However much information you process when studying anything, there will be no results unless you start applying it in real life. To master a language, people usually practice writing, speaking, and listening to strengthen their knowledge after learning theory. With a programming language, it’s not quite the same. You can read the code and write… Continue reading Practice Makes Perfect: 4 Reasons You Struggle Learning JavaScript
Tag: sources
How to Curve Text in Affinity Designer
What You’ll Be Creating In the following steps, you will learn how to curve text in Affinity Designer. We’ll use this simple badge design to exemplify all the techniques that you can use to edit and stylize curved text in Affinity Designer. Once you’ve learned how to curve text in Affinity Designer, you can take… Continue reading How to Curve Text in Affinity Designer
10 Tips to Help You Find People Online (100% Works)
Want to reconnect with an old buddy but don’t know where to start? Do you want to learn more about the people in your life, your family members, or your relatives? Do you have any information about the whereabouts of someone you used to know? Everything and everyone is at your fingertips in this world… Continue reading 10 Tips to Help You Find People Online (100% Works)
17 Things You Can Do To Improve Your SEO Ranking In 2021
There’s no shortcut to success when it comes to Google search results. That is unless you count pay-per-click advertising. While pay-to-play will shoot your site to the top of the SERP immediately, it’s not a sustainable strategy for maintaining your position there. So, you’re going to have to get serious about SEO. This guide will… Continue reading 17 Things You Can Do To Improve Your SEO Ranking In 2021
WordPress Evolution Among Enterprise: Why Shift To Most Popular CMS?
0 Shares When talking about WordPress, it is renowned in the world of website development. Many large and small businesses are now adopting WordPress CMS for their website development. Let’s navigate the reasons why WordPress should be adopted by your firm? Firstly, the Reason behind need of WordPress in an Enterprise If you are into… Continue reading WordPress Evolution Among Enterprise: Why Shift To Most Popular CMS?
5 SEO Practices for Search Engines Other Than Google Web Developers and Designers Should Follow
May 17, 2021 by Sangalang Kristine Leave a Comment Although Google may be one of the most popular, there are multiple search engines that are gateways for users to the internet. Of course, just like Google Analytics, there are SEO practices for these search engines as well. How do we learn about SEO practices for… Continue reading 5 SEO Practices for Search Engines Other Than Google Web Developers and Designers Should Follow
3 Effective Ways To Improve Your Site’s Carbon Footprint
At the dawn of the web-era, there was much focus on how environmentally friendly websites were: we’d chop down fewer trees, ship fewer products, and travel less for business. And because the web was small, any negative impact it had was relatively small. But the Internet’s no longer small, and neither is the impact it… Continue reading 3 Effective Ways To Improve Your Site’s Carbon Footprint
How to Create a Summer Portrait With Ice Cream in Procreate
What You’ll Be Creating Just imagine: a scorching sun, a clear blue sky, a cool breeze blowing in from the sea, and your favorite ice cream in your hand. Well, aren’t these the key ingredients for a perfect summer mood? In this tutorial we’ll try to picture this mood by creating a colorful summer portrait… Continue reading How to Create a Summer Portrait With Ice Cream in Procreate
Unusual Sources Of Inspiration- 45 Killer Graffiti Characters To Inspire You
March 2, 2021 by Jon 13 Comments The usual places for inspiration simply don’t cut it at times, so let’s explore a somewhat unusual place to find design inspiration – Graffiti Characters. Avid fans of the art, you know that graffiti can definitely be a source of inspiration when you’re facing a roadblock. From colors… Continue reading Unusual Sources Of Inspiration- 45 Killer Graffiti Characters To Inspire You
How to Create a Vintage Type Postcard
What You’ll Be Creating In the following steps, you will learn how to design a vintage postcard in Adobe Illustrator. Harken back to an era when postcards were all the rage with this friendly type style. The tutorial will delve into clipping masks, using bitmap images, working with layers, effects, and blends. What You’ll Learn… Continue reading How to Create a Vintage Type Postcard
8 Easy Ways to Improve Your Website Typography in Under 30 Minutes
Typography is one of the most important elements of any site, having a measurably large impact on brand and experience. So fundamental is it that making wholesale changes to your typography — opting for a new font, changing the measure, increasing leading — is complex and fraught with potential time-sinks. But there are some simple… Continue reading 8 Easy Ways to Improve Your Website Typography in Under 30 Minutes
How to Create a Pastel Gradient Background
What You’ll Be Creating In the following steps, you will learn how to create a pastel gradient background in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. Cool and warm, this timeless trend will give a soothing effect to any design. All you have to do is look for the best gradient combinations. Looking to download some pastel… Continue reading How to Create a Pastel Gradient Background
How to Use Figma’s Inspect Panel
What You’ll Be Creating We’re going to design a scheduling app in Figma! In doing so we’ll work with Figma’s Inspect panel, explaining how to export a Figma design to code, how to inspect a Figma design system, and how to use Figma to inspect any element from a design. What You Will Learn in… Continue reading How to Use Figma’s Inspect Panel
Web Design: 37 Modern Website UI / UX Design Examples
77 Shares Web design trends for 2021 are continue grow and make website UI design and user experience more attractive. In this showcase we are gathered new web design trend website examples, you might want to look into. Read through our article to find a list of the newest web design practices and developments –… Continue reading Web Design: 37 Modern Website UI / UX Design Examples
Why Do Websites Look the Same (And Should We Care)?
If we don’t question this kind of design homogenization, do we put ourselves at risk of perpetuating the same mistakes in the years to come? Or is it even a mistake to begin with? Today, I’m going to look at four things that are likely causing this, and what you can do to break the… Continue reading Why Do Websites Look the Same (And Should We Care)?
Not All Traffic is Created Equally: Measuring The Importance of Traffic Sources & Setting UTMs
There’s no shortage of ways in which you can generate traffic towards a website, and the list seems to be growing on a daily basis. For every new traffic generation method, there are thousands of fresh sources of traffic for businesses to tap into. Plenty of people find themselves so caught up in focusing on… Continue reading Not All Traffic is Created Equally: Measuring The Importance of Traffic Sources & Setting UTMs
eCommerce SEO: 5 Proven Ways to Grow Sales
We get it, budgets are really tight at the moment. Not only are small businesses and start-ups battling to keep their heads above water during this time, but corporate giants are also feeling the pinch. With this in mind, we thought we would step in and give you a helping hand with one of the… Continue reading eCommerce SEO: 5 Proven Ways to Grow Sales
20 Best Android App Templates of 2020
Using app templates allows you to meet your client deadlines faster because all the programming work has been done for you. All you need is to build the app according to your clients needs. One of the many Android app templates available on CodeCanyon Top Selling Android App Templates for 2020 on CodeCanyon For a… Continue reading 20 Best Android App Templates of 2020
Aviation stack flight tracking API!
Aviation stack API is an API that tracks data in real-time. It is available to track flights in real-time as well as historical data for all commercially available flights. It is free and is available all over the globe. Trusted by over 500 companies worldwide, it is the leading tracking API in the modern market.… Continue reading Aviation stack flight tracking API!
Understanding Inner Shadows in Photoshop
What You’ll Be Creating Photoshop layer styles are a popular way to add effects, such as drop shadows and strokes, to layers in a non-destructive way. In this tutorial, I’m going to explain all the different settings that you’ll need to know about when adding an inner shadow in Photoshop. So, if you want to… Continue reading Understanding Inner Shadows in Photoshop
Top-10 Websites With Interesting Design to Take Inspiration From
If you find it difficult to find inspiration or want to learn something new, improve your already acquired skills, share your achievements or sell your own masterpieces, we suggest you to get acquainted with the 10 most interesting sites for typical creative personalities. Finding inspiration is not easy. But the good news is that the… Continue reading Top-10 Websites With Interesting Design to Take Inspiration From
Is There a Viable Alternative to Javascript?
The short answer to the title question is “no.” The long answer is more complex, and begins with, “kindof…” There are several JavaScript alternatives for developers, but (for now) they have to be transpiled into JavaScript before they’re deployed. People Love to Hate JavaScript This is not a surprise, if we consider some obvious drawbacks… Continue reading Is There a Viable Alternative to Javascript?
50 Amazing 3D Text Tutorials for Photoshop and Illustrator (Beginner to Advanced)
Master text effects with these 50 amazing tutorials. Check out this list for inspiration. 50 3D Text Tutorials for Photoshop and Illustrator Type communicates so much more than just words. And when creatives join forces with type, they create magical text effects using programs like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Want to get in on the… Continue reading 50 Amazing 3D Text Tutorials for Photoshop and Illustrator (Beginner to Advanced)
Running an Online Business? Cybersecurity Should Be on Top of Your List
Maintaining a solid online presence is an essential aspect of running a business nowadays. Most consumers are already online, so the internet is the perfect place to reach out and expand your target demographic. Besides advertising on social media and through email newsletters, most companies also have their own dedicated business website. But in an… Continue reading Running an Online Business? Cybersecurity Should Be on Top of Your List