How to Create Custom Login and Registration Forms in WordPress

The login page is the first thing users will see when they need to access your site, so it needs to be beautiful and user-friendly. A boring login page can give users a bad impression of your site! Customizing the login to match your brand will lead to a better experience for users. In this… Continue reading How to Create Custom Login and Registration Forms in WordPress

How To Build Your First Business Website: 5 Tips Nobody Told You About

As harsh as it may sound, it is pretty much safe to say that nowadays, if your business is not online, it basically does not exist. That is because most people go online, before choosing a product or a service. Essentially, no matter how small your business is, we strongly recommend you to build a… Continue reading How To Build Your First Business Website: 5 Tips Nobody Told You About

Why Choose Customized Code Over Template Web Design

Your website is a representation of your brand online, and having it designed to look amazing should be a priority. In fact, 94% of people end up judging a website from the responsiveness of its web design. Most believe that a serious business will pay close attention to how they represent their brand online. Additionally,… Continue reading Why Choose Customized Code Over Template Web Design

The 7 Programming Languages Web Developers Need To Know in 2019

March 19, 2019 by Alex Fox It might not seem important for web developers to learn programming languages. After all, HTML and CSS can develop some incredible sites all on their own. But JavaScript, PHP, and Swift can all extend the functionality of your web page significantly in was that CSS can’t hope to accomplish.… Continue reading The 7 Programming Languages Web Developers Need To Know in 2019

5 Critical Elements You Need to Know to Build a Genuinely Cool Website

After completing 2 or 3 multi-page websites building a one-pager will take no time at all. Or so you’ve been told. The problem is, whoever told you that never tried putting together a one-pager. Or, at least one that could be bragged about. You’ll discover that cramming all the important information isn’t all that easy… Continue reading 5 Critical Elements You Need to Know to Build a Genuinely Cool Website

How to Improve Your Website’s Performance?

Not sure why your online business is not as competitive as you’d like it to be? Or maybe you’re experiencing conversion rate loss, especially during peak times? One of the reasons why you could be losing potential customers is poor website performance. Sadly, nowadays, potential clients won’t wait even a few seconds for you –… Continue reading How to Improve Your Website’s Performance?

4 Examples of Bad UI and How to Avoid Them

The easiest way to observe bad user interfaces is by keeping your eyes open. Every time you order something online, every time you visit a new website, every time you fill in a form, purchase a product or publish a post, think about how you’re being asked to perform that task. Where are the buttons… Continue reading 4 Examples of Bad UI and How to Avoid Them

Why Data Visualization Matters For Your Business

Data analysis has an undeniable role to play in today’s business operations. By studying the analyzed data, managers and department heads can detect loopholes as well as identify the strongholds of their business. As much as data is essential in efficiently running a business, unorganized or large amounts of data can be too challenging to… Continue reading Why Data Visualization Matters For Your Business

4 Best Practices for Professional Website Design

Business owners today face the constant challenge of trying to keep up with the latest digital marketing trends. One of the major priorities for any business offering services, selling products or providing valuable information is to have an ingenious website that has a compelling design, thought-provoking content, a design style that feeds into user experience… Continue reading 4 Best Practices for Professional Website Design

How to Use Bold Typography in Your Design

Bold typography is one of the most exciting trends that has emerged in design. Whether it’s online or offline content, typography helps you to communicate your message across to your audience. Designers can have fun with typography and be creative. Based on the typography you choose, you can establish a brand identity and send a… Continue reading How to Use Bold Typography in Your Design

5 Tips to Make Your Business Website User-Friendly for More Conversions

Days when businesses used websites for sharing information and promoting products only, are long gone. Today, companies use websites to improve customer experiences and increase traffic conversion. However, to offer your website visitors with the best experience possible, you need to ensure your site is as engaging as possible. One of the most critical aspects… Continue reading 5 Tips to Make Your Business Website User-Friendly for More Conversions

Why Web Devs Need To Know About Servers And Infrastructure In 2018

April 4, 2018 by Spyrestudios Blogger Web developers must always be up to date with the latest advancements in their field if they want to remain relevant and create future-proof websites. Since the computer industry is one of, if not the most, dynamic field of specialization, keeping abreast with what’s new is not as easy… Continue reading Why Web Devs Need To Know About Servers And Infrastructure In 2018

How SAP Fiori Can Help Transform User Experience?

In a context of digital transformation, many companies using SAP for their internal and external needs underestimate the importance of user experience. A lot has been said about SAP UX in terms of technology and design but still, the skills necessary for good user adoption are in short supply. That’s why SAP providers are in… Continue reading How SAP Fiori Can Help Transform User Experience?

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

Over 80% of consumers research a business, product or service online before making a purchase decision. Yet, only about half of businesses today have a website. Whether you’re an established business or a start-up, having a professional and interactive website that speaks your brand message should be a critical part of your business goals. Many… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

A series of interviews with senior UX leaders to celebrate International Women’s Day

Meet Elizabeth Elizabeth Churchill is currently a Director of User Experience at Google. She is an applied social scientist working in the area of human computer interaction, computer mediated communication, mobile/ubiquitous computing and social media. Elizabeth is the current Secretary/Treasurer of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world’s premier professional society for computer science… Continue reading A series of interviews with senior UX leaders to celebrate International Women’s Day

Building brand trust through UX Design

Be Secure Are you building an eCommerce website? Are you going to make the credit/debit card transactions happen on your website? This section is critical. What are the chances you would give your credit/debit card information to any random eCommerce website? None, right? I know your website is not the dodgy site still trying to… Continue reading Building brand trust through UX Design

Personas, jobs to be done, user needs = goals + pain points

Recently I’ve been working on discovering unmet user needs for my company using the Job-To-Be-Done framework, and I saw some arguments between people who use personas and people who use jobs-to-be-done (JTBD). A common critique of using personas from the JTBD people is that personas tend to focus on the attributes of the users (like… Continue reading Personas, jobs to be done, user needs = goals + pain points

The Secret to Creating Products That Scale

Bigger is better. Right? At least according to conventional startup wisdom, it is. It seems like many entrepreneurs are under constant pressure to scale from advisors and investors. Generally speaking, aggressive scaling involves ramping up sales and marketing, raising sufficient capital, and hiring and managing new people. But for some software companies, there is an… Continue reading The Secret to Creating Products That Scale

5 Essential Features of a Viable Human Resources Software

The end of the year makes an ideal time to reflect on the year’s performances and to make new resolutions for the new year. As a business owner, your human resources department is the most important within your company. The unit is vital in hiring, firing, payroll, benefits, and understanding all tax and employment laws.… Continue reading 5 Essential Features of a Viable Human Resources Software

Essential Ingredients For Every Competitive Analysis

The Whys Why are competitors doing things a certain way? Why do people trust or use a competitor’s product? Why is a particular product among the top 3 or top 5 solutions in the market? One of the most effective practice is to use the 5 Whys technique. You can read more about it here.… Continue reading Essential Ingredients For Every Competitive Analysis

Why You Should Seriously Consider Outsourcing Web Development

Smart outsourcing is key to the success of most businesses today. The company contracts external professionals to carry out its often non-strategic functions to focus its resources towards more strategic matters. You can have your accounting functions outsourced or your recruitment taken care of by a professional HR agency, or can outsource web development to… Continue reading Why You Should Seriously Consider Outsourcing Web Development

Design Continuity Matters

Planning and executing your site for multiple platforms Today’s digital data world is not inclusive of just the computer monitor or the laptop screen, but rather a combination of phones, tablets, smart devices, laptops, desktops, and mini-computers. As a business, it is vital that the information you present for such platforms have a level of… Continue reading Design Continuity Matters

Microcopy Tips to Improve Your Site’s UX

Microcopy is a fundamental part of your site’s UX. Let’s check out some microcopy tips for a better user experience. What is microcopy? Microcopy is made up of the tiny snippets of text scattered around your website. It can include things like button texts, form labels, interaction prompts, tool tips and even error messages. As… Continue reading Microcopy Tips to Improve Your Site’s UX

How to Improve Your Video Content Strategy

Video converts better than any other forms of media, that’s according to 70% of digital marketers. When it comes to driving awareness, customer engagement and lead conversions, more businesses are opting for video marketing. While many business owners are opting for video marketing, creating compelling content for their audience and ensuring that it helps achieve… Continue reading How to Improve Your Video Content Strategy