox Hack

What You’ll Be Creating In this short tutorial, we’ll learn how to build a CSS-only flexible accordion component by taking advantage of the “CSS checkbox hack technique”. Most importantly, our component will be fully responsive and its layout will switch between horizontal and vertical depending on the viewport size.  Along the way, we’ll discuss how… Continue reading How to Build an Accordion Component With the CSS Checkbox Hack

How to Add Sound to Your Site, Without Infuriating Users

Once in a while, every professional comes across a challenge so great, so ridiculous, that they just can’t help themselves. They just have to go for it. It’s like the story of David and Goliath… if David was just bored and Goliath wasn’t threatening his entire nation. As for me, I’m about to argue for… Continue reading How to Add Sound to Your Site, Without Infuriating Users

Build a Simple Weather App With Vanilla JavaScript

We have a lot of interesting things to cover, so grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started! Here’s a quick navigation menu for you. What You’ll Learn In This Weather API JavaScript Tutorial: Scaffolding the Weather App Find a Weather API What is OpenWeather? Where To Find Weather Icons and… Continue reading Build a Simple Weather App With Vanilla JavaScript

How to Code a “Click to Tweet” Button

With Instagram, Snapchat and other “young” social media platforms taking over the internet, Twitter still remains one of the most popular marketing channels. It has around 326 million active users per month which means that your target audience is likely using it. This is why you should at least consider using it as a marketing… Continue reading How to Code a “Click to Tweet” Button

An Overview of JavaScript Promises

This tutorial covers the basics of JavaScript promises, showing how you can leverage them in your JavaScript development. The concept of promises is not new to web development. Many of us have already used promises in the form of libraries such as Q, when.js, RSVP.js, etc. Even jQuery has something called a Deferred object, which… Continue reading An Overview of JavaScript Promises

Coding Buttons in CSS

March 2, 2018 by Spyrestudios Blogger CSS is the gold standard in web design, providing an organized framework for your website. It takes added skill, though, to turn a basic CSS grid into an interactive site. One of those necessary skills is adding clickable buttons within the CSS grid to enhance and simplify navigation. Once… Continue reading Coding Buttons in CSS

Build An Eye-Tracking Alien with JavaScript ― Scotch

Hi and welcome to our Code Challenge #4. This week on the challenge we shall be delving into mouse tracking with JavaScript and simple animations with CSS. The Challenge The challenge is basically to build this Alien from Mars. We were browsing CodePen and saw this awesome CSS alien built by Eduardo Sada. View the… Continue reading Build An Eye-Tracking Alien with JavaScript ― Scotch

CSS Lightsaber Checkbox ― Scotch

Welcome to our Code Challenge #3. Way back when about five years ago when we started, one of our very first articles was to create lightsabers using plain CSS. Let’s bring that back and see how we can build out the same thing in this week’s code challenge. The Challenge The challenge is to… Continue reading CSS Lightsaber Checkbox ― Scotch

Build a Calculator with CSS Grid ― Scotch

This post is the second in a new Scotch series called Code Challenge. We haven’t done one of these since April 23, 2015 but we’d love to start them up more often. Every week we will post an image or tiny app that you can try to build yourselves! We encourage you to use CodePen… Continue reading Build a Calculator with CSS Grid ― Scotch

How to Order and Align Items in Grid Layout

In this tutorial, you will learn how to control the order in which items are placed using the Grid Layout module. After that, we will discuss how to control the alignment of different items in the grid. In the past, we covered a few important Grid-related topics. We began by learning about different ways of… Continue reading How to Order and Align Items in Grid Layout

A Step by Step Guide to the Auto-Placement Algorithm in CSS Grid

In this tutorial, I’ll be going over all the steps the auto-placement algorithm of the CSS Grid Layout module follows when positioning elements. These steps are controlled by the grid-auto-flow property. In Introducing the CSS Grid Layout and Seven Ways You Can Place Elements Using CSS Grid Layout, I gave an overview of the CSS… Continue reading A Step by Step Guide to the Auto-Placement Algorithm in CSS Grid

9 Creative CSS Form Designs From Codepen

Here, we are presenting a useful assortment of some creative CSS form design ideas for your inspiration. Creativity is like a cat. Every now and then, it offers you head butts and scours against you. Then it provides you nothing but dead prey or stands back absolutely for days. The best way to spark your… Continue reading 9 Creative CSS Form Designs From Codepen